: 找不到合適的路由請求。ServerError
: 服務器內部出現問題時調用。一般發生在用戶代碼出現錯誤的狀況。from sanic import Sanic from sanic.exceptions import NotFound from sanic.exceptions import ServerError from sanic.response import text app = Sanic(__name__) @app.exception(NotFound) def ignore_404s(request, exception): # 捕獲頁面找不到異常 404 return text("Yep, I totally found the page: {}".format(request.url)) @app.route('/error') def i_am_ready_to_die(request): raise ServerError("拋出一個異常!!", status_code=500) if __name__ == '__main__':
裝飾器進行聲明的,利用'request'或'response'字符串來表示其參數類型。from sanic import Sanic from sanic.exceptions import NotFound from sanic.exceptions import ServerError from sanic.response import text app = Sanic(__name__) @app.middleware('request') async def print_on_request(request): print("當服務器接收到請求時,我打印") return text('I halted the request') # 修改響應內容 @app.middleware('response') async def add_headers(request, response): response.headers["Server"] = "Fake-Server" @app.middleware('response') async def add_headers(request, response): print("當服務器返回響應時打印") # 添加響應頭 response.headers["x-xss-protection"] = "1; mode=block" # 將添加HTTP頭以防止跨站點腳本(XSS)攻擊。 # response.headers["Server"] = "Fake-Server" return text('I halted the response') # 修改響應內容 就不會設置響應頭了 @app.route('/') async def index(request): return text('OK') if __name__ == '__main__':
from sanic import Sanic from sanic.response import text app = Sanic(__name__) @app.listener('before_server_start') async def setup_db(app, loop): # app.db = await db_setup() print("服務器開啓時") @app.listener('after_server_start') async def notify_server_started(app, loop): print("服務器成功啓動時") @app.listener('before_server_stop') async def notify_server_stopping(app, loop): print('服務器關閉以前') @app.listener('after_server_stop') async def close_db(app, loop): print('服務器關閉以後') await app.db.close() async def notify_server_started_after_five_seconds(): await asyncio.sleep(5) print('Server successfully started!') app.add_task(notify_server_started_after_five_seconds()) @app.route('/') async def index(request): return text('OK') if __name__ == '__main__':
from sanic.response import json from sanic import Blueprint, Sanic # bp = Blueprint('my_blueprint') bp = Blueprint(__name__) # 名字隨意 @bp.route('/') async def bp_root(request): return json({'my': 'blueprint'})
from sanic import Sanic from my_blueprint import bp app = Sanic(__name__) app.blueprint(bp)'', port=8000, debug=True)
@bp.middleware async def print_on_request(request): print("I am a spy") @bp.middleware('request') async def halt_request(request): return text('I halted the request') @bp.middleware('response') async def halt_response(request, response): return text('I halted the response')
@bp.exception(NotFound) def ignore_404s(request, exception): return text("Yep, I totally found the page: {}".format(request.url))
bp.static('/folder/to/serve', '/web/path')
from sanic.response import text, redirect from sanic import Blueprint, Sanic app = Sanic() blueprint_v1 = Blueprint('v1', url_prefix='/v1') app.blueprint(blueprint_v1) @blueprint_v1.route('/post/<arg>', name='post_handler') async def post_handler(request, arg): return text('Post {} in Blueprint V1'.format(arg)) print(app.url_for('v1.post_handler', arg=123)) # /v1/post/123
@bp.listener('before_server_start') async def setup_connection(app, loop): # global database # database = mysql.connect(host=''...) print('開始') @bp.listener('after_server_stop') async def close_connection(app, loop): print('結束') # await database.close()
from sanic.response import text from sanic import Blueprint blueprint_v1 = Blueprint('v1', url_prefix='/v1') blueprint_v2 = Blueprint('v2', url_prefix='/v2') @blueprint_v1.route('/') async def api_v1_root(request): return text('版本一') @blueprint_v2.route('/') async def api_v2_root(request): return text('版本二')
from sanic import Sanic from blueprints import blueprint_v1, blueprint_v2 app = Sanic(__name__) app.blueprint(blueprint_v1, url_prefix='/v1') app.blueprint(blueprint_v2, url_prefix='/v2')'', port=8000, debug=True)
