
H2O Ensemble: Stacking in H2O

H2O Ensemble已經實現成爲一個成爲h2oEnsemble的獨立R包。該包是h2o這個包的擴展,它容許用戶在h2o集羣上使用任意的h2o監督學習算法來訓練一個集成模型。在h2o這個R包中,h2oEnsemble中的全部計算實際上都在H2O集羣內部執行,而不是在R內存中執行。html

Super Learner集成算法中的主要計算任務是初級學習器與次級學習器的訓練和交叉驗證。所以,在R中(而不是在Java中)實現集成的「plumbing」不會致使性能的損失。全部的訓練和數據處理都在高性能H2O集羣中進行。java

H2O Ensemble目前只支持迴歸和二分類任務, 將在之後的版本中添加多分類支持。git


install.packages("h2o", type="source", repos=(c("http://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/rel-turchin/9/R")))

安裝 H2O Ensemble

爲了安裝 h2oEnsemble包,你只須要按照README文件中的安裝說明,這也是爲了方便起見。算法

H2O R Package

首先,你須要安裝H2O R包,若是你尚未安裝它。R安裝說明參見:http://h2o.ai/downloadsegmentfault

H2O Ensemble R Package

推薦的h2oEnsemble R軟件包的安裝方式是直接從GitHub使用devtools軟件包。(H2O World教程參加者能夠從提供的U盤安裝軟件包)。oracle



Higgs Demo

這是一個使用h2o.ensemble函數的二分類例子,h2o.ensembleh2oEnsemble包裏的一個函數。這個演示使用的是 HIGGS dataset數據集的子集,有28個數值特徵和一個二分類響應變量,在該示例中的機器學習任務是區分產生Higgs 玻色子(Y = 1)的和不產生玻色子的背景(Y = 0)。數據集的正例反例大體相同,也就是說這是一個類別平衡的數據集。app

若是從純R運行,請在此腳本的目錄中執行R。若是從RStudio運行,請確保setwd()到此腳本的位置。 h2o.init()在R的當前工做目錄中啓動H2O。 h2o.importFile()是h2o中的文件導入函數。dom


library(h2oEnsemble)  # This will load the `h2o` R package as well
h2o.init(nthreads = -1,enable_assertions = FALSE)  # Start an H2O cluster with nthreads = num cores on your machine,-1 means use  all CPUs on the host
h2o.removeAll() # (Optional) Remove all objects in H2O cluster



train <- h2o.importFile("https://s3.amazonaws.com/erin-data/higgs/higgs_train_5k.csv")
test <- h2o.importFile("https://s3.amazonaws.com/erin-data/higgs/higgs_test_5k.csv")
y <- "response"
x <- setdiff(names(train), y)
family <- "binomial"

對於二分類問題,響應變量應該是一個factor 類型(在JAVA中爲 enum類型,Python中的Pandas爲categorial類型),用戶能夠在使用h2o.importFile函數時指定列的類型,你也能夠按照以下方法指定列類型:

train[,y] <- as.factor(train[,y])  
test[,y] <- as.factor(test[,y])


在這裏,咱們將使用h2o.ensemble的默認初級學習器庫,默認的函數包括GLM, Random Forest, GBM and Deep Neural Net (全部模型使用默認的參數)。同時,次級學習器咱們也使用默認的 H2O GLM。

learner <- c("h2o.glm.wrapper", "h2o.randomForest.wrapper", 
             "h2o.gbm.wrapper", "h2o.deeplearning.wrapper")
metalearner <- "h2o.glm.wrapper"



fit <- h2o.ensemble(x = x, y = y, 
                    training_frame = train, 
                    family = family, 
                    learner = learner, 
                    metalearner = metalearner,
                    cvControl = list(V = 5))


因爲響應變量是二分類的,咱們可使用ROC曲線下面積(AUC)來評估模型性能。 計算測試集性能,並按AUC(二項分類的默認度量)排序:

perf <- h2o.ensemble_performance(fit, newdata = test)


