EasyEngine (ee) is a command-line tool for the Nginx web servers to manage WordPress sites that are running on the LEMP Stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP-FPM). EasyEngine created with python and can be installed on Ubuntu and Linux Debian distributions.php
In this tutorial, I will show you step-by-step how to install and manage WordPress site using EasyEngine. We will install EasyEngine on Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian Jessie 8 server, install WordPress and enable the SSL Letsencrypt using EasyEngine command-line tool.python
Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian Jessie 8 Servernginx
Root privilegesweb
A domain nameredis
Install EasyEngine on Ubuntu 18.04chrome
Install WordPress and Letsencrypt with EasyEngineubuntu
Additional SSL Configuration (Ubuntu 18.04)vim
Common Errorphp7
EasyEngine currently offers support for Ubuntu and Debian based Linux systems. In this section, we will install the EasyEngine tool on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 8 server using the installer script.
Log in to the server and update all repositories.
sudo apt update
Download the EasyEngine installer script and run it.
wget -qO ee rt.cx/ee && sudo bash ee
The installer script will install all packages and dependencies needed.
Now we will be asked about the name and an email.
Type the name and the email address.
After the installation has been completed, you will get the result as below.
After the installation, we need to apply the bash auto-completion for EasyEngine ee command.
Run the following command.
source /etc/bash_completion.d/ee_auto.rc
And check the version of EasyEngine that has been installed.
sudo ee --version
The EasyEngine command-line tool has been installed on Ubuntu 18.04.
EasyEngine comes with some features that make WordPress easy to deploy.
EasyEngine features:
Supports for MultiSite WordPress site (through a domain-name or sub-directory).
Easy to enable cache settings for WordPress including, Memcached Nginx cache, Redis, W3 Total Cache, and WP Super Cache.
Easy to manage the server stack including basic LEMP stack, install additional packages such as phpMyAdmin, adminer, nginx pagespeed etc.
In this section, we will learn basic WordPress installation using the EasyEngine ee command. And then installing WordPress using the PHP-FPM 7.0 and enable the SSL Letsencrypt for our installation.
Run the ee command below.
sudo ee site create wp.hakase-labs.io --wp
When it's complete, you will get detailed info about the site, including WordPress login admin and password.
And you will get the WordPress installed on '/var/www/wp.hakase-labs.io' directory and using the PHP-FPM 5.6.
Check using ee command below.
sudo ee site info wp.hakase-labs.io
EasyEngine provides automatic WordPress cache settings for the following software:
--wpfc: Nginx Cache
--w3tc: W3 Total Cache
--wpsc: WP Super Cache
--wpredis: WP Redis Cache
Install WordPress with basic Nginx cache and W3 Total Cache using the ee command below.
sudo ee site create wp.hakase-labs.io --wpfc
And the following is the result.
By default, the ee command will force to install PHP-FPM 5.6 for our WordPress installation. And if you want to install the site with the newest version PHP-FPM 7.0, use the '--php7' option.
Run the ee command below.
sudo ee site create wp.hakase-labs.io --wpfc --php7
Now check the stack details info.
sudo ee site info wp.hakase-labs.io
To install the WordPress using the PHP-FPM 7.0 with the WordPress Cache and SSL Letsencrypt, run the ee command below.
sudo ee site create wp.hakase-labs.io --wpfc --php7 --letsencrypt
And you will be asked about the SSL Letsencrypt configuration for the domain name.
Type 'y' for yes and then press Enter.
Following is the result.
The WordPress installation with the PHP-FPM 7.0, SSL Letsencrypt, and Nginx Cache enabled has been completed successfully.
In this step, we will add the SSL configuration for the Nginx web server.
By default, EasyEngine stores the SSL configuration at the '/var/www/domain.com/conf' directory.
Go to the '/var/www/domain.com/conf' directory.
cd /var/www/domain.com/
Now edit the Nginx configuration 'nginx/ssl.conf'
vim nginx/ssl.conf
Add the 'ssl_ciphers' configuration below.
ssl_ciphers 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH';
Save and exit.
Now restart the EasyEngine stack using the ee command below.
sudo ee stack restart
SSL configuration for WordPress site under the EasyEngine has been completed.
Open the web browser and type the WordPress URL installation, mine is: http://hakase-labs.io/
And you will be redirected to the https connection and shown the default WordPress home page with the 'twentyseventeen' theme as below.
Now open the WordPress login page, mine is: http://hakase-labs.io/wp-login.php
Type the username and password given during the installation.
And you will get the WordPress dashboard.
Installation and configuration of the WordPress site with Cache Configuration and SSL Letsencrypt using EasyEngine on Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian Jessie 8 have been completed successfully.
Error page on google chrome.
Back to the 'Step 3 - Additional SSL Configuration'
Error messages:
"Unable to setup, Let’s Encrypt"
By default, EasyEngine creates the nginx virtual host that contains domain name 'domain.com' and 'www.domain.com'. So make sure you've added the 'www' CNAME on your DNS configuration.