select b.* from (select a.*,row_number() over (partition by 列1 order by 列2 desc) rn from a) b where rn=1; --如需聯表 select e.Customer,a.SAPModel,a.PackNo,a.Quantity,a.Bin,a.LastUpdated as StockInTime,a.High,a.Width,a.Length, a.Weight, a.Batch, case when a.PackedType=''Box'' then t.PalletNo else a.PackNo end as Pallet,a.PO ,f.Status from FG_StockIn_Detail a inner join Pull_WareHouse b on b.WHID=A.WHID inner join MES_Customer e on a.CustomerID=e.CustomerID and a.QMID=e.QMID left join FG_Mes_Containers_Status f on a.PackNo=f.ContainerNumber and a.CustomerID=f.CustomerID and a.QMID=f.QMID outer apply (select top 1 * from FG_Mes_Container_Links h where a.PackNo=h.BoxNo and h.QMID=e.QMID and h.CustomerID=e.CustomerID order by h.LastUpdated desc ) t where a.Bin is not null and a.Bin<>''