Unhide is a program
will detect hidden processes on your system. It is a good complement to rkhunter (a rootkit scanner f
or Linux and Unix). Rkhunter
will make use of unhide if you have unhide installed on your system. Here is a little tut
orial on how to
do it (I assume you have rkhunter already installed and configured, and are familiar with its use.):
Download unhide and unpack in a temp
orary direct
2. If you are using Linux with a 2.6 kernel, create
the executable by running
the command:
gcc -Wall -o unhide unhide-linux26.c
3. If you are running any o
ther kernel, run this command:
gcc -Wall -o unhide unhide.c
4. Copy
the executable to a place where rkhunter can find it:
cp unhide /usr/local/bin/
5. Rerun rkhunter --propupd (so
that unhide
not throw a warning in rkhunter!)
That's it!
The next time you run rkhunter, it
will discover and make use of unhide.html