ln [選項] 參數
使用 ln --help查看可用選項linux
[root@node1 ~]# ln --help Usage: ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME (1st form) or: ln [OPTION]... TARGET (2nd form) or: ln [OPTION]... TARGET... DIRECTORY (3rd form) or: ln [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY TARGET... (4th form) In the 1st form, create a link to TARGET with the name LINK_NAME. In the 2nd form, create a link to TARGET in the current directory. In the 3rd and 4th forms, create links to each TARGET in DIRECTORY. Create hard links by default, symbolic links with --symbolic. When creating hard links, each TARGET must exist. Symbolic links can hold arbitrary text; if later resolved, a relative link is interpreted in relation to its parent directory. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. --backup[=CONTROL] make a backup of each existing destination file -b like --backup but does not accept an argument -d, -F, --directory allow the superuser to attempt to hard link directories (note: will probably fail due to system restrictions, even for the superuser) -f, --force remove existing destination files -i, --interactive prompt whether to remove destinations -L, --logical make hard links to symbolic link references -n, --no-dereference treat destination that is a symlink to a directory as if it were a normal file -P, --physical make hard links directly to symbolic links -s, --symbolic make symbolic links instead of hard links -S, --suffix=SUFFIX override the usual backup suffix -t, --target-directory=DIRECTORY specify the DIRECTORY in which to create the links -T, --no-target-directory treat LINK_NAME as a normal file -v, --verbose print name of each linked file --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit The backup suffix is `~', unless set with --suffix or SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX. The version control method may be selected via the --backup option or through the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable. Here are the values: Using -s ignores -L and -P. Otherwise, the last option specified controls behavior when the source is a symbolic link, defaulting to -P. none, off never make backups (even if --backup is given) numbered, t make numbered backups existing, nil numbered if numbered backups exist, simple otherwise simple, never always make simple backups Report ln bugs to bug-coreutils@gnu.org GNU coreutils home page: <http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/> General help using GNU software: <http://www.gnu.org/gethelp/> For complete documentation, run: info coreutils 'ln invocation'
-b或--backup:刪除,覆蓋目標文件以前的備份; -d或-F或——directory:創建目錄的硬鏈接; -f或——force:強行創建文件或目錄的鏈接,不論文件或目錄是否存在; -i或——interactive:覆蓋既有文件以前先詢問用戶; -n或--no-dereference:把符號鏈接的目的目錄視爲通常文件; -s或——symbolic:對源文件創建符號鏈接,而非硬鏈接; -S<字尾備份字符串>或--suffix=<字尾備份字符串>:用"-b"參數備份目標文件後,備份文件的字尾會被加上一個備份字符串,預設的備份字符串是符號「~」,用戶可經過「-S」參數來改變它; -v或——verbose:顯示指令執行過程; -V<備份方式>或--version-control=<備份方式>:用「-b」參數備份目標文件後,備份文件的字尾會被加上一個備份字符串,這個字符串不只可用「-S」參數變動,當使用「-V」參數<備份方式>指定不一樣備份方式時,也會產生不一樣字尾的備份字符串; --help:在線幫助; --version:顯示版本信息。
[root@node1 data]# pwd /data [root@node1 data]# ll total 16 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Jun 27 02:54 test drwxr-xr-x. 3 1001 root 4096 Jun 26 18:34 webbench-1.5 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 7675 May 19 2009 webbench-1.5.tar.gz #/data 目錄下有兩個目錄一個文件,就在此基礎上進行操做查看效果 [root@node1 data]# ln /data/webbench-1.5 /data/test ln: `webbench-1.5': hard link not allowed for directory [root@node1 data]# ln /data/webbench-1.5 /data/test/ ln: `webbench-1.5': hard link not allowed for directory [root@node1 data]# ln /data/webbench-1.5/ /data/test/ ln: `webbench-1.5/': hard link not allowed for directory #怎麼操做文件夾是不能鏈接的 [root@node1 data]# ln /data/webbench-1.5.tar.gz /data/test [root@node1 data]# ls test webbench-1.5 webbench-1.5.tar.gz [root@node1 data]# cd /data/test/ [root@node1 test]# ls webbench-1.5.tar.gz [root@node1 test]# ls -l total 8 -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 7675 May 19 2009 webbench-1.5.tar.gz #硬連接鏈接文件操做成功,至關複製文件到指定目錄
[root@node1 data]# ln -s /data/webbench-1.5 /data/test/ [root@node1 data]# ls test webbench-1.5 webbench-1.5.tar.gz [root@node1 data]# ln -s /data/webbench-1.5 /data/test/webbench-bak [root@node1 data]# ls test webbench-1.5 webbench-1.5.tar.gz webbench-bak [root@node1 data]# mkdir test/webbench-bak-2 [root@node1 data]# ln -s /data/webbench-1.5 /data/test/webbench-bak-2 [root@node1 data]# ls test/ webbench-1.5 webbench-1.5.tar.gz webbench-bak webbench-bak-2 [root@node1 data]# ls test/webbench-bak-2/ webbench-1.5 #若是目標文件夾已存在,會把當前文件夾鏈接到目標文件夾下生成和源文件夾同名的文件夾 #若是目標文件夾不存在,直接鏈接源文件到目標文件夾,同時生成目標文件夾 [root@node1 test]# ll total 12 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 18 Jun 27 03:22 webbench-1.5 -> /data/webbench-1.5 -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 7675 May 19 2009 webbench-1.5.tar.gz lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 18 Jun 27 03:23 webbench-bak -> /data/webbench-1.5 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Jun 27 03:23 webbench-bak-2
在進行鏈接的時候必定要使用全路徑,不然會出現Too many levels of symbolic links錯誤,鏈接文件或文件夾不能用ide