> perf

Base learner performance, sorted by specified metric:
                   learner       AUC
1          h2o.glm.wrapper 0.6824304
4 h2o.deeplearning.wrapper 0.7006335
2 h2o.randomForest.wrapper 0.7570211
3          h2o.gbm.wrapper 0.7780807

H2O Ensemble Performance on <newdata>:
Family: binomial

Ensemble performance (AUC): 0.781580655670451




  • 經過 cvControl 參數來增長交叉驗證的折數。
  • 改變初級學習器與次級學習器。

注意,上面的集成結果是不可重現的,由於 h2o.deeplearning 在使用多個核時結果不可重現,而且咱們沒有爲 h2o.randomForest.wrapper設置隨機種子。

若是你想使用不一樣的評測方式,好比說"MSE",咱們能夠經過 print 函數來實現。

> print(perf, metric = "MSE")

Base learner performance, sorted by specified metric:
                   learner       MSE
4 h2o.deeplearning.wrapper 0.2305775
1          h2o.glm.wrapper 0.2225176
2 h2o.randomForest.wrapper 0.2014339
3          h2o.gbm.wrapper 0.1916273

H2O Ensemble Performance on <newdata>:
Family: binomial

Ensemble performance (MSE): 0.1898735479034431



pred <- predict(fit, newdata = test)

若是須要將預測值返回R內存中進行進一步處理,能夠將ped轉換爲本地R 的數據框,以下所示:

predictions <- as.data.frame(pred$pred)[,3]  #third column is P(Y==1)
labels <- as.data.frame(test[,y])[,1]

h2o.ensemble擬合的predict方法將返回一個列表,它包含兩個對象。 pred$pred對象包含的是集成的預測結果, pred$basepred 返回的是一個矩陣,包含每一個初級學習器的預測值。在這個例子中,咱們使用了4個初級學習器,因此pred$basepred 返回的矩陣包含4列。




h2o.glm.1 <- function(..., alpha = 0.0) h2o.glm.wrapper(..., alpha = alpha)
h2o.glm.2 <- function(..., alpha = 0.5) h2o.glm.wrapper(..., alpha = alpha)
h2o.glm.3 <- function(..., alpha = 1.0) h2o.glm.wrapper(..., alpha = alpha)
h2o.randomForest.1 <- function(..., ntrees = 200, nbins = 50, seed = 1) h2o.randomForest.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, nbins = nbins, seed = seed)
h2o.randomForest.2 <- function(..., ntrees = 200, sample_rate = 0.75, seed = 1) h2o.randomForest.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, sample_rate = sample_rate, seed = seed)
h2o.randomForest.3 <- function(..., ntrees = 200, sample_rate = 0.85, seed = 1) h2o.randomForest.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, sample_rate = sample_rate, seed = seed)
h2o.randomForest.4 <- function(..., ntrees = 200, nbins = 50, balance_classes = TRUE, seed = 1) h2o.randomForest.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, nbins = nbins, balance_classes = balance_classes, seed = seed)
h2o.gbm.1 <- function(..., ntrees = 100, seed = 1) h2o.gbm.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, seed = seed)
h2o.gbm.2 <- function(..., ntrees = 100, nbins = 50, seed = 1) h2o.gbm.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, nbins = nbins, seed = seed)
h2o.gbm.3 <- function(..., ntrees = 100, max_depth = 10, seed = 1) h2o.gbm.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, max_depth = max_depth, seed = seed)
h2o.gbm.4 <- function(..., ntrees = 100, col_sample_rate = 0.8, seed = 1) h2o.gbm.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, col_sample_rate = col_sample_rate, seed = seed)
h2o.gbm.5 <- function(..., ntrees = 100, col_sample_rate = 0.7, seed = 1) h2o.gbm.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, col_sample_rate = col_sample_rate, seed = seed)
h2o.gbm.6 <- function(..., ntrees = 100, col_sample_rate = 0.6, seed = 1) h2o.gbm.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, col_sample_rate = col_sample_rate, seed = seed)
h2o.gbm.7 <- function(..., ntrees = 100, balance_classes = TRUE, seed = 1) h2o.gbm.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, balance_classes = balance_classes, seed = seed)
h2o.gbm.8 <- function(..., ntrees = 100, max_depth = 3, seed = 1) h2o.gbm.wrapper(..., ntrees = ntrees, max_depth = max_depth, seed = seed)
h2o.deeplearning.1 <- function(..., hidden = c(500,500), activation = "Rectifier", epochs = 50, seed = 1)  h2o.deeplearning.wrapper(..., hidden = hidden, activation = activation, seed = seed)
h2o.deeplearning.2 <- function(..., hidden = c(200,200,200), activation = "Tanh", epochs = 50, seed = 1)  h2o.deeplearning.wrapper(..., hidden = hidden, activation = activation, seed = seed)
h2o.deeplearning.3 <- function(..., hidden = c(500,500), activation = "RectifierWithDropout", epochs = 50, seed = 1)  h2o.deeplearning.wrapper(..., hidden = hidden, activation = activation, seed = seed)
h2o.deeplearning.4 <- function(..., hidden = c(500,500), activation = "Rectifier", epochs = 50, balance_classes = TRUE, seed = 1)  h2o.deeplearning.wrapper(..., hidden = hidden, activation = activation, balance_classes = balance_classes, seed = seed)
h2o.deeplearning.5 <- function(..., hidden = c(100,100,100), activation = "Rectifier", epochs = 50, seed = 1)  h2o.deeplearning.wrapper(..., hidden = hidden, activation = activation, seed = seed)
h2o.deeplearning.6 <- function(..., hidden = c(50,50), activation = "Rectifier", epochs = 50, seed = 1)  h2o.deeplearning.wrapper(..., hidden = hidden, activation = activation, seed = seed)
h2o.deeplearning.7 <- function(..., hidden = c(100,100), activation = "Rectifier", epochs = 50, seed = 1)  h2o.deeplearning.wrapper(..., hidden = hidden, activation = activation, seed = seed)



