經查證pg源代碼,該問題引發的緣由是sql server的字符類型字段中含有空字符\0,該字符在pg中不支持。 java
問題重現: sql
一、PG客戶端: shell
postgres=# create table text_test (id int,info text); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into text_test values (1,E'\0x00'); ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
二、SQL Server產生數據 函數
create table test_varchar(id int,name varchar(20)); insert into test_varchar values (1, 'name' + char(0)); insert into test_varchar values (1, 'name' + '');而後經過java程序進行獲取數據並插入到PG,一樣會獲得錯誤信息:
invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
首先咱們認爲此爲gb2312轉化到UTF8時,發生了沒法轉化的錯誤。經查UTF8是變長的, 1-6個字節。他的編碼規則以下: post
Bits | Last code point | Byte 1 | Byte 2 |
Byte 3 |
Byte 4 |
Byte 5 |
Byte 6 |
7 | U+007F | 0xxxxxxx | |
11 | U+07FF |
110xxxxx | 10xxxxxx | |
16 | U+FFFF |
1110xxxx | 10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
21 | U+1FFFFF |
11110xxx | 10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
26 | U+3FFFFFF |
111110xx | 10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
31 | U+7FFFFFFF |
1111110x | 10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
10xxxxxx |
一、 this
PostgreSQL doesn't support storing NULL (\0x00) characters in text fields (this is obviously different from the database NULL value, which is fully supported). 編碼
If you need to store the NULL character, you must use a bytea field - which should store anything you want, but won't support text operations on it. spa
Given that PostgreSQL doesn't support it in text values, there's no good way to get it to remove it. You could import your data into bytea and later convert it to text using a special function (in perl or something, maybe?), but it's likely going to be easier to do that in preprocessing before you load it. code
Terminating character |
Indicated by |
Tab |
\t This is the default field terminator. |
Newline character |
\n This is the default row terminator. |
Carriage return/line feed |
\r |
Backslash1 |
\\ |
Null terminator (nonvisible terminator)2 |
\0 |
Any printable character (control characters are not printable, except null, tab, newline, and carriage return) |
(*, A, t, l, and so on) |
String of up to 10 printable characters, including some or all of the terminators listed earlier |
(**\t**, end, !!!!!!!!!!, \t—\n, and so on) |
由此咱們肯定,是pg對null的處理和SQL Server處理是不相同的,因此在這裏出現了錯誤。
if (!IS_HIGHBIT_SET(*mbstr)) { if (*mbstr != '\0') { mb_len++; mbstr++; len--; continue; } if (noError) return -1; report_invalid_encoding(encoding, mbstr, len); }
#define IS_HIGHBIT_SET(ch) ((unsigned char)(ch) & HIGHBIT) #define HIGHBIT (0x80)
invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00而真正致使這一問題的就是:
因此出現此問題的緣由是PG和SQL Server對null的處理是不相同的。
處理建議 :
一、將SQL Server源數據進行修改方法,
UPDATE: This seems to work: Select * from TABLE where UNICODE(SUBSTRING(naughtyField, LEN(naughtyField), 1)) = 0 So: Update TABLE SET naughtyField = SUBSTRING(naughtyField, 1, LEN(naughtyField) - 1) where UNICODE(SUBSTRING(naughtyField, LEN(naughtyField), 1)) = 0
二、對應用進行修改,獲取到SQL Server數據時,將數據進行轉化,和第一種方法殊途同歸。