leetcode182 查找重複的電子郵箱 Duplicate Emails

編寫一個 SQL查詢,來查找名爲 Person 的表中的全部重複電子郵件。spa




Create table If Not Exists Person (Id int,Email varchar(255));
Truncate table Person;
insert into Person (Id, Email) values ('1','a@b.com');
insert into Person (Id, Email) values ('2','c@d.com');
insert into Person (Id, Email) values ('3','a@b.com');


1.若是一個字段的值在表中重複了,那麼含有重複值的行數必定超過1。 table

group by 對Email分組,那麼Email重複的行個數大於1。class

having 篩選出這些行。效率

select Email
from Person
group by Email
having count(Id) > 1


select distinct P1.Email
from Person as P1 join Person as P2 on (P1.Id != P2.Id and P1.Email = P2.Email)


select distinct P1.Email
from Person as P1 
where 1 < (
    select count(*)
    from Person as P2
    where P1.email = P2.email




select E1.Name as Employee
from Employee as E1 join Employee as E2 on (E1.ManagerId  = E2.Id and E1.salary > E2.salary)