learner <- c("h2o.glm.wrapper",
             "h2o.randomForest.1", "h2o.randomForest.2",
             "h2o.gbm.1", "h2o.gbm.6", "h2o.gbm.8",
             "h2o.deeplearning.1", "h2o.deeplearning.6", "h2o.deeplearning.7")


fit <- h2o.ensemble(x = x, y = y, 
                    training_frame = train,
                    family = family, 
                    learner = learner, 
                    metalearner = metalearner,
                    cvControl = list(V = 5))


perf <- h2o.ensemble_performance(fit, newdata = test)


> perf

Base learner performance, sorted by specified metric:
             learner       AUC
1    h2o.glm.wrapper 0.6824304
7 h2o.deeplearning.1 0.6897187
8 h2o.deeplearning.6 0.6998472
9 h2o.deeplearning.7 0.7048874
2 h2o.randomForest.1 0.7668024
3 h2o.randomForest.2 0.7697849
4          h2o.gbm.1 0.7751240
6          h2o.gbm.8 0.7752852
5          h2o.gbm.6 0.7771115

H2O Ensemble Performance on <newdata>:
Family: binomial

Ensemble performance (AUC): 0.780924502576107

那麼,若是咱們移除一些較弱的學習器,那麼會發生什麼呢? 讓咱們從學習器中刪除GLM和DL,看看會發生什麼。

learner <- c("h2o.randomForest.1", "h2o.randomForest.2",
             "h2o.gbm.1", "h2o.gbm.6", "h2o.gbm.8")


fit <- h2o.ensemble(x = x, y = y, 
                     training_frame = train,
                     family = family, 
                     learner = learner, 
                     metalearner = metalearner,
                     cvControl = list(V = 5))

perf <- h2o.ensemble_performance(fit, newdata = test)

實際上,移除弱學習器後咱們的集成表現有所降低! 這代表了堆疊與大量和多樣化的基學習器的做用。

> perf

Base learner performance, sorted by specified metric:
             learner       AUC
1 h2o.randomForest.1 0.7668024
2 h2o.randomForest.2 0.7697849
3          h2o.gbm.1 0.7751240
5          h2o.gbm.8 0.7752852
4          h2o.gbm.6 0.7771115

