@Override public void persist(String entityName, Object object) throws HibernateException { firePersist( new PersistEvent( entityName, object, this ) ); } private void firePersist(PersistEvent event) { errorIfClosed(); checkTransactionSynchStatus(); checkNoUnresolvedActionsBeforeOperation(); for ( PersistEventListener listener : listeners( EventType.PERSIST ) ) { listener.onPersist( event ); } checkNoUnresolvedActionsAfterOperation(); }
/** * Handle the given create event. * * @param event The create event to be handled. * * @throws HibernateException */ public void onPersist(PersistEvent event) throws HibernateException { onPersist( event, new IdentityHashMap( 10 ) ); } /** * Handle the given create event. * * @param event The create event to be handled. * * @throws HibernateException */ public void onPersist(PersistEvent event, Map createCache) throws HibernateException { final SessionImplementor source = event.getSession(); final Object object = event.getObject(); final Object entity; if ( object instanceof HibernateProxy ) { LazyInitializer li = ( (HibernateProxy) object ).getHibernateLazyInitializer(); if ( li.isUninitialized() ) { if ( li.getSession() == source ) { return; //NOTE EARLY EXIT! } else { throw new PersistentObjectException( "uninitialized proxy passed to persist()" ); } } entity = li.getImplementation(); } else { entity = object; } final String entityName; if ( event.getEntityName() != null ) { entityName = event.getEntityName(); } else { entityName = source.bestGuessEntityName( entity ); event.setEntityName( entityName ); } final EntityEntry entityEntry = source.getPersistenceContext().getEntry( entity ); EntityState entityState = getEntityState( entity, entityName, entityEntry, source ); if ( entityState == EntityState.DETACHED ) { // JPA 2, in its version of a "foreign generated", allows the id attribute value // to be manually set by the user, even though this manual value is irrelevant. // The issue is that this causes problems with the Hibernate unsaved-value strategy // which comes into play here in determining detached/transient state. // // Detect if we have this situation and if so null out the id value and calculate the // entity state again. // NOTE: entityEntry must be null to get here, so we cannot use any of its values EntityPersister persister = source.getFactory().getEntityPersister( entityName ); if ( ForeignGenerator.class.isInstance( persister.getIdentifierGenerator() ) ) { if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() && persister.getIdentifier( entity, source ) != null ) { LOG.debug( "Resetting entity id attribute to null for foreign generator" ); } persister.setIdentifier( entity, null, source ); entityState = getEntityState( entity, entityName, entityEntry, source ); } } switch ( entityState ) { case DETACHED: { throw new PersistentObjectException( "detached entity passed to persist: " + getLoggableName( event.getEntityName(), entity ) ); } case PERSISTENT: { entityIsPersistent( event, createCache ); break; } case TRANSIENT: { entityIsTransient( event, createCache ); break; } case DELETED: { entityEntry.setStatus( Status.MANAGED ); entityEntry.setDeletedState( null ); event.getSession().getActionQueue().unScheduleDeletion( entityEntry, event.getObject() ); entityIsDeleted( event, createCache ); break; } default: { throw new ObjectDeletedException( "deleted entity passed to persist", null, getLoggableName( event.getEntityName(), entity ) ); } } }
/** * Handle the given create event. * * @param event The save event to be handled. * @param createCache The copy cache of entity instance to merge/copy instance. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) protected void entityIsTransient(PersistEvent event, Map createCache) { LOG.trace( "Saving transient instance" ); final EventSource source = event.getSession(); final Object entity = source.getPersistenceContext().unproxy( event.getObject() ); if ( createCache.put( entity, entity ) == null ) { saveWithGeneratedId( entity, event.getEntityName(), createCache, source, false ); } }
