

Introduce the AComboBox componenthtml


The AComboBox is a drop down component in JComponentPack product, it’s different with the 「 JComboBox」 component in the core Java swing package, it can set the popup icon, popup component, etc.

Main Features數據庫

1. Customize the popup iconapi

The AComboBox component have the method 「setPopupIcon(Icon)」, you can change the popup icon for your requirements, see the screenshot:

2. Customize the popup component ide

The AComboBox component have the method 「setPopupComponent(Component), you can set the component will be display in the drop down menu.ui

3. Customize the component factory, this is a new feature since JComponentPack 1.1.0, You can configure the popup icon, popup component based the current value’s type, the method 「setComponentFactory(AbstractComponentFactory)」 in AComboBox can be used for this goal.
  AComboBox currently provide a default AbstractComponentFactory, it can configure the Date value to use the calendar popup icon and JCalendar component, see the article 「JCalendar new features in JComponentPack 1.1.0」 for details.this

Sample Codespa

Configure the AComboBox component to use the Date valuecomponent

// create the AComboBox
AComboBox comboBox = new AComboBox();
comboBox.setValue(new Date());
// configure the date format
DateCellRenderer renderer = (DateCellRenderer) comboBox.getRenderer();

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JComponentPack是基於Swing框架的Java GUI控件集合,它包括JDataGrid電子表格版本JDataGrid數據庫版本JComponentSet--Java swing控件集


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