Fox Ciel wants to write a task for a programming contest. The task is: "You are given a simple undirected graph with n vertexes. Each its edge has unit length. You should calculate the number of shortest paths between vertex 1 and vertex 2."ios
Same with some writers, she wants to make an example with some certain output: for example, her birthday or the number of her boyfriend. Can you help her to make a test case with answer equal exactly to k?ide
The first line contains a single integer k (1 ≤ k ≤ 109).spa
You should output a graph G with n vertexes (2 ≤ n ≤ 1000). There must be exactly k shortest paths between vertex 1 and vertex 2 of the graph.code
The first line must contain an integer n. Then adjacency matrix G with n rows and n columns must follow. Each element of the matrix must be 'N' or 'Y'. If Gij is 'Y', then graph G has a edge connecting vertex i and vertex j. Consider the graph vertexes are numbered from 1
The graph must be undirected and simple: Gii = 'N' and Gij = Gji must hold. And there must be at least one path between vertex 1 and vertex 2. It's guaranteed that the answer exists. If there multiple correct answers, you can output any of them.ip
In first example, there are 2 shortest paths: 1-3-2 and
In second example, there are 9 shortest paths: 1-3-6-2, 1-3-7-2, 1-3-8-2, 1-4-6-2, 1-4-7-2, 1-4-8-2, 1-5-6-2, 1-5-7-2, 1-5-8-2.element
如 15 = 2^3 + 2^2 + 2^1 +2^0 ;string
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> #include <stdlib.h> #include <vector> #include <set> #include <math.h> #include <map> using namespace std; typedef long long LL ; int pow2[100] ; vector<int> ans ; vector<int> ::iterator it ; map<int ,int>my_hash ; int shortest ; int id ; const int S = 1 ; const int T = 2 ; bool grid[1008][1008] ; void make_line(int dot , int type){ vector < pair<int ,int> > me ; vector < pair<int ,int> > ::iterator it ; me.clear() ; for(int i = 1 ; i <= dot ; i++){ me.push_back(make_pair(id,id+1)) ; id += 2 ; } if(type == 1 && dot != shortest){ my_hash.clear() ; for(int i = dot + 1 ; i <= shortest ; i++){ me.push_back(make_pair(id,id)) ; my_hash[i] = id ; id += 1 ; } } it = me.begin() ; grid[S][it->first] = grid[S][it->second] = 1 ; grid[it->first][S] = grid[it->second][S] = 1 ; if(type == 1 && dot != shortest){ it = me.end() -1 ; grid[it->first][T] = grid[it->second][T] = 1 ; grid[T][it->first] = grid[T][it->second] = 1 ; } else { it = me.end() - 1 ; int v = (dot == shortest ? T : my_hash[dot+1]) ; grid[it->first][v] = grid[it->second][v] = 1 ; grid[v][it->first] = grid[v][it->second] = 1 ; } for(int i = 1 ; i < me.size() ; i++){ int u1 = me[i-1].first ; int u2 = me[i-1].second ; int v1 = me[i].first ; int v2 = me[i].second ; grid[u1][v1] = grid[u1][v2] = 1 ; grid[u2][v1] = grid[u2][v2] = 1 ; grid[v1][u1] = grid[v1][u2] = 1 ; grid[v2][u1] = grid[v2][u2] = 1 ; } } void output(){ int n = id -1 , i , j ; cout<<n<<endl ; for(i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++){ for(j = 1 ; j <= n ; j++) printf("%s",grid[i][j]?"Y":"N") ; puts("") ; } } int main(){ int i , k ,sum = 0 ; pow2[0] = 1 ; for(i = 1 ; i <= 30 ; i++) pow2[i] = pow2[i-1] * 2 ; cin>>k ; if(k == 1){ puts("2") ; puts("NY") ; puts("YN") ; return 0 ; } ans.clear() ; for(i = 30 ; i >= 0 ; i--){ if(k >= pow2[i]){ ans.push_back(i) ; k -= pow2[i] ; } } memset(grid,0,sizeof(grid)) ; shortest = *ans.begin() ; id = 3 ; make_line(ans[ans.size()-1] ,1) ; for(i = ans.size() - 2 ; i >= 0 ; i--) make_line(ans[i] , 0) ; output() ; return 0 ; }