能夠經過GetEnvironmentVariableW函數來獲取當前登陸賬號和登陸域 windows
#include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> wchar_t UserName [0x400]; wchar_t UserDomain [0x400]; /** * 將wchar_t* 轉成char* */ void w2c(char *pcstr,const wchar_t *pwstr, size_t len); /** * 將char* 轉成 wchar_t* */ void c2w(wchar_t *pwstr,const char *str,size_t len); int main(int agc,char* argv[]) { GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"USERNAME", UserName, 0x400); GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"USERDOMAIN", UserDomain, 0x400); wprintf(L"the login userName is %s and the domain is %s\n",UserName,UserDomain); char *pUserName = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(2 * wcslen(UserName)+1)); char *pUserDomain = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(2 * wcslen(UserDomain)+1)); memset(pUserName , 0 , 2 * wcslen(UserName)+1 ); w2c(pUserName,UserName,2 * wcslen(UserName)+1) ; memset(pUserDomain , 0 , 2 * wcslen(UserDomain)+1 ); w2c(pUserDomain,UserDomain,2 * wcslen(UserDomain)+1) ; printf("the login userName is %s and the domain is %s\n",pUserName,pUserDomain); free(pUserName); free(pUserDomain); char c[]="this is from ascii"; wchar_t *wc = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t)*(strlen(c)/2)+1); memset(wc , 0 , wcslen(wc)+1 ); c2w(wc,c,wcslen(wc)+1); printf("%s\n",c); wprintf(L"%s\n",wc); free(wc); return 0; } //將wchar_t* 轉成char*的實現函數以下: void w2c(char *pcstr,const wchar_t *pwstr, size_t len) { int nlength=wcslen(pwstr); //獲取轉換後的長度 int nbytes = WideCharToMultiByte( 0, // specify the code page used to perform the conversion 0, // no special flags to handle unmapped characters pwstr, // wide character string to convert nlength, // the number of wide characters in that string NULL, // no output buffer given, we just want to know how long it needs to be 0, NULL, // no replacement character given NULL ); // we don't want to know if a character didn't make it through the translation // make sure the buffer is big enough for this, making it larger if necessary if(nbytes>len) nbytes=len; // 經過以上獲得的結果,轉換unicode 字符爲ascii 字符 WideCharToMultiByte( 0, // specify the code page used to perform the conversion 0, // no special flags to handle unmapped characters pwstr, // wide character string to convert nlength, // the number of wide characters in that string pcstr, // put the output ascii characters at the end of the buffer nbytes, // there is at least this much space there NULL, // no replacement character given NULL ); } void c2w(wchar_t *pwstr,const char *str,size_t len) { if(str) { size_t nu = strlen(str); size_t n =(size_t)MultiByteToWideChar(0,0,(const char *)str,(int)nu,NULL,0); if(n>=len)n=len-1; MultiByteToWideChar(0,0,(const char *)str,(int)nu,pwstr,(int)n); pwstr[n]=0; } }這是在網上東找西找的結果哈,因爲api須要的參數是wchar_t*類型的,因此在網上找了個wchar_t* TO char*的函數