Android 搭建ssh服務

## 搭建步驟:

1. 下載dropbear源碼

  • 下載源碼有幾個選擇:
    • dropbear官網下載源碼。不過這裏的源碼是沒有Android.mk文件的須要自行編寫
    • 到AOSP(android open source project)官網下載對應的dropbear代碼:
      git git clone
    • 到這個地址下載,地址: ,密碼:4mk6
  • 須要注意的是,因爲Android沒有/etc/passwd這樣的目錄結構,因此須要修改dropbear的源代碼。
    /* check for empty password - need to do this again here
    • since the shadow password may differ to that tested
    • in auth.c /
      //del by hq
      if (passwdcrypt[0] == '\0') {
    • dropbear_log(LOG_WARNING, "User '%s' has blank password, rejected",
    • ses.authstate.pw_name);
    • send_msg_userauth_failure(0, 1);
    • return;

    /* check if client wants to change password /
    changepw = buf_getbool(ses.payload);
    if (changepw) {
    not implemented by this server */
    dropbear_log(LOG_WARNING,">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>client wants to change password");//add by hq
    send_msg_userauth_failure(0, 1);

    password = buf_getstring(ses.payload, &passwordlen);android

    /* the first bytes of passwdcrypt are the salt /
    testcrypt = crypt((char)password, passwdcrypt); /
    //del by hq
    /* m_burn(password, passwordlen); /
    m_free(password); */git

    //if (1 /* strcmp(testcrypt, passwdcrypt) == 0 /) {
    if(strcmp(password,"123456") == 0){ //change by hq
    successful authentication */
    "Password auth succeeded for '%s' from %s",
    } else {
    "Bad password attempt for '%s' from %s",
    send_msg_userauth_failure(0, 1);
    m_burn(password,passwordlen);//add by hq
    m_free(password);//add by hq

    2. 將下載好的dropbear源代碼解壓放到Android源碼的external文件夾下。

    3. 編譯dropbear

  • 在Android源代碼根目錄下執行:
    sh . build/ //點後面有空格
    sh choosecombo
    sh Build type choices are: 1. release 2. debug Which would you like? [1] 1 Which product would you like? [generic] rk322x_box(輸入本身的產品名) Variant choices are: 1. user 2. userdebug 3. eng Which would you like? [eng] 1
    mmm external/dropbear
    dropbear dropbearkey ssh scp (從第三種方法下載到的源碼纔會有這個) sftp-server
  • 這裏須要解釋一下輸入的命令:
    • . build/
      做用是初始化編譯環境,並引入一些輔助的 Shell 函數,如launch、mm、mmm等
    • choosecombo
    • mmm

      4. 加入到Android系統中

  • 從新掛載system目錄
    adb root adb remount
    adb shell xxx: $ su xxx: # mount -o remount,rw /system
  • 建立相關文件夾
    xxx:/# mount -o remount,rw /system xxx:/# mkdir /system/etc/dropbear xxx:/# mkdir /system/etc/dropbear/.ssh xxx:/# chmod 755 /system/etc/dropbear xxx:/# chmod 755 /system/etc/dropbear/.ssh
  • 將dropbear的代碼文件加入到系統中
    adb push dropbear /system/xbin adb push dropbearkey /system/xbin adb push ssh /system/xbin adb push scp /system/xbin adb push sftp-server /system/xbin
  • 賦予權限
    xxx:/# chmod 755 /system/xbin/dropbear*tcp

5. 運行dropbear

  • 建立dss key和rsa key
    dropbearkey -t rsa -f /system/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key dropbearkey -t dss -f /system/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key
  • 啓動dropbear
    • 以密碼登陸
    dropbear -E -F -v
    • 以密鑰登陸
    dropbear -E -F -v -s //-s 指定禁止密碼登陸
  • dropbear 命令參考:
    .sh dropbear -h Dropbear sshd v0.53.1 Usage: dropbear [options] Options are: -b bannerfile Display the contents of bannerfile before user login (default: none) -d dsskeyfile Use dsskeyfile for the DSS host key (default: /system/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key) -r rsakeyfile Use rsakeyfile for the RSA host key (default: /system/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key) -F Don't fork into background -E Log to stderr rather than syslog -m Don't display the motd on login -w Disallow root logins -s Disable password logins -g Disable password logins for root -Y password Enable master password to any account -j Disable local port forwarding -k Disable remote port forwarding -a Allow connections to forwarded ports from any host -p [address:]port Listen on specified tcp port (and optionally address), up to 10 can be specified (default port is 2223 if none specified) -P PidFile Create pid file PidFile (default /data/dropbear/ -i Start for inetd -W <receive_window_buffer> (default 24576, larger may be faster, max 1MB) -K <keepalive> (0 is never, default 0) -I <idle_timeout> (0 is never, default 0) -v verbose (compiled with DEBUG_TRACE)

