屏幕快照之旅:Android 4.2 Jelly Bean的10個新功能


Android 4.2 improves on Android 4.1 in numerous ways, adding a variety of new features. Android 4.2 isn’t as big an update as Android 4.1, also called Jelly Bean, but it’s a definite improvement.

Android 4.2在Android 4.1上進行了多種改進,增加了許多新功能。 Android 4.2的更新不如Android 4.1(也稱爲Jelly Bean)那麼大,但這是一個明顯的改進。

If you have a Nexus 7 or Galaxy Nexus, you should be getting this update very soon. Unfortunately, it will likely take quite a bit longer for manufacturers to ship Android 4.2 on non-Nexus devices.

如果您有Nexus 7或Galaxy Nexus,則應該很快得到此更新。 不幸的是,製造商可能需要更長的時間才能在非Nexus設備上發佈Android 4.2。

多個用戶帳戶 (Multiple User Accounts)

Android 4.2 includes support for multiple user accounts. It only functions on tablets, so it’s named Tablet Sharing. (Some people speculate that Nokia may have a patent on multiple user accounts for smartphones.)

Android 4.2包括對多個用戶帳戶的支持。 它僅在平板電腦上起作用,因此稱爲「平板電腦共享」。 (有人推測諾基亞可能擁有智能手機多個用戶帳戶的專利。)

Each user account has its own 「space,」 as Android calls it. You can leave an Android tablet laying around and multiple people can have their own accounts, settings, home screen setups and apps whenever they pick up the tablet and unlock it.

每個用戶帳戶都有自己的「空間」,就像Android所說的那樣。 您可以將Android平板電腦擺在身邊,每當他們拿起平板電腦並將其解鎖時,多個人都可以擁有自己的帳戶,設置,主屏幕設置和應用。


手勢輸入 (Gesture Typing)

Android 4.2’s feature includes a Swype-like Gesture Typing feature. You can type a word by quickly swiping over the letters with your finger – ideal for quickly typing with a single finger. Unlike Swype, the keyboard automatically guesses the word you’re trying to type in real-time, so you get instant feedback and don’t end up accidentally typing a word you didn’t mean to type.

Android 4.2的功能包括類似Swype的手勢輸入功能。 您可以通過用手指快速在字母上滑動來輸入單詞-非常適合單根手指快速輸入。 與Swype不同,鍵盤會自動猜測您要實時輸入的單詞,因此您可以獲得即時反饋,並且不會最終意外輸入您不想輸入的單詞。


快速設定 (Quick Settings)

Android 4.2 now includes a quick settings panel that gives you quick access to frequently used settings, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth settings, airplane mode, a brightness control, and battery information. To access it, pull down from the upper right corner of the panel on a tablet or pull down from the panel with two fingers on a smartphone.

Android 4.2現在包括一個快速設置面板,可讓您快速訪問常用設置,包括Wi-Fi和藍牙設置,飛行模式,亮度控制和電池信息。 要訪問它,請在平板電腦上從面板的右上角向下拉,或在智能手機上用兩根手指從面板上拉下。

Samsung’s TouchWiz and other Android skins have long included a similar feature, but it’s now integrated into stock Android.



鎖屏小部件 (Lock-Screen Widgets)

Android 4.2’s lock screen now supports widgets, similar to the popular WidgetLocker app. Out of the box, you can add Gmail, Calendar, and Clock widgets to easily view your emails and calendar events without unlocking your device.

Android 4.2的鎖定屏幕現在支持小部件,類似於流行的WidgetLocker應用。 開箱即用,您可以添加Gmail,日曆和時鐘小部件,以輕鬆查看電子郵件和日曆事件而無需解鎖設備。


新的相機應用程序和Photo Sphere全景照片 (New Camera App & Photo Sphere)

Android 4.2 includes a new Camera app with a clever interface. Instead of toolbars and buttons you have to hunt for, a quick settings menu appears wherever you touch in the camera app. This allows you to quickly change settings with one hand while taking a photo.

Android 4.2包括一個具有巧妙界面的新Camera應用。 無論您在相機應用程序中觸摸什麼位置,都將顯示快速設置菜單,而不必尋找工具欄和按鈕。 這使您可以在拍照時用一隻手快速更改設置。


There’s also a Photo Sphere feature, which allows you to take Google Streetview-style 360-degree photos of a scene.

