grouping sets
在一個 group by 查詢中,根據不一樣的維度組合進行聚合,等價於將不一樣維度的 group by 結果集進行 union all
根據 group by 的維度的全部組合進行聚合
是 cube 的子集,以最左側的維度爲主,從該維度進行層級聚合。spa
-- grouping sets select order_id, departure_date, count(*) as cnt from ord_test where order_id=410341346 group by order_id, departure_date grouping sets (order_id,(order_id,departure_date)) ; ---- 等價於如下 group by order_id union all group by order_id,departure_date -- cube select order_id, departure_date, count(*) as cnt from ord_test where order_id=410341346 group by order_id, departure_date with cube ; ---- 等價於如下 select count(*) as cnt from ord_test where order_id=410341346 union all group by order_id union all group by departure_date union all group by order_id,departure_date -- rollup select order_id, departure_date, count(*) as cnt from ord_test where order_id=410341346 group by order_id, departure_date with rollup ; ---- 等價於如下 select count(*) as cnt from ord_test where order_id=410341346 union all group by order_id union all group by order_id,departure_date
結果:grouping_sets, cube, rollupcode