IOS apprentice4

1. An postfix M means the file has been modified since the last "commit" and an A means this is a file that has been added since then.web

2. what is keeping these views from being deallocated?swift

Views are always part of a view hierachy and they will always have an owner wit ha strong reference: their superviewsession

3. the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method will simply deselect the row with an animation, while willSelectRowAtIndexPath makes sure that you can only select rows with actual search

4. A nib, also called a xib, is very much like a storyboard except that it only contains the design for a single thing. That thing can be a view controller but it can also be an individual view or table view cell. A nib is really nothing more than a container for a "freeze dried" object that you can edit in Interface Builderasync

Xib or nib?  a xib file is compiled into a nib file that is put into your application bundle. the term inb mostly stuck for historical reasons(it stands for NeXT Interface Builder).ide

5: Putting symbolic constants as static let members inside a struct is a common trick in Swift. A static value can be used without an instance so you don't need to instantiate TableViewCellIdentifiers before you can use it.'post

struct TableViewCellIdentifiers {
    static let searchResultCell = "SearchResultCell"

6:  The role of App Delegate:flex

The ppor AppDelegate is often abused. People give it too many responsibilities. Really, there isn't that much for the app delegate to do.ui

It gets a number of callbacks about the state of the app - whether the app is about to be closed, for example - and handling those events should be its primary responsiblity. The app delegate also owns the main window and the top-level view controller. Other than that, it shouldn't do much.this

Some developers use the app delegat as their data model. That is just bad design. You should really have a separate class for that. Others make the app delegate their main control hub. Wrong again! Put that stuff in your top-level view controller.

If you ever see the following type of thing in someone's source code, it's a pretty good indication that the application delegate is being used the wrong way:

let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegte = " "

This happens when an object wants to get something from the app delegate. it works but it's not good architecture.

It's better to design your code the other way around: the app delegate may do a certain amount of initialization, but then it gives any data model objects to the root view controller, and hands over control. The root view controller passes these data model