--[[ t提供了兩種方案 方案1和2 ]] local skynet = require "skynet" local service = require "skynet.service" local schedule = {} local service_addr -- ttime = { month=, day=, wday=, hour= , min= } function schedule.submit(ttime) return skynet.call(service_addr, "lua", ttime) -- TOO(do somthing) -- skynet.error(" schedule.submit") end function schedule.changetime(ttime) local tmp = {} for k, v in pairs(ttime) do tmp[k] = v end tmp.changetime = true return skynet.call(service_addr, "lua", tmp) end skynet.init(function() local schedule_service = function() local skynet = require "skynet" local task = {session = 0,difftime = 0} local tasksession = {} local function next_time(now, ttime) -- 參數如今的時間,日程時間 local ntime = { year = now.year, month = now.month, day = now.day, hour = ttime.hour or 0, min = ttime.min or 0, sec = ttime.sec, } -- skynet.error(now.year,now.month,now.day,now.hour,now.min,now.sec,now.wday) -- skynet.error(ttime.year,ttime.month,ttime.day,ttime.hour,ttime.min,ttime.sec,ttime.wday) -- skynet.error(ntime.year,ntime.month,ntime.day,ntime.hour,ntime.min,ntime.sec,ntime.wday) if ttime.wday then -- 每週的活動 -- set week assert(ttime.day == nil and ttime.month == nil) ntime.day = ntime.day + ttime.wday - now.wday local t = os.time(ntime) if t < now.time then ntime.day = ntime.day + 7 end else -- 若是日程時間使日期的話 -- set day,no week day if ttime.day then ntime.day = ttime.day end if ttime.month then ntime.month = ttime.month end local t = os.time(ntime) -- 換成秒 if t < now.time then --時間和如今比是過去的時間變成下個月或者下一年 if ttime.month then ntime.year = ntime.year + 1 else ntime.month = ntime.month + 1 end end end skynet.error("next_time ",ntime.year,ntime.month,ntime.day,ntime.hour,ntime.min,ntime.sec,ntime.wday) return os.time(ntime) -- 將下第二天程的時間換成秒返回 end local function changetime(ttime) local ctime = math.floor(skynet.time()) --向下取整 --local now = math.floor(skynet.time()) skynet.error("changetime",ctime) local current = os.date("*t",ctime) --將ctime 轉換成*t的表結構 current.time = ctime -- 保存原來的時間 if not ttime.hour then -- 若是原來表結構中沒有小時,將如今的小時賦值給它 ttime.hour = current.hour end if not ttime.min then -- 若是原來表結構中沒有分鐘,將如今的分鐘賦值給它 ttime.min = current.min end ttime.sec = current.sec -- 如今的秒賦值給它 local ntime = next_time(current,ttime) -- 計算出下一第二天程的時間 skynet.error(string.format("Change time to nex %s",os.date(nil,ntime))) skynet.error(string.format("Change time to cur %s",os.date(nil,ctime))) local unique_diff = os.difftime(ntime,ctime) -- 方案1計算出下第二天程距離如今時間還有多少秒 --task.difftime = os.difftime(ntime,ctime) --skynet.error("changetime task.difftime",task.difftime) skynet.error("changetime unique_diff",unique_diff) for k, v in pairs(task) do -- 日期改變了才 遍歷日程表,喚醒全部掛起的線程 local ttask_diff = 0 --方案1 if type(v) == "table" then ttask_diff = os.difftime(v.time, math.floor(skynet.time())) -- 方案1 if unique_diff > ttask_diff then --方案1 task[k].difftime = ttask_diff --方案1 --task.difftime = ttask_diff end skynet.error("changetime unique_diff",k,unique_diff) skynet.error("changetime task.difftime",k,task.difftime) skynet.error("changetime ttask_diff",k,ttask_diff) skynet.error("changetime session",k, type(v.co)) skynet.wakeup(v.co) -- 喚醒服務 end end skynet.ret() end -- {year = 2020, month=12, day=31, hour=20 , min=30} local function submit(_, addr, ttime) if ttime.changetime then return changetime(ttime) end local session = task.session + 1 task.session = session task[session] = {time = 0, address = addr, difftime = 0}-- 方案1 skynet.error("submit task.session",task.session) repeat -- 循環 直到時間到了 local now = math.floor(skynet.time()) -- 真的當前時間戳 skynet.error(string.format("submit now %s",os.date(nil,now))) local ctime = now + task[session].difftime -- 方案1如今的時間+日程距離如今的秒數 = 假的當前的時間戳 local ctime = now + task.difftime -- 方案2 skynet.error("submit task[session].difftime",session,task[session].difftime) -- if ctime > task[session].time then -- 方案2 -- break -- 方案2 -- end-- 方案2 local current = os.date("*t",ctime) -- 變成結構 current.time = ctime -- 增長一項time local ntime = next_time(current,ttime) -- 計算下第二天程時間 skynet.error(string.format("submit ntime %s",os.date(nil,ntime))) skynet.error(string.format("submit ntime %d",ntime)) skynet.error(string.format("submit ctime %s",os.date(nil,ctime))) task[session].time = ntime -- 方案1 task[session].co = coroutine.running()-- 方案1 local diff = os.difftime(ntime,ctime) skynet.error("submit sleep",diff,session) until skynet.sleep(diff * 100) ~= "BREAK" -- 休眠diff * 100 task[session] = nil skynet.ret() end skynet.start(function() skynet.dispatch("lua", submit) skynet.info_func(function() local info = {} for k, v in pairs(task) do if type(v) == "table" then table.insert(info, { time = os.date(nil, v.time), address = skynet.address(v.address), }) end return info end end) end) end service_addr = service.new("schedule", schedule_service) -- 啓動一個服務 end) return schedule