本文是自我解嘲的文章,無心冒犯任何人,若有不滿,當即刪除。 算法
有時候軟件設計師頗爲自豪於本身的工做和成就,看,咱們製做了Windows,Linux,構建了Google,以及更多,簡直是,咱們創造了世界!當這種思想狂熱的充滿本身的小宇宙的時候,他們得意忘形的認爲,他們是世界上最棒的,他們能夠幾乎作全部的軟件方面的工做,其實否則,他們的能力頗有限,範圍很窄。 安全
這個科學世界從一開始就不是創建在計算機的基礎上的,電學,機械以及物理,化學的傳統學科造就了今天的科技世界,即使是到了今天爲止,世界上的主要能源仍是被這幾種科學所統治,沒有它們,計算機能作什麼,internet會是什麼樣子,沒法想像。 app
大多數的軟件設計師都是單一的軟件科學的教育產物,他們不是數學專業的,更加不知道電學,機械,物理,化學等學科的設計應用領域,他們自個人鑽入本身的計算機世界,面對各類問題,算法和挑戰,天天解決着十幾個不知名的bug,而自認爲這是最具思想挑戰的工做,這是最高端的腦力活動,這是高智商的戰場,哈哈,我只有哈哈了。 electron
Geek們認爲他們要超過Nerd,其實卻不知這個科學世界是Nerd創建的,沒有這些傳統的科學專業人士的存在,別說世界上大多數的設施的運行,就是基本的現代生活都沒法保證,在這樣的領域,把Geek叫過來講,嘿,老兄,給咱們寫一個計算核動力安全係數的線性方程的軟件吧,大多數的軟件設計師會無言以對。Nerd問Geek說,那麼大家能夠作什麼呢,最起碼懂線性方程的算法吧?軟件設計師喃喃的說,「嗯....這個麼....我上學的時候學過....讓我找找書...「。 ui
Sometimes software engineers were so proud of their works and achievement, look, we made Windows, Linux, and we also built Google, even more... OMG, we almost created the new world! When this ridiculers mind are expended to the whole Universe, they dramatically believe that, they are the greatest group in the world, they almost can do anything any kind software, the fact is just a heavy punch, they have very short skills in a very limited field. this
The modern science is not built based on computer from the beginning, electronics, mechanics and physics, even including chemistry, they actually build the modern world, even today, the main power is manipulated by these subjects, without them, computer can do nothing, and we can't even imagine what internet is look like. spa
Many software engineers are the result of which is derived from the education of software science, they are not specializing in mathematics, knowing nothing about electronics, mechanics, physics and chemistry applications, they self-obsessed into the computer world, facing some kind problems, designate so called "algorithm" and take them as "challenges", to find those anonymous bugs somehow, and they thought they are doing the most challenged job, and it's highly intelligent works, and that's the battle of IQ, haha, I feel I am amused. 設計