/** * Prepares the save call using a newly generated id. * * @param entity The entity to be saved * @param entityName The entity-name for the entity to be saved * @param anything Generally cascade-specific information. * @param source The session which is the source of this save event. * @param requiresImmediateIdAccess does the event context require * access to the identifier immediately after execution of this method (if * not, post-insert style id generators may be postponed if we are outside * a transaction). * * @return The id used to save the entity; may be null depending on the * type of id generator used and the requiresImmediateIdAccess value */ protected Serializable saveWithGeneratedId( Object entity, String entityName, Object anything, EventSource source, boolean requiresImmediateIdAccess) { EntityPersister persister = source.getEntityPersister( entityName, entity ); Serializable generatedId = persister.getIdentifierGenerator().generate( source, entity ); if ( generatedId == null ) { throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "null id generated for:" + entity.getClass() ); } else if ( generatedId == IdentifierGeneratorHelper.SHORT_CIRCUIT_INDICATOR ) { return source.getIdentifier( entity ); } else if ( generatedId == IdentifierGeneratorHelper.POST_INSERT_INDICATOR ) { return performSave( entity, null, persister, true, anything, source, requiresImmediateIdAccess ); } else { // TODO: define toString()s for generators if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) { LOG.debugf( "Generated identifier: %s, using strategy: %s", persister.getIdentifierType().toLoggableString( generatedId, source.getFactory() ), persister.getIdentifierGenerator().getClass().getName() ); } return performSave( entity, generatedId, persister, false, anything, source, true ); } }
/** * Performs all the actual work needed to save an entity (well to get the save moved to * the execution queue). * * @param entity The entity to be saved * @param key The id to be used for saving the entity (or null, in the case of identity columns) * @param persister The entity's persister instance. * @param useIdentityColumn Should an identity column be used for id generation? * @param anything Generally cascade-specific information. * @param source The session which is the source of the current event. * @param requiresImmediateIdAccess Is access to the identifier required immediately * after the completion of the save? persist(), for example, does not require this... * * @return The id used to save the entity; may be null depending on the * type of id generator used and the requiresImmediateIdAccess value */ protected Serializable performSaveOrReplicate( Object entity, EntityKey key, EntityPersister persister, boolean useIdentityColumn, Object anything, EventSource source, boolean requiresImmediateIdAccess) { Serializable id = key == null ? null : key.getIdentifier(); boolean inTxn = source.isTransactionInProgress(); boolean shouldDelayIdentityInserts = !inTxn && !requiresImmediateIdAccess; // Put a placeholder in entries, so we don't recurse back and try to save() the // same object again. QUESTION: should this be done before onSave() is called? // likewise, should it be done before onUpdate()? EntityEntry original = source.getPersistenceContext().addEntry( entity, Status.SAVING, null, null, id, null, LockMode.WRITE, useIdentityColumn, persister, false, false ); cascadeBeforeSave( source, persister, entity, anything ); Object[] values = persister.getPropertyValuesToInsert( entity, getMergeMap( anything ), source ); Type[] types = persister.getPropertyTypes(); boolean substitute = substituteValuesIfNecessary( entity, id, values, persister, source ); if ( persister.hasCollections() ) { substitute = substitute || visitCollectionsBeforeSave( entity, id, values, types, source ); } if ( substitute ) { persister.setPropertyValues( entity, values ); } TypeHelper.deepCopy( values, types, persister.getPropertyUpdateability(), values, source ); AbstractEntityInsertAction insert = addInsertAction( values, id, entity, persister, useIdentityColumn, source, shouldDelayIdentityInserts ); // postpone initializing id in case the insert has non-nullable transient dependencies // that are not resolved until cascadeAfterSave() is executed cascadeAfterSave( source, persister, entity, anything ); if ( useIdentityColumn && insert.isEarlyInsert() ) { if ( !EntityIdentityInsertAction.class.isInstance( insert ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Insert should be using an identity column, but action is of unexpected type: " + insert.getClass().getName() ); } id = ((EntityIdentityInsertAction) insert).getGeneratedId(); insert.handleNaturalIdPostSaveNotifications( id ); } markInterceptorDirty( entity, persister, source ); EntityEntry newEntry = source.getPersistenceContext().getEntry( entity ); if ( newEntry != original ) { EntityEntryExtraState extraState = newEntry.getExtraState( EntityEntryExtraState.class ); if ( extraState == null ) { newEntry.addExtraState( original.getExtraState( EntityEntryExtraState.class ) ); } } return id; }
