protected FileEntry updateFileEntry(PortletConfig portletConfig, ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse actionResponse) throws Exception { /* 此處強轉獲取uploadPortletRequest,用於獲取InputStream,也可使用以下代碼: * HttpServletRequest request = serviceContext.getRequest(); * UploadRequest uploadRequest = PortalUtil.getUploadServletRequest(request); * inputStream = uploadRequest.getFileAsStream(fieldName); */ UploadPortletRequest uploadPortletRequest = PortalUtil.getUploadPortletRequest(actionRequest); ... // 獲取folderId, 若是本身建立的話,要走DLFolderLocalServiceUtil.java if (folderId > 0) { Folder folder = DLAppServiceUtil.getFolder(folderId); if (folder.getGroupId() != themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId()) { throw new NoSuchFolderException("{folderId=" + folderId + "}"); } } InputStream inputStream = null; try { String contentType = uploadPortletRequest.getContentType("file"); // inputStream.available()用於獲取size long size = uploadPortletRequest.getSize("file"); ... // 獲取inputStream inputStream = uploadPortletRequest.getFileAsStream("file"); ServiceContext serviceContext = ServiceContextFactory.getInstance(DLFileEntry.class.getName(), uploadPortletRequest); FileEntry fileEntry = null; // Add file entry fileEntry = DLAppServiceUtil.addFileEntry( repositoryId, folderId, sourceFileName, contentType, title, description, changeLog, inputStream, size, serviceContext); // Update file entry and checkin fileEntry = DLAppServiceUtil.updateFileEntryAndCheckIn( fileEntryId, sourceFileName, contentType, title, description, changeLog, majorVersion, inputStream, size, serviceContext); }
public FileEntry addFileEntry(long repositoryId, long folderId, String sourceFileName, String mimeType, String title, String description, String changeLog, InputStream is, long size, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException, SystemException { ... File file = null; try { /* 建立tempFile,inputStream讀取的文件放在tomcat-7.0.62/temp/xxxfile * 根據inputStream建立一個tempFile,而後存儲對應的關係到數據庫,文件根據數據庫中的路徑存放在bundle/data/document_library下 */ file = FileUtil.createTempFile(is); return addFileEntry(repositoryId, folderId, sourceFileName, mimeType, title, description, changeLog, file, serviceContext); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SystemException("Unable to write temporary file", ioe); } finally { // 不論addFile是否成功都會刪除臨時文件 FileUtil.delete(file); } } } ... }
Table Column | companyid | folderid | treepath | name |
Path | document_library/ | companyid | folderid | /folderid/ |