CocoaPods:library not found for -lPods

This is my first shot to write a blog in English. Enjoy! ;)app

CocoaPods is a popular way to control iOS projects' dependency. And it's easy to use. this

If you got everything configured right for cocoapods, you can just integrate all dependency in your project with only one command: $ pod

As this blog not on details of how to configure and use cocoapods, we just focus on how to deal with a easy and sometimes confusing problem as it's already in the title of this blog.code

ld: library not found for -lPods

The error detail is:blog

ld: library not found for -lPods
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

but the first line is the

You first use Cocoapods, but you take some time and effort to download and configure it. When you think it workds, but "BOOM" an error occured. It makes you really unhappy! Dude, I know how that feels, cuz I've been there. io

But when you find out what's going on there, you would just give it a smile! It's an easy one. You clicked the project file to open the cocoapods-handle-dependency project as what you always do. This is the problem! YEAH!!! What you got do to open the project correctly is to "CLICK THE WORKSPACE FILE".class

So, my man. After you got cocoapods configration done, click the workspace file to open up your project! Then you will see how the project is organized:cli

For now, the proejct is a secret. :)date

Hope this helps you!