# 第一種方式 app = Sanic('myapp') app.config.DB_NAME = 'appdb' app.config.DB_USER = 'appuser' # 第二種方式 db_settings = { 'DB_HOST': 'localhost', 'DB_NAME': 'appdb', 'DB_USER': 'appuser' } app.config.update(db_settings)
# 任何由SANIC_定義的變量都將應用於sanic配置。例如,設置SANIC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT自動加載應用程序。你可使用load_cars將布爾值傳遞給Sanic構造函數來進行覆蓋。 app = Sanic(load_vars=False)
# 若是有不少配置參數而且它們有合理的默認值,將它們放置於模塊是有幫助的。 import myapp.default_settings app = Sanic('myapp') app.config.from_object(myapp.default_settings)
# 一般狀況下,你想要從文件中加載配置參數。你能夠從from_file(/path/to/config_file)來加載配置參數。然而,這須要程序知道配置文件的位置,因此你能夠在環境變量中指定配置文件的路徑,並讓Sanic尋找配置文件並使用配置文件。 app = Sanic('myapp') app.config.from_envvar('MYAPP_SETTINGS') # 而後你能夠在MYAPP_SETTINGS環境設置下運行你的應用程序: $ MYAPP_SETTINGS=/path/to/config_file python3 INFO: Goin' Fast @ # 配置文件是常規的Python文件,運行它們只是爲了加載配置。這容許你使用任何正確的邏輯進行正確的配置。只要uppercase變量被添加到配置中,最多見的配置包括簡單的鍵值對: # config_file DB_HOST = 'localhost' DB_NAME = 'appdb' DB_USER = 'appuser'
(時間): cookie最後在客戶端瀏覽器上存在時間。path
(字符串): Cookie的URL子集。默認爲/
(字符串): 註釋(元數據)。domain
(字符串): 指定cookie有效的域。顯式指定的域必須始終以點開頭。max-age
(數字): cookie應該存在的秒數。secure
(布爾值): 指定cookie是否只能經過HTTPS發送。httponly
(布爾值): 指定cookie是否能被Javascript讀取。from sanic import Sanic from sanic.response import text app = Sanic() @app.route("/get_cookie") async def test(request): test_cookie = request.cookies.get('test') return text("Test cookie set to: {}".format(test_cookie)) @app.route("/set_cookie") async def test(request): response = text("There's a cookie up in this response") response.cookies['id'] = 'It worked!' # response.cookies['test']['domain'] = '' # response.cookies['test']['httponly'] = True return response @app.route("/del_cookie") async def test(request): response = text("刪除cookies") # 此cookie將被設置爲0秒後過時 del response.cookies['kill_me'] # 這個cookie將在5秒內自動銷燬 response.cookies['short_life'] = 'Glad to be here' response.cookies['short_life']['max-age'] = 5 del response.cookies['favorite_color'] # This cookie will remain unchanged response.cookies['favorite_color'] = 'blue' response.cookies['favorite_color'] = 'pink' del response.cookies['favorite_color'] return response if __name__ == '__main__':
from functools import wraps from sanic import Sanic from sanic.response import json app = Sanic() def auth(): def decorator(f): @wraps(f) async def decorated_function(request, *args, **kwargs): # 判斷是否經過 認證 is_authorized = True if is_authorized: # 經過認證 response = await f(request, *args, **kwargs) return response else: # 未經過認證 return json({'status': 'not_authorized'}, 403) return decorated_function return decorator @app.route("/") @auth() async def test(request): return json({"status": 'authorized'}) if __name__ == '__main__':
from functools import wraps from sanic.response import text, json, redirect from sanic.views import HTTPMethodView, CompositionView from sanic import Sanic app = Sanic(__name__) def auth(): def decorator(f): @wraps(f) async def decorated_function(request, *args, **kwargs): # 判斷是否經過 認證 is_authorized = True print("認證裝飾器") if is_authorized: # 經過認證 response = await f(request, *args, **kwargs) return response else: # 未經過認證 return json({'status': 'not_authorized'}, 403) return decorated_function return decorator # @app.route('/') async def index(request): url = app.url_for('Users', id=10) # 反向解析 print(url) # /user/10 return redirect(url) # 302 # 使用組成視圖 處理錯誤請求 view = CompositionView() view.add(['GET'], index) view.add(['POST', 'PUT'], lambda request: text('我沒有 post / put 方法')) app.add_route(view, '/') class Users(HTTPMethodView): decorators = [auth(), ] # 加裝飾器 # 能夠不使用異步 async def get(self, request, id): print(id) return text('{}---OK'.format(id)) async def post(self, request,id): return text("{}".format(request.form)) ... app.add_route(Users.as_view(), '/user/<id>') if __name__ == '__main__':
from sanic import Sanic from sanic.response import text from sanic.server import HttpProtocol app = Sanic() # 自定義 http 協議 class CustomHttpProtocol(HttpProtocol): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def write_response(self, response): if isinstance(response, str): response = text(response) self.transport.write( response.output(self.request.version) ) self.transport.close() @app.route('/') async def string(request): return 'string' @app.route('/1') async def response(request): return text('response') # 指定協議
import ssl ctx = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) ctx.load_cert_chain("/path/to/cert", keyfile="/path/to/keyfile")"", port=8443, ssl=ctx) # 你還能夠將證書和密鑰的位置作爲自檢進行傳遞。 ssl = {'cert': "/path/to/cert", 'key': "/path/to/keyfile"}"", port=5000, ssl=ssl)
python -m sanic --host= --port=80 --workers=4