H2O Ensemble Performance on <newdata>:
Family: binomial

Ensemble performance (AUC): 0.778853964308554

首先你會想到,你能夠假設去除性能較低的模型會提升系綜的性能。然而,每一個學習器都有本身對集成模型的獨特貢獻,學習器之間的多樣性一般會提升性能。Stacking 算法是以優於其餘結合方法的方式,將全部學習器組合在一塊兒的優化方式。

Stacking 現有的模型集



您也可使用h2o模型的做爲起點,並使用h2o.stack() 函數將它們經過指定的次級學習器。


示例以下。 如上所述,啓動H2O集羣並加載訓練和測試數據。

h2o.init(nthreads = -1) # Start H2O cluster using all available CPU threads

# Import a sample binary outcome train/test set into R
train <- h2o.importFile("https://s3.amazonaws.com/erin-data/higgs/higgs_train_5k.csv")
test <- h2o.importFile("https://s3.amazonaws.com/erin-data/higgs/higgs_test_5k.csv")
y <- "response"
x <- setdiff(names(train), y)
family <- "binomial"

#For binary classification, response should be a factor
train[,y] <- as.factor(train[,y])
test[,y] <- as.factor(test[,y])


# The h2o.stack function is an alternative to the h2o.ensemble function, which
# allows the user to specify H2O models individually and then stack them together
# at a later time.  Saved models, re-loaded from disk, can also be stacked.

# The base models must use identical cv folds; this can be achieved in two ways:
# 1. they be specified explicitly by using the fold_column argument, or
# 2. use same value for `nfolds` and set `fold_assignment = "Modulo"`

nfolds <- 5  

glm1 <- h2o.glm(x = x, y = y, family = family, 
                training_frame = train,
                nfolds = nfolds,
                fold_assignment = "Modulo",
                keep_cross_validation_predictions = TRUE)

gbm1 <- h2o.gbm(x = x, y = y, distribution = "bernoulli",
                training_frame = train,
                seed = 1,
                nfolds = nfolds,
                fold_assignment = "Modulo",
                keep_cross_validation_predictions = TRUE)

rf1 <- h2o.randomForest(x = x, y = y, # distribution not used for RF
                        training_frame = train,
                        seed = 1,
                        nfolds = nfolds,
                        fold_assignment = "Modulo",
                        keep_cross_validation_predictions = TRUE)

dl1 <- h2o.deeplearning(x = x, y = y, distribution = "bernoulli",
                        training_frame = train,
                        nfolds = nfolds,
                        fold_assignment = "Modulo",
                        keep_cross_validation_predictions = TRUE)

models <- list(glm1, gbm1, rf1, dl1)
metalearner <- "h2o.glm.wrapper"

stack <- h2o.stack(models = models,
                   response_frame = train[,y],
                   metalearner = metalearner, 
                   seed = 1,
                   keep_levelone_data = TRUE)

# Compute test set performance:
perf <- h2o.ensemble_performance(stack, newdata = test)


> print(perf)

Base learner performance, sorted by specified metric:
                                   learner       AUC
1          GLM_model_R_1480128759162_16643 0.6822933
4 DeepLearning_model_R_1480128759162_18909 0.7016809
3          DRF_model_R_1480128759162_17790 0.7546005
2          GBM_model_R_1480128759162_16661 0.7780807

H2O Ensemble Performance on <newdata>:
Family: binomial

Ensemble performance (AUC): 0.781241759877087

Roadmap for H2O Ensemble

H2O Ensemble目前只能使用R API,可是,它將在將來的版本中經過咱們的全部API訪問。

更新:Ensembles已經在H2O Java核心中被實現爲模型類,"H2OStackedEnsembleEstimator".

代碼能夠在h2o-3的ensembles分支上找到。 R和Python中的API即將推出。


關掉 H2O




