First, what is 'High Order function', basic just a function, inside the function return another
// High order fucntion function fn() { return function(){ } }
For example:ide
function compose(a, b) { return function(c){ return a(b(c)); } } function addTwo(val){ return val + 2; } function tiemsTwo(val){ return val * 2; } const val = compose(addTwo, tiemsTwo)(50);; // 102
Decorators is a subset of high order fucntion:this
function fluent(fn){ return function(...args){ fn.apply(this, args); return this; } } function Person(){} Person.prototype.setName = fluent(function(firstName, lastName){ this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; }) Person.prototype.getName = fluent(function(){ console.log(this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName); }) var p = new Person(); console.log( p.setName('John', 'Kent').getName());
In this code, fluent actually decorate Person class, make it
But In ES6:prototype
class Person { setName(f, l) { this.firstName = f; this.lastName = l; } getName() { console.log(this.firstName, this.lastName); } }
We have no way to wrap setName and getName fucntion in fluent(). So that's way decorator comes in.code
To use decorator to descorate a function in class:blog
function decorate(target, keys, descriptor){ var fn = descriptor.value; // Overwrite the value, which in this case is function descriptor.value = function(...args){ fn.apply(target, args); return target; } } class Person { @decorate setName(firstName, lastName) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } @decorate getName(){ console.log(this.firstName, this.lastName); } } const p = new Person(); console.log(p.setName("Wan", "Zhentian").getName());
And it would be nice to reuse the fluent function:ip
function fluent(fn){ return function(...args){ fn.apply(this, args); return this; } }
So we can do:get
function fluent(fn){ return function(...args){ fn.apply(this, args); return this; } } function decorateWith(fn){ return (target, keys, descriptor) => { // fn here refers to setName or getName // fn should be call with in target context, which means Person{} // the second argument in call() is function to be passed into fluent() function
descriptor.value =, descriptor.value); } } class Person { @decorateWith(fluent) setName(firstName, lastName) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } @decorateWith(fluent) getName(){ console.log(this.firstName, this.lastName); } } const p = new Person(); console.log(p.setName("Wan", "Zhentian").getName());
[Note]: call(context, arguement, arguement, ....); here arguement is sinlge valueit
apply(context, arguements): here arguements is array