How to do sparse input text classification(dnn) using tensorflow

You can get complete example code from git


Including app

  1. How to parse libsvm dataset file to tfrecords
  2. Reading tfrecords and do dnn/logistic regresssion classifciation/regresssion
  3. Train + evaluate
  4. See train process (loss and metric track) in tensorboard
  5. Show how to use melt.train_flow to handle all other things(optimizer, learning rate, model saving, log …)


The main realated code: ui

melt.tfrecords/libsvm_decode #parsing libsvm file this

melt.models.mlp lua


def forward(inputs, spa

num_outputs, code

input_dim=None, blog

hiddens=[200], ci










text-classfication/ shows how to use this


You must specify num_outputs and input_dim for sparse input dataset

For example 10 classes classficiation problem then num_outputs=10

If you do regresssion then num_outputs=1

input_dim should be the same as your dataset num input features



You may change hiddens, the default is [200], means only 1 hidden layer size 200,

You can use more hiddens like [200, 100, 100] means 3 hidden layers with size 200,100,100

You may also set hiddens [] empty , means you only do logistic regression


What's the diff between melt.layers.fully_connected and tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected?

Well similary but we will also deal with sparse input, the main difference in here

We use melt.matmul

def matmul(X, w):



if isinstance(X, tf.Tensor):


return tf.matmul(X,w)




#X[0] index, X[1] value


return tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse(w, X[0], X[1], combiner='sum')


來自 <>





Tensorboard show:



