
  1. Install  git , to conveniently download the OpenWrt source code, and  build tools to do the cross-compilation process:
    apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install git-core build-essential libssl-dev libncurses5-dev unzip
    Some feeds might not available over git but only via  subversion (short:  svn) or  mercurial. If you want to obtain their source-code, you need to install svn and mercurial as well:
    sudo apt-get install subversion mercurial
  2. Download the OpenWrt bleeding edge(trunk Version) with  git ( see Downloading Sources for more options!):
    git clone git:git.openwrt.org/openwrt.git

    this creates a directory 'openwrt', which is the OpenWrt Buildroot build-directory 
    the OpenWrt toolchain "OpenWrt Buildroot" is includedhtml

  3. ( optional) Download and install all available "feeds" ( see OpenWrt Feeds for more options!):
    cd openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a
  4. Make OpenWrt Buildroot check for missing packages on your build-system using one of the following commands:
    make defconfig
    make prereq
    make menuconfig

    There you will need to select what you want to compile.git

  5. Proceed with  build (i.e. cross-compile the downloaded sources to binaries)

    After the cross-compilation process the ''trunk''-directory contained 244,451 files with a total size of 3.2GiB!shell




gconvert.c:66:2: error: #error GNU libiconv not in use but included iconv.h is from libiconv

我在網上找解決方式,結果一致地都是說,又一次 ./configure 一下:post

./configure --enable-iconv=no --with-libiconv=gnu

可問題的關鍵是:OpenWRT的trunk路徑下沒見有個 configure 呀!ui


$ find -name "gconvert.c"

那我就直接進到 ./build_dir/host/pkg-config-0.28/glib/ 路徑下。發現該路徑下有 configure 文件。url

那我說直接在該路徑下編譯 glib

$ cd build_dir/host/pkg-config-0.28/glib/
./configure --enable-iconv=no --with-libiconv=gnu

這樣。glib 就順利經過了編譯。

再回到 OpenWRT的trunk路徑下,繼續 make.
