學習資料: https://github.com/google/yapflinux
如今的大多數 Python 代碼格式化工具(好比:autopep8 和 pep8ify)是能夠移除代碼中的 lint 錯誤。這顯然有些侷限性。好比:遵循 PEP 8 指導的代碼可能就不會被格式化了,但這並不說明代碼看起來就舒服。git
但 YAPF 獨闢蹊徑。它脫胎於由 Daniel Jasper 開發的 clang-format。大致上來講,這個算法獲取代碼,而後把初始代碼從新編排,即使初始代碼並無違背規範,也可以使其達到遵循代碼規範的最佳格式。這個理念和 Go 語言中的 gofmt 工具類似,終結關於格式的各類「聖戰」。若是一個項目的代碼庫,不管什麼時候修改,經過 YAPF 優化後,代碼風格可統一,在每次 code review 中,也就沒有必要爭論風格了。程序員
YAPF 的終極目標是生成和遵循代碼規範的程序員寫出的同樣的代碼。可幫你減小維護代碼的苦差事。github
YAPF 支持 Python 2.7 和 3.4+。算法
#pip install yapfapi
usage: yapf [-h] [-v] [-d | -i] [-r | -l START-END] [-e PATTERN] [--style STYLE] [--style-help] [--no-local-style] [--verify] [files [files ...]] Formatter for Python code. positional arguments: files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show version number and exit -d, --diff print the diff for the fixed source -i, --in-place make changes to files in place -r, --recursive run recursively over directories -l START-END, --lines START-END range of lines to reformat, one-based -e PATTERN, --exclude PATTERN patterns for files to exclude from formatting --style STYLE specify formatting style: either a style name (for example "pep8" or "google"), or the name of a file with style settings. The default is pep8 unless a .style.yapf or setup.cfg file located in one of the parent directories of the source file (or current directory for stdin) --style-help show style settings and exit --no-local-style don't search for local style definition (.style.yapf) --verify try to verify reformatted code for syntax errors
使用yapf的兩種方式是: FormatCode 和 FormatFileless
>>> from yapf.yapf_api import FormatCode # reformat a string of code >>> FormatCode("f ( a = 1, b = 2 )") 'f(a=1, b=2)\n'
我這邊 from yapf.yapf_api import FormatCode 會提示「from yapf.yapf_api import FormatCode」錯誤,可是「import yapf"是好的工具
>>>import yapf >>>yapf.yapf_api.FormatCode("f ( a = 1, b = 2 )") ('f(a=1, b=2)\n',True)
>>> FormatCode("def g():\n return True", style_config='pep8') 'def g():\n return True\n'
>>> FormatCode("def g( ):\n a=1\n b = 2\n return a==b", lines=[(1, 1), (2, 3)]) 'def g():\n a = 1\n b = 2\n return a==b\n'
>>> print(FormatCode("a==b", filename="foo.py", print_diff=True)) --- foo.py (original) +++ foo.py (reformatted) @@ -1 +1 @@ -a==b +a == b
>>> from yapf.yapf_api import FormatFile
>>> print(open("foo.py").read()) #查看文件內容 x = { 'a':37,'b':42, 'c':927} y = 'hello ''world' z = 'hello '+'world' a = 'hello {}'.format('world') class foo ( object ): def f (self ): return 37*-+2 def g(self, x,y=42): return y def f ( a ) : return 37+-+a[42-x : y**3] >>> FormatFile("foo.py") ('a == b\n', 'utf-8')
>>> FormatFile("foo.py", in_place=True) (None, 'utf-8')