private AbstractEntityInsertAction addInsertAction( Object[] values, Serializable id, Object entity, EntityPersister persister, boolean useIdentityColumn, EventSource source, boolean shouldDelayIdentityInserts) { if ( useIdentityColumn ) { EntityIdentityInsertAction insert = new EntityIdentityInsertAction( values, entity, persister, isVersionIncrementDisabled(), source, shouldDelayIdentityInserts ); source.getActionQueue().addAction( insert ); return insert; } else { Object version = Versioning.getVersion( values, persister ); EntityInsertAction insert = new EntityInsertAction( id, values, entity, version, persister, isVersionIncrementDisabled(), source ); source.getActionQueue().addAction( insert ); return insert; } }
/** * Adds an entity insert action * * @param action The action representing the entity insertion */ public void addAction(EntityInsertAction action) { LOG.tracev( "Adding an EntityInsertAction for [{0}] object", action.getEntityName() ); addInsertAction( action ); } private void addInsertAction(AbstractEntityInsertAction insert) { if ( insert.isEarlyInsert() ) { // For early inserts, must execute inserts before finding non-nullable transient entities. // TODO: find out why this is necessary LOG.tracev( "Executing inserts before finding non-nullable transient entities for early insert: [{0}]", insert ); executeInserts(); } NonNullableTransientDependencies nonNullableTransientDependencies = insert.findNonNullableTransientEntities(); if ( nonNullableTransientDependencies == null ) { LOG.tracev( "Adding insert with no non-nullable, transient entities: [{0}]", insert ); addResolvedEntityInsertAction( insert ); } else { if ( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) { LOG.tracev( "Adding insert with non-nullable, transient entities; insert=[{0}], dependencies=[{1}]", insert, nonNullableTransientDependencies.toLoggableString( insert.getSession() ) ); } if( unresolvedInsertions == null ) { unresolvedInsertions = new UnresolvedEntityInsertActions(); } unresolvedInsertions.addUnresolvedEntityInsertAction( insert, nonNullableTransientDependencies ); } } private void addResolvedEntityInsertAction(AbstractEntityInsertAction insert) { if ( insert.isEarlyInsert() ) { LOG.trace( "Executing insertions before resolved early-insert" ); executeInserts(); LOG.debug( "Executing identity-insert immediately" ); execute( insert ); } else { LOG.trace( "Adding resolved non-early insert action." ); addAction( AbstractEntityInsertAction.class, insert ); } insert.makeEntityManaged(); if( unresolvedInsertions != null ) { for (AbstractEntityInsertAction resolvedAction : unresolvedInsertions.resolveDependentActions(insert.getInstance(), session)) { addResolvedEntityInsertAction(resolvedAction); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T extends Executable & Comparable & Serializable> void addAction(Class<T> executableClass, T action) { EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.get( executableClass ).getOrInit( this ).add( action ); }
EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.get( executableClass )即EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.get(AbstractEntityInsertAction.class)-->返回ActionQueue
private static abstract class ListProvider<T extends Executable & Comparable & Serializable> { abstract ExecutableList<T> get(ActionQueue instance); abstract ExecutableList<T> init(ActionQueue instance); ExecutableList<T> getOrInit( ActionQueue instance ) { ExecutableList<T> list = get( instance ); if ( list == null ) { list = init( instance ); } return list; } }
