Private Cloud和On-Premise區別

你們經常聽到Private Cloud和On-Premise兩個術語,下面經過相關背景介紹區分二者的差異:web

Private Cloud定義

維基百科雲計算 詞條中解釋了Private Cloud,其含義爲「Private cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whether managed internally or by a third-party, and hosted either internally or externally」,其關鍵是隻爲單一組織運做。運維

On-premises Software定義

維基百科On-premises Software 是指安裝在我的和組織機器裏面的軟件,對應的off-premises software一般是指「software as a service」 ("SaaS") or 「cloud computing」,其中強調「on the premises (in the building) 」是指自有。ide

Private Cloud類型細分

2類Private Cloud,分別爲On-Premise和Hosted:ui

  • On-Premise Private Cloud, often called Internal Cloud, is hosted within an organizations own offices, or data center, and provides an internal solution for hosting needs.
  • A hosted Private Cloud solution is owned and operated by third-party service providers.


從話術來看,公有云廠家站在賣服務的立場,更願意把Private Cloud叫作「專有云」,其實就是Hosted Private Cloud,並但願爲該組織提供第三方的運維服務。
而傳統的設備廠家和軟件廠家,更喜歡把Private Cloud叫作「私有云」,On-Premise Private Cloud,從而在強調「自有」的基礎上更好的賣軟件和硬件。雲計算
