You can get complete example code from git
Including app
The main realated code: ui
melt.tfrecords/libsvm_decode #parsing libsvm file this
melt.models.mlp lua
def forward(inputs, spa
num_outputs, code
input_dim=None, blog
hiddens=[200], ci
text-classfication/ shows how to use this
You must specify num_outputs and input_dim for sparse input dataset
For example 10 classes classficiation problem then num_outputs=10
If you do regresssion then num_outputs=1
input_dim should be the same as your dataset num input features
You may change hiddens, the default is [200], means only 1 hidden layer size 200,
You can use more hiddens like [200, 100, 100] means 3 hidden layers with size 200,100,100
You may also set hiddens [] empty , means you only do logistic regression
What's the diff between melt.layers.fully_connected and tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected?
Well similary but we will also deal with sparse input, the main difference in here
We use melt.matmul
def matmul(X, w): |
if isinstance(X, tf.Tensor): |
return tf.matmul(X,w) |
else: |
#X[0] index, X[1] value |
return tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse(w, X[0], X[1], combiner='sum') |
來自 <>
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