@Override public void flush() throws HibernateException { errorIfClosed(); checkTransactionSynchStatus(); if ( persistenceContext.getCascadeLevel() > 0 ) { throw new HibernateException( "Flush during cascade is dangerous" ); } FlushEvent flushEvent = new FlushEvent( this ); for ( FlushEventListener listener : listeners( EventType.FLUSH ) ) { listener.onFlush( flushEvent ); } delayedAfterCompletion(); }
/** Handle the given flush event. * * @param event The flush event to be handled. * @throws HibernateException */ public void onFlush(FlushEvent event) throws HibernateException { final EventSource source = event.getSession(); final PersistenceContext persistenceContext = source.getPersistenceContext(); if ( persistenceContext.getNumberOfManagedEntities() > 0 || persistenceContext.getCollectionEntries().size() > 0 ) { try { source.getEventListenerManager().flushStart(); flushEverythingToExecutions( event ); performExecutions( source ); postFlush( source ); } finally { source.getEventListenerManager().flushEnd( event.getNumberOfEntitiesProcessed(), event.getNumberOfCollectionsProcessed() ); } postPostFlush( source ); if ( source.getFactory().getStatistics().isStatisticsEnabled() ) { source.getFactory().getStatisticsImplementor().flush(); } } }
/** * Execute all SQL (and second-level cache updates) in a special order so that foreign-key constraints cannot * be violated: <ol> * <li> Inserts, in the order they were performed * <li> Updates * <li> Deletion of collection elements * <li> Insertion of collection elements * <li> Deletes, in the order they were performed * </ol> * * @param session The session being flushed */ protected void performExecutions(EventSource session) { LOG.trace( "Executing flush" ); // IMPL NOTE : here we alter the flushing flag of the persistence context to allow // during-flush callbacks more leniency in regards to initializing proxies and // lazy collections during their processing. // For more information, see HHH-2763 try { session.getJdbcCoordinator().flushBeginning(); session.getPersistenceContext().setFlushing( true ); // we need to lock the collection caches before executing entity inserts/updates in order to // account for bi-directional associations session.getActionQueue().prepareActions(); session.getActionQueue().executeActions(); } finally { session.getPersistenceContext().setFlushing( false ); session.getJdbcCoordinator().flushEnding(); } }
/** * Perform all currently queued actions. * * @throws HibernateException error executing queued actions. */ public void executeActions() throws HibernateException { if ( hasUnresolvedEntityInsertActions() ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "About to execute actions, but there are unresolved entity insert actions." ); } for ( ListProvider listProvider : EXECUTABLE_LISTS_MAP.values() ) { ExecutableList<?> l = listProvider.get( this ); if ( l != null && !l.isEmpty() ) { executeActions( l ); } } } /** * Perform {@link org.hibernate.action.spi.Executable#execute()} on each element of the list * * @param list The list of Executable elements to be performed * * @throws HibernateException */ private <E extends Executable & Comparable<?> & Serializable> void executeActions(ExecutableList<E> list) throws HibernateException { // todo : consider ways to improve the double iteration of Executables here: // 1) we explicitly iterate list here to perform Executable#execute() // 2) ExecutableList#getQuerySpaces also iterates the Executables to collect query spaces. try { for ( E e : list ) { try { e.execute(); } finally { if( e.getBeforeTransactionCompletionProcess() != null ) { if( beforeTransactionProcesses == null ) { beforeTransactionProcesses = new BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } beforeTransactionProcesses.register(e.getBeforeTransactionCompletionProcess()); } if( e.getAfterTransactionCompletionProcess() != null ) { if( afterTransactionProcesses == null ) { afterTransactionProcesses = new AfterTransactionCompletionProcessQueue( session ); } afterTransactionProcesses.register(e.getAfterTransactionCompletionProcess()); } } } } finally { if ( session.getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().isQueryCacheEnabled() ) { // Strictly speaking, only a subset of the list may have been processed if a RuntimeException occurs. // We still invalidate all spaces. I don't see this as a big deal - after all, RuntimeExceptions are // unexpected. Set<Serializable> propertySpaces = list.getQuerySpaces(); invalidateSpaces( propertySpaces.toArray( new Serializable[propertySpaces.size()] ) ); } } list.clear(); session.getJdbcCoordinator().executeBatch(); }
