DevExpress VCL Controls是 Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的用戶界面套包。所包含的控件有:數據錄入,圖表,數據分析,導航,佈局,網格,日程管理,樣式,打印和工做流等,讓您快速開發出完美、強大的VCL應用程序!DevExpress普遍應用於ECM企業內容管理、 成本管控、進程監督、生產調度,在企業/政務信息化管理中佔據一席重要之地。html
【適用範圍】:Delphi / C++Builder XE2 / XE3 / XE4 / XE5 / XE6 / XE7 / XE8 / XE10 , Embarcadero Delphi , C++Builder 10 Seattleexpress
1) DXperience最新版本漢化資源(2萬詞彙專業漢化、節約3成項目研發時間、一行代碼輕鬆搞定!)jsp
2) DevExpress for .NET高級培訓(「功能講解+示例演示+實戰演練」三位一體的培訓模式,讓您真正學有所獲!)佈局
3) DevExpress中文視頻課程ui

【DevExpress VCL最新版下載】spa
此列表包含了在 v17.2.6中解決的全部問題:code
- T618630 - Documentation - Certain tables display strings enclosed in the code tag
ExpressBars Suite視頻
- T609410 - The Ribbon's background image does not scale in response to monitor DPI changes
ExpressDocking Library
- T613269 - A docking panel whose Visible property is set to False within the form's OnCreate event handler remains visible in certain docking layouts
ExpressEditors Library
- T610400 - A glyph assigned via the Properties.ButtonGlyph property is not displayed in a cxColorComboBox editor's dropdown button
- T613844 - Fonts for (DB) editors change between display mode and edit mode when tcxLookAndFeelController.NativeStyle = true
- T616185 - TcxDBLookupComboBox - The Text property value is automatically applied to a drop-down list as a filter if the underlying dataset is refreshed while the list is displayed
- T617939 - Touch-friendly scrollbar mode - An AV occurs on clicking a cxMemo control on an MDI Child form if the spell checker's CheckAsYouTypeOptions.Active property is True
- T611738 - Touch-friendly scrollbar mode - The right and bottom borders of empty cxListBox and cxCheckListBox controls are not displayed
ExpressExport Library
- T615619 - Cell Data Export Routines - An exception occurs on exporting a cell containing the Variant Null value if the cell's data type is set to TDateTime
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