還有Photo Sphere功能,可讓您拍攝Google Streetview風格的場景360度照片。

Google即時改進 (Google Now Improvements)

Along with Android 4.2 come new cards for Google Now, although the new Google Now features aren’t exclusive to Android 4.2. There are new cards that display information about flights, hotels, packages, restaurants, and events – Google watches your Gmail account for confirmation or tracking emails and displays this data in Google Now.

儘管新的Google即時功能並非Android 4.2獨有,但隨着Android 4.2的出現,Google Now有了新的功能。 有一些新的卡片可以顯示有關航班,酒店,套餐,餐廳和活動的信息-Google會監視您的Gmail帳戶以進行確認或跟蹤電子郵件,並在Google即時中顯示此數據。


白日夢 (Daydream)

Android 4.2 includes a Daydream feature that allows Android to function as a smart screensaver. When docked or charging, you can have your Android’s screen stay on and display content from any app with Daydream support. For example, you can display a clock, view a photo slideshow, or show new content from Google Currents.

Android 4.2包含Daydream功能,可讓Android充當智能屏保。 停靠或充電時,您可以讓Android屏幕保持打開狀態並顯示任何支持Daydream的應用程序中的內容。 例如,您可以顯示時鐘,查看照片幻燈片或顯示Google Currents中的新內容。


Miracast (Miracast)

Android 4.2 supports the new Miracast industry standard for display-mirroring over Wi-Fi, allowing you to wirelessly stream video from your Android device to any Miracast-supporting display. You’ll be able to buy televisions and other displays with integrated supports for Miracast, as well as receivers that plug into HDMI ports on displays without integrated Miracast support. In time, Miracast could be the rest of the world’s answer to Apple’s AirPlay.

Android 4.2支持新的Miracast行業標準,用於通過Wi-Fi進行顯示鏡像,使您可以將視頻從Android設備無線流式傳輸到任何支持Miracast的顯示器。 您將能夠購買具有對Miracast的集成支持的電視和其他顯示器,以及在不集成Miracast的支持下插入顯示器HDMI端口的接收器。 隨着時間的流逝,Miracast可能會成爲全球其他地區對Apple AirPlay的答案。

Gmail改進 (Gmail Improvements)

The Gmail app has a few improvements Gmail users will appreciate. In the message list, you can swipe an email to the left to archive it, or swipe the email to the right to delete it. Gmail also finally has support for pinch-to-zoom, allowing you to deal with HTML emails much more easily.

Gmail應用程序有一些改進,Gmail用戶將不勝感激。 在郵件列表中,您可以向左滑動電子郵件以將其存檔,或向右滑動電子郵件以將其刪除。 Gmail最終還支持縮放功能,使您可以更輕鬆地處理HTML電子郵件。

新時鐘應用 (New Clock App)

Android 4.2 includes a new Clock app. While this isn’t a groundbreaking new feature, the Clock app looks a little different from the stock apps we’re used to, complete with unusual-looking fonts. Along with the Camera, this could be a hint of where Android’s interface may be headed in the future – who knows!

Android 4.2包括一個新的Clock應用程序。 雖然這不是一項突破性的新功能,但「時鐘」應用程序看起來與我們習慣的普通應用程序有些不同,並帶有外觀奇特的字體。 與Camera一起,這可能暗示了Android界面未來的發展方向-誰知道!


Android 4.2’s support for multiple users is probably its biggest new feature – there’s no new feature quite as groundbreaking as the Project Butter performance improvements or Google Now in Android 4.1. Gesture typing, quick settings, and lock-screen widgets bring popular third-party features into stock Android and make them part of the operating system.

Android 4.2對多個用戶的支持可能是其最大的新功能–沒有比Project Butter性能改進或Android 4.1中的Google Now更具突破性的新功能。 手勢輸入,快速設置和鎖屏窗口小部件將流行的第三方功能帶入了庫存的Android中,並使它們成爲操作系統的一部分。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/128846/10-new-features-in-android-4.2-jelly-bean/