本文分享自華爲雲社區《如何編寫高效、優雅、可信代碼系列(1)——C++多線程強制終止》,原文做者:我是一顆大西瓜 。linux
1. 線程函數的return返回(建議)。這種退出線程的方式是最安全的,在線程函數return返回後, 會清理函數內申請的類對象, 即調用這些對象的析構函數.。而後會自動調用 _endthreadex()函數來清理 _beginthreadex()函數申請的資源(主要是建立的tiddata對象)。
2. 同一個進程或另外一個進程中的線程調用TerminateThread函數(應避免使用該方法)。TerminateThread可以撤消任何線程,其中hThread參數用於標識被終止運行的線程的句柄。當線程終止運行時,它的退出代碼成爲你做爲dwExitCode參數傳遞的值。同時,線程的內核對象的使用計數也被遞減。注意TerminateThread函數是異步運行的函數,也就是說,它告訴系統你想要線程終止運行,可是,當函數返回時,不能保證線程被撤消。若是須要確切地知道該線程已經終止運行,必須調用WaitForSingleObject或者相似的函數,傳遞線程的句柄。
3. 經過調用ExitThread函數,線程將自行撤消(最好不使用該方法)。該函數將終止線程的運行,並致使操做系統清除該線程使用的全部操做系統資源。可是,C++資源(如C++類對象)將不被析構。
4. ExitProcess和TerminateProcess函數也能夠用來終止線程的運行(應避免使用該方法)。segmentfault
要終止與OS /編譯器相關的函數的線程,咱們須要知道如何從C++獲取本機線程數據類型std::thread。幸運的是,在調用或以前std::thread提供了一個API native_handle()以獲取線程的本機句柄類型。而且能夠將此本地句柄傳遞給本地OS線程終止函數,例如join() detach() pthread_cancel()。多線程
如下代碼用於顯示std::thread::native_handle(),std::thread::get_id()並pthread_self()返回相同的代碼pthread_t來處理Linux / GCC的C++線程異步
#include <mutex> #include <iostream> #include <chrono> #include <cstring> #include <pthread.h> std::mutex iomutex; void f(int num) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(iomutex); std::cout << "Thread " << num << " pthread_t " << pthread_self() << std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t1(f, 1), t2(f, 2); //t1.join(); t2.join(); ----------------pos 1 //t1.detach(); t2.detach(); -------------pos 2 std::cout << "Thread 1 thread id " << t1.get_id() << std::endl; std::cout << "Thread 2 thread id " << t2.get_id() << std::endl; std::cout << "Thread 1 native handle " << t1.native_handle() << std::endl; std::cout << "Thread 2 native handle " << t2.native_handle() << std::endl; t1.join(); t2.join(); //t1.detach(); t2.detach(); }
$ g++ -Wall -std=c++11 cpp_thread_pthread.cc -o cpp_thread_pthread -pthread -lpthread $ ./cpp_thread_pthread Thread 1 thread id 140109390030592 Thread 2 thread id 140109381637888 Thread 1 native handle 140109390030592 Thread 2 native handle 140109381637888 Thread 1 pthread_t 140109390030592 Thread 2 pthread_t 140109381637888
uncommentpos 1或者pos 2後,即調用join()或以後detach(),C++線程會丟失本機句柄類型的信息優化
$ ./cpp_thread_pthread Thread 1 pthread_t 139811504355072 Thread 2 pthread_t 139811495962368 Thread 1 thread id thread::id of a non-executing thread Thread 2 thread id thread::id of a non-executing thread Thread 1 native handle 0 Thread 2 native handle 0
class Foo { public: void sleep_for(const std::string &tname, int num) { prctl(PR_SET_NAME,tname.c_str(),0,0,0); sleep(num); } void start_thread(const std::string &tname) { std::thread thrd = std::thread(&Foo::sleep_for, this, tname, 3600); tm_[tname] = thrd.native_handle(); thrd.detach(); std::cout << "Thread " << tname << " created:" << std::endl; } void stop_thread(const std::string &tname) { ThreadMap::const_iterator it = tm_.find(tname); if (it != tm_.end()) { pthread_cancel(it->second); tm_.erase(tname); std::cout << "Thread " << tname << " killed:" << std::endl; } } private: typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, pthread_t> ThreadMap; ThreadMap tm_; }; int main() { Foo foo; std::string keyword("test_thread"); std::string tname1 = keyword + "1"; std::string tname2 = keyword + "2"; // create and kill thread 1 foo.start_thread(tname1); foo.stop_thread(tname1); // create and kill thread 2 foo.start_thread(tname2); foo.stop_thread(tname2); return 0; }
$ g++ -Wall -std=c++11 kill_cpp_thread.cc -o kill_cpp_thread -pthread -lpthread $ ./kill_cpp_thread Thread test_thread1 created: 30332 30333 pts/5 00:00:00 test_thread1 Thread test_thread1 killed: Thread test_thread2 created: 30332 30340 pts/5 00:00:00 test_thread2 Thread test_thread2 killed: