Gtk+ 一手有GNOME,另外一手有XFce。相反,Qt只有KDE在手——若是你的船浮不起KDE,但你又想要一個Qt桌面,你將沒有一個輕量的、精簡的選擇。不過你很幸運,由於
Razor-qt 並不是一個完整的、能夠和KDE或GNOME相提並論的桌面環境;最重要的是,它假設已經有了一個窗口管理器,須要與之合做方可完成任務。Razor-qt 開發者們比較偏好Openbox這一窗口管理器,不過任何其餘窗口管理器,從Kwin到fvwn,都是是能夠的。其餘方面,Razor-qt 包含一系列模塊,你能夠混合搭配它們,以知足你的需求。
「Razor-qt 是一個高級、易用並且快速的基於Qt技術的桌面環境,」該項目的網站上寫,「它已經爲的重視簡單性、速度和直觀界面的用戶做了裁剪。不像大多數桌面環境,Razor-qt 在性能較弱的機器上照樣工做得能夠。」
因爲它還只是一個相對新的開源項目,他們一樣在尋求幫助。「Razor-qt 是一個新的開源項目,你能夠幫咱們改進它。咱們歡迎你報告漏洞和建議;你能夠自由地將它翻譯成你本身的語言,或者建立更多吸引人的圖形,什麼均可以,」其開發組聲明。
Razor-qt: A Fast Qt Desktop Environment
posted by
Thom Holwerda on Tue 20th Dec 2011 22:01 UTC, submitted by

Gtk+ has GNOME on the one hand, and Xfce on the other. Qt, on the other hand, only has KDE - there's no lightweight, less encompassing alternative if KDE doesn't float your boat, but you'd still want a Qt desktop. Luckily for you,
there's now Razor-qt, a small, lightweight and simple Qt desktop environment. Razor-qt is not an entire desktop environment in the sense that KDE and GNOME are; most important, it is supposed to worked with an existing window manager. The Razor-qt developers prefer Openbox, but it can work with everything else, from Kwin to fvwm. For the rest, Razor-qt consists of modules, and you can mix and match them to suit your needs. "Razor-qt is an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on Qt technologies," the project website reads, "It has been tailored for users who value simplicity, speed, and an intuitive interface. Unlike most desktop environments, Razor-qt also works fine with weak machines." Since it's a relatively new open source project, they're also looking for help. "Razor-qt is a new open-source project and you can help us improve it. We welcome your bug reports and suggestions; you are free to translate all into your own language, create more attractive graphics, anything," the team states. This is a very interesting project, and I'd love for it to pick up more steam. It's pretty easy to get it running on your Linux installation, so get cracking!