正符合了jdbc statement的executeBatch的調用模式,能夠預見e.execute()執行了addBatch的操做,同時在達到一個batch的時候會先調用executeBatch()
@Override public void execute() throws HibernateException { nullifyTransientReferencesIfNotAlready(); final EntityPersister persister = getPersister(); final SessionImplementor session = getSession(); final Object instance = getInstance(); final Serializable id = getId(); final boolean veto = preInsert(); // Don't need to lock the cache here, since if someone // else inserted the same pk first, the insert would fail if ( !veto ) { persister.insert( id, getState(), instance, session ); PersistenceContext persistenceContext = session.getPersistenceContext(); final EntityEntry entry = persistenceContext.getEntry( instance ); if ( entry == null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "possible non-threadsafe access to session" ); } entry.postInsert( getState() ); if ( persister.hasInsertGeneratedProperties() ) { persister.processInsertGeneratedProperties( id, instance, getState(), session ); if ( persister.isVersionPropertyGenerated() ) { version = Versioning.getVersion( getState(), persister ); } entry.postUpdate( instance, getState(), version ); } persistenceContext.registerInsertedKey( persister, getId() ); } final SessionFactoryImplementor factory = session.getFactory(); if ( isCachePutEnabled( persister, session ) ) { final CacheEntry ce = persister.buildCacheEntry( instance, getState(), version, session ); cacheEntry = persister.getCacheEntryStructure().structure( ce ); final EntityRegionAccessStrategy cache = persister.getCacheAccessStrategy(); final Object ck = cache.generateCacheKey( id, persister, factory, session.getTenantIdentifier() ); final boolean put = cacheInsert( persister, ck ); if ( put && factory.getStatistics().isStatisticsEnabled() ) { factory.getStatisticsImplementor().secondLevelCachePut( cache.getRegion().getName() ); } } handleNaturalIdPostSaveNotifications( id ); postInsert(); if ( factory.getStatistics().isStatisticsEnabled() && !veto ) { factory.getStatisticsImplementor().insertEntity( getPersister().getEntityName() ); } markExecuted(); }
public void insert(Serializable id, Object[] fields, Object object, SessionImplementor session) { // apply any pre-insert in-memory value generation preInsertInMemoryValueGeneration( fields, object, session ); final int span = getTableSpan(); if ( entityMetamodel.isDynamicInsert() ) { // For the case of dynamic-insert="true", we need to generate the INSERT SQL boolean[] notNull = getPropertiesToInsert( fields ); for ( int j = 0; j < span; j++ ) { insert( id, fields, notNull, j, generateInsertString( notNull, j ), object, session ); } } else { // For the case of dynamic-insert="false", use the static SQL for ( int j = 0; j < span; j++ ) { insert( id, fields, getPropertyInsertability(), j, getSQLInsertStrings()[j], object, session ); } } }
/** * Perform an SQL INSERT. * <p/> * This for is used for all non-root tables as well as the root table * in cases where the identifier value is known before the insert occurs. */ protected void insert( final Serializable id, final Object[] fields, final boolean[] notNull, final int j, final String sql, final Object object, final SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException { if ( isInverseTable( j ) ) { return; } //note: it is conceptually possible that a UserType could map null to // a non-null value, so the following is arguable: if ( isNullableTable( j ) && isAllNull( fields, j ) ) { return; } if ( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) { LOG.tracev( "Inserting entity: {0}", MessageHelper.infoString( this, id, getFactory() ) ); if ( j == 0 && isVersioned() ) { LOG.tracev( "Version: {0}", Versioning.getVersion( fields, this ) ); } } // TODO : shouldn't inserts be Expectations.NONE? final Expectation expectation = Expectations.appropriateExpectation( insertResultCheckStyles[j] ); // we can't batch joined inserts, *especially* not if it is an identity insert; // nor can we batch statements where the expectation is based on an output param final boolean useBatch = j == 0 && expectation.canBeBatched(); if ( useBatch && inserBatchKey == null ) { inserBatchKey = new BasicBatchKey( getEntityName() + "#INSERT", expectation ); } final boolean callable = isInsertCallable( j ); try { // Render the SQL query final PreparedStatement insert; if ( useBatch ) { insert = session .getJdbcCoordinator() .getBatch( inserBatchKey ) .getBatchStatement( sql, callable ); } else { insert = session .getJdbcCoordinator() .getStatementPreparer() .prepareStatement( sql, callable ); } try { int index = 1; index += expectation.prepare( insert ); // Write the values of fields onto the prepared statement - we MUST use the state at the time the // insert was issued (cos of foreign key constraints). Not necessarily the object's current state dehydrate( id, fields, null, notNull, propertyColumnInsertable, j, insert, session, index, false ); if ( useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator().getBatch( inserBatchKey ).addToBatch(); } else { expectation.verifyOutcome( session.getJdbcCoordinator() .getResultSetReturn() .executeUpdate( insert ), insert, -1 ); } } catch (SQLException e) { if ( useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator().abortBatch(); } throw e; } finally { if ( !useBatch ) { session.getJdbcCoordinator().getResourceRegistry().release( insert ); session.getJdbcCoordinator().afterStatementExecution(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw getFactory().getSQLExceptionHelper().convert( e, "could not insert: " + MessageHelper.infoString( this ), sql ); } }
useBatch爲true,調用session.getJdbcCoordinator().getBatch( inserBatchKey ).addToBatch()
@Override public Batch getBatch(BatchKey key) { if ( currentBatch != null ) { if ( currentBatch.getKey().equals( key ) ) { return currentBatch; } else { currentBatch.execute(); currentBatch.release(); } } currentBatch = batchBuilder().buildBatch( key, this ); return currentBatch; }
@Override public void addToBatch() { try { currentStatement.addBatch(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { LOG.debugf( "SQLException escaped proxy", e ); throw sqlExceptionHelper().convert( e, "could not perform addBatch", currentStatementSql ); } statementPosition++; if ( statementPosition >= getKey().getBatchedStatementCount() ) { batchPosition++; if ( batchPosition == batchSize ) { notifyObserversImplicitExecution(); performExecution(); batchPosition = 0; batchExecuted = true; } statementPosition = 0; } }
private void performExecution() { LOG.debugf( "Executing batch size: %s", batchPosition ); try { for ( Map.Entry<String,PreparedStatement> entry : getStatements().entrySet() ) { try { final PreparedStatement statement = entry.getValue(); final int[] rowCounts; try { getJdbcCoordinator().getJdbcSessionOwner().getJdbcSessionContext().getObserver().jdbcExecuteBatchStart(); rowCounts = statement.executeBatch(); } finally { getJdbcCoordinator().getJdbcSessionOwner().getJdbcSessionContext().getObserver().jdbcExecuteBatchEnd(); } checkRowCounts( rowCounts, statement ); } catch ( SQLException e ) { abortBatch(); throw sqlExceptionHelper().convert( e, "could not execute batch", entry.getKey() ); } } } catch ( RuntimeException re ) { LOG.unableToExecuteBatch( re.getMessage() ); throw re; } finally { batchPosition = 0; } }
public void jdbcBatchOperationTemplate(List<Employee> data){ String sql = "insert into employee (name, city, phone) values (?, ?, ?)"; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; final int batchSize = 1000; int count = 0; try{ conn = dataSource.getConnection(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); for (Employee item: data) { pstmt.setString(1,item.getName()); pstmt.setString(2,item.getCity()); pstmt.setString(3,item.getPhone()); //添加到batch pstmt.addBatch(); //小批量提交,避免OOM if(++count % batchSize == 0) { pstmt.executeBatch(); } } pstmt.executeBatch(); //提交剩餘的數據 }catch (SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(pstmt); DbUtils.closeQuietly(conn); } }
惟一的區別是jpa是在save的時候是將全部數據都提交到action queue,最後再flush的時候觸發相似上面的addBatch和executeBatch操做。對於使用@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO),在每次save添加到action queue以前都會調用數據庫獲取id。也就是假設要批量insert1000條數據,則save放到action queue以前會調用1000次獲取他們的id,而後最後flush的時候,再將action queue的1000條數據,分批batch執行,至關於上面模板的方法data參數是1000個有id的Employee對象。
select nextval ('hibernate_sequence')