OC 版swift
//<Key: encryption and decryption key must be the same customizableapp
static NSString *secretKey =@"jwabcdefghijk";ide
#pragma mark - Encrypted stringthis
+ (NSString *)encryptForPlainText:(NSString *)plainText {spa
//Save the encrypted charactercode
NSMutableString *encryption = [NSMutableString string];orm
//The string after the code conversion: UTF_8->iso-8859-1ip
NSString *encoding = [[NSString alloc]initWithData:[plainText dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] encoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding];ci
for(int i = 0,j = 0;i < encoding.length;i++,j++) {rem
if(j == secretKey.length) {
j = 0;
//Characters after XOR
char cipher = (char)([encoding characterAtIndex:i]^[secretKey characterAtIndex:j]);
//NSLog(@"%cTurn to a string of 16:%@,%@",cipher,[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hhx",cipher],[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%x",cipher&0xff]);
//Turn into a string in the form of 16, and \x8b turns to a 8b string
NSString *strCipher = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hhx",cipher];
if(strCipher.length == 1) {
[encryption appendFormat:@"0%@",strCipher];
} else {
[encryption appendString:strCipher];
return encryption;
#pragma mark - Decryption, return the original character if not for the encrypted character
+ (NSString *)decryptForEncryption:(NSString *)encryptionText {
//Save the decrypted character
NSMutableString *decryption = [NSMutableString string];
//Decoded character
NSString *decoding = nil;
for(int i = 0,j = 0;i < encryptionText.length / 2;i++,j++){
if(j == secretKey.length){
j = 0;
//Intercepting a string in a 16 - band form, 8b in \x8b
NSString *tem = [encryptionText substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i * 2, 2)];
char *endptr;
//Turn a string of 16 in the form to a character
char n = (char)(int)strtoul([tem UTF8String],&endptr,16);
//Decide whether to be an encrypted character
if (n == '\0'&& *endptr != '\0') {
[decryption setString:@""];
[decryption appendFormat:@"%c",(char)(n^[secretKey characterAtIndex:j])];
if (![decryption isEqualToString:@""]) {
//After the string encoding: iso-8859-1 - > UTF_8
decoding = [[NSString alloc]initWithData:[[decryption copy] dataUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (decoding == nil) {
decoding = encryptionText;
return decoding;
新建 Data+Extension.swift
extension Data {
/// Create hexadecimal string representation of `Data` object.
/// - returns: `String` representation of this `Data` object.
func hexadecimal() -> String {
return map { String(format: "%02x", $0) }
.joined(separator: "")
新建 String+Extension.swift
extension String {
/// Create `String` representation of `Data` created from hexadecimal string representation
/// This takes a hexadecimal representation and creates a String object from that. Note, if the string has any spaces, those are removed. Also if the string started with a `<` or ended with a `>`, those are removed, too.
/// For example,
/// String(hexadecimal: "<666f6f>")
/// is
/// Optional("foo")
/// - returns: `String` represented by this hexadecimal string.
init?(hexadecimal string: String, encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) {
guard let data = string.hexadecimal() else {
return nil
self.init(data: data, encoding: encoding)
/// Create `Data` from hexadecimal string representation
/// This takes a hexadecimal representation and creates a `Data` object. Note, if the string has any spaces or non-hex characters (e.g. starts with '<' and with a '>'), those are ignored and only hex characters are processed.
/// - returns: Data represented by this hexadecimal string.
func hexadecimal() -> Data? {
var data = Data(capacity: count / 2)
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "[0-9a-f]{1,2}", options: .caseInsensitive)
regex.enumerateMatches(in: self, range: NSMakeRange(0, utf16.count)) { match, flags, stop in
let byteString = (self as NSString).substring(with: match!.range)
var num = UInt8(byteString, radix: 16)!
data.append(&num, count: 1)
guard data.count > 0 else { return nil }
return data
/// Create hexadecimal string representation of `String` object.
/// For example,
/// "foo".hexadecimalString()
/// is
/// Optional("666f6f")
/// - parameter encoding: The `String.Encoding` that indicates how the string should be converted to `Data` before performing the hexadecimal conversion.
/// - returns: `String` representation of this String object.
func hexadecimalString(encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) -> String? {
return data(using: encoding)?
private static let secretKey:NSString = "jwabcdefghijk"
/* XOr encrypt
* @param input NString to be encrypted
* @return Encrypted NString
class func xorEncrypt(input: NSString) -> NSString? {
let chars = (0..<input.length).map({
input.character(at: $0)^secretKey.character(at: $0 % secretKey.length)
return String(utf16CodeUnits: chars, count: chars.count).hexadecimalString()! as NSString
/* XOr Decrypt
* @param input NString to decrypt
* @return Decrypted NString
class func xorDecrypt(input: NSString) -> NSString? {
let hexString = String(hexadecimal: input as String)! as NSString
let chars = (0..<hexString.length).map({
hexString.character(at: $0)^secretKey.character(at: $0 % secretKey.length)
return NSString(characters: chars, length: chars.count)
/* XOr encrypt
* @param input String to be encrypted
* @return Encrypted string
class func xorEncrypt(input: String) -> String {
let str = input as NSString
let chars = (0..<str.length).map({
str.character(at: $0)^secretKey.character(at: $0 % secretKey.length)
return String(utf16CodeUnits: chars, count: chars.count).hexadecimalString()!
/* XOr Decrypt
* @param input String to decrypt
* @return Decrypted string
class func xorDecrypt(input: String) -> String {
let hexString = String(hexadecimal: input)! as NSString
let chars = (0..<hexString.length).map({
hexString.character(at: $0)^secretKey.character(at: $0 % secretKey.length)
return String(utf16CodeUnits: chars, count: chars.count)