在harfbuzz-ng中,實際上存在兩種層面的shaper,一種是比較宏觀的字庫shaper,這類shaper通常都針對於特定的字庫文件類型來寫,好比graphite2 shaper,ot shaper等。還有一種就是語言的shaper,這種shaper是harfbuzz-ng所實現的ot shaper的一個子部分,這種shaper通常都針對於特定的語言或script來寫,好比印度語系的shaper,泰語/老撾語的shaper,阿拉伯語系的shaper等。harfbuzz-ng如何選擇一個shaper一文中有對字體shaper的選擇作過一個簡單的說明。那harfbuzz-ng又是在何處來決定要採用哪個語言shaper的呢?做出決定的依據是什麼?語言shaper的結構中又有些什麼內容呢?接下來,咱們就來嘗試解答這些問題。 api
在harfbuzz-ng如何選擇一個shaper一文中咱們有提過,harfbuzz-ng在建立shape_plan時,會經過一個函數建立一個shape_plan data,對於ot shaper而言,這個函數就是_hb_ot_shaper_shape_plan_data_create(),實際上,選擇語言shaper的動做也正是在這個部分完成的。咱們來看這個函數的定義: less
hb_ot_shaper_shape_plan_data_t * _hb_ot_shaper_shape_plan_data_create (hb_shape_plan_t *shape_plan, const hb_feature_t *user_features, unsigned int num_user_features) { hb_ot_shape_plan_t *plan = (hb_ot_shape_plan_t *) calloc (1, sizeof (hb_ot_shape_plan_t)); if (unlikely (!plan)) return NULL; hb_ot_shape_planner_t planner (shape_plan); planner.shaper = hb_ot_shape_complex_categorize (&planner); hb_ot_shape_collect_features (&planner, &shape_plan->props, user_features, num_user_features); planner.compile (*plan); if (plan->shaper->data_create) { plan->data = plan->shaper->data_create (plan); if (unlikely (!plan->data)) return NULL; } return plan; }是在這個函數中,經過調用 hb_ot_shape_complex_categorize()函數來選定一個語言shaper的,該函數的定義以下:
static inline const hb_ot_complex_shaper_t * hb_ot_shape_complex_categorize (const hb_ot_shape_planner_t *planner) { switch ((hb_tag_t) planner->props.script) { default: return &_hb_ot_complex_shaper_default; /* Unicode-1.1 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_ARABIC: case HB_SCRIPT_MONGOLIAN: case HB_SCRIPT_SYRIAC: /* Unicode-5.0 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_NKO: case HB_SCRIPT_PHAGS_PA: /* Unicode-6.0 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_MANDAIC: /* For Arabic script, use the Arabic shaper even if no OT script tag was found. * This is because we do fallback shaping for Arabic script (and not others). */ if (planner->map.chosen_script[0] != HB_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_SCRIPT || planner->props.script == HB_SCRIPT_ARABIC) return &_hb_ot_complex_shaper_arabic; else return &_hb_ot_complex_shaper_default; /* Unicode-1.1 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_THAI: case HB_SCRIPT_LAO: return &_hb_ot_complex_shaper_thai; /* ^--- Add new shapers here */ #if 0 /* Note: * * These disabled scripts are listed in ucd/IndicSyllabicCategory.txt, but according * to Martin Hosken and Jonathan Kew do not require complex shaping. * * TODO We should automate figuring out which scripts do not need complex shaping * * TODO We currently keep data for these scripts in our indic table. Need to fix the * generator to not do that. */ /* Simple? */ /* Unicode-3.2 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_BUHID: case HB_SCRIPT_HANUNOO: /* Unicode-5.1 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_SAURASHTRA: /* Unicode-6.0 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_BATAK: case HB_SCRIPT_BRAHMI: /* Simple */ /* Unicode-1.1 additions */ /* These have their own shaper now. */ case HB_SCRIPT_LAO: case HB_SCRIPT_THAI: /* Unicode-2.0 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_TIBETAN: /* Unicode-3.2 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_TAGALOG: case HB_SCRIPT_TAGBANWA: /* Unicode-4.0 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_LIMBU: case HB_SCRIPT_TAI_LE: /* Unicode-4.1 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_KHAROSHTHI: case HB_SCRIPT_SYLOTI_NAGRI: /* Unicode-5.1 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_KAYAH_LI: /* Unicode-5.2 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_TAI_VIET: #endif /* Unicode-1.1 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_BENGALI: case HB_SCRIPT_DEVANAGARI: case HB_SCRIPT_GUJARATI: case HB_SCRIPT_GURMUKHI: case HB_SCRIPT_KANNADA: case HB_SCRIPT_MALAYALAM: case HB_SCRIPT_ORIYA: case HB_SCRIPT_TAMIL: case HB_SCRIPT_TELUGU: /* Unicode-3.0 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_SINHALA: /* Unicode-4.1 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_BUGINESE: case HB_SCRIPT_NEW_TAI_LUE: /* Unicode-5.0 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_BALINESE: /* Unicode-5.1 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_CHAM: case HB_SCRIPT_LEPCHA: case HB_SCRIPT_REJANG: case HB_SCRIPT_SUNDANESE: /* Unicode-5.2 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_JAVANESE: case HB_SCRIPT_KAITHI: case HB_SCRIPT_MEETEI_MAYEK: case HB_SCRIPT_TAI_THAM: /* Unicode-6.1 additions */ case HB_SCRIPT_CHAKMA: case HB_SCRIPT_SHARADA: case HB_SCRIPT_TAKRI: /* Only use Indic shaper if the font has Indic tables. */ if (planner->map.found_script[0]) return &_hb_ot_complex_shaper_indic; else return &_hb_ot_complex_shaper_default; case HB_SCRIPT_KHMER: /* A number of Khmer fonts in the wild don't have a 'pref' feature, * and as such won't shape properly via the Indic shaper; * however, they typically have 'liga' / 'clig' features that implement * the necessary "reordering" by means of ligature substitutions. * So we send such pref-less fonts through the generic shaper instead. */ if (planner->map.found_script[0] && hb_ot_layout_language_find_feature (planner->face, HB_OT_TAG_GSUB, planner->map.script_index[0], planner->map.language_index[0], HB_TAG ('p','r','e','f'), NULL)) return &_hb_ot_complex_shaper_indic; else return &_hb_ot_complex_shaper_default; case HB_SCRIPT_MYANMAR: /* For Myanmar, we only want to use the Indic shaper if the "new" script * tag is found. For "old" script tag we want to use the default shaper. */ if (planner->map.chosen_script[0] == HB_TAG ('m','y','m','2')) return &_hb_ot_complex_shaper_indic; else return &_hb_ot_complex_shaper_default; } }能夠看到,這個函數選擇語言shaper的依據就只有一個,那就是輸入字串的script,這個函數用一個switch-case結構來選擇一個語言shaper。在harfbuzz-0.9.12中,主要有以下的幾種語言shaper:
在最新版本的harfbuzz中,有又添加一些新的語言shaper。 ide
那語言shaper又是一個什麼樣的東西呢?咱們來看hb_ot_complex_shaper_t結構的定義: 函數
struct hb_ot_complex_shaper_t { char name[8]; /* collect_features() * Called during shape_plan(). * Shapers should use plan->map to add their features and callbacks. * May be NULL. */ void (*collect_features) (hb_ot_shape_planner_t *plan); /* override_features() * Called during shape_plan(). * Shapers should use plan->map to override features and add callbacks after * common features are added. * May be NULL. */ void (*override_features) (hb_ot_shape_planner_t *plan); /* data_create() * Called at the end of shape_plan(). * Whatever shapers return will be accessible through plan->data later. * If NULL is returned, means a plan failure. */ void *(*data_create) (const hb_ot_shape_plan_t *plan); /* data_destroy() * Called when the shape_plan is being destroyed. * plan->data is passed here for destruction. * If NULL is returned, means a plan failure. * May be NULL. */ void (*data_destroy) (void *data); /* preprocess_text() * Called during shape(). * Shapers can use to modify text before shaping starts. * May be NULL. */ void (*preprocess_text) (const hb_ot_shape_plan_t *plan, hb_buffer_t *buffer, hb_font_t *font); /* normalization_preference() * Called during shape(). * May be NULL. */ hb_ot_shape_normalization_mode_t (*normalization_preference) (const hb_segment_properties_t *props); /* decompose() * Called during shape()'s normalization. * May be NULL. */ bool (*decompose) (const hb_ot_shape_normalize_context_t *c, hb_codepoint_t ab, hb_codepoint_t *a, hb_codepoint_t *b); /* compose() * Called during shape()'s normalization. * May be NULL. */ bool (*compose) (const hb_ot_shape_normalize_context_t *c, hb_codepoint_t a, hb_codepoint_t b, hb_codepoint_t *ab); /* setup_masks() * Called during shape(). * Shapers should use map to get feature masks and set on buffer. * Shapers may NOT modify characters. * May be NULL. */ void (*setup_masks) (const hb_ot_shape_plan_t *plan, hb_buffer_t *buffer, hb_font_t *font); bool zero_width_attached_marks; bool fallback_position; };
能夠看到,這個結構裏面主要就是提供了一些callback,以方便shape等過程在須要的時候來調用。這個結構的註釋仍是提供了比較多的信息,各個callback的做用都有說明,此處再也不羅嗦。 字體
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