[root@gaoyang ~ 13:01:16]# cat 123.txt name:i am gaoyang birthday:19961025 what the fuck!!!!
一、cat -n 123.txtbash
[root@gaoyang ~ 13:54:38]# cat -n 123.txt 1 name:i am gaoyang 2 3 birthday:19961025 4 5 what the fuck!!!!
二、nl 123.txtless
[root@gaoyang ~ 13:57:56]# nl 123.txt #===>不顯示空行 1 name:i am gaoyang 2 birthday:19961025 3 what the fuck!!!!
三、grep -n ".*" 123.txt ide
[root@gaoyang ~ 13:58:56]# grep -n ".*" 123.txt 1:name:i am gaoyang 2: 3:birthday:19961025 4: 5:what the fuck!!!!
四、awk '{print NR,$0}' 123.txtit
[root@gaoyang ~ 14:01:15]# awk '{print NR,$0}' 123.txt 1 name:i am gaoyang 2 3 birthday:19961025 4 5 what the fuck!!!!
五、less -N 123.txtclass
[root@gaoyang ~ 14:01:19]# less -N 123.txt 1 name:i am gaoyang 2 3 birthday:19961025 4 5 what the fuck!!!! 123.txt (END)
六、sed '=' 123.txt |sed 'N;s#\n# #g'awk
[root@gaoyang ~ 14:02:23]# sed '=' 123.txt |sed 'N;s#\n# #g' 1 name:i am gaoyang 2 3 birthday:19961025 4 5 what the fuck!!!!
七、vim 123.txt :set nu
1 name:i am gaoyang 2 3 birthday:19961025 4 5 what the fuck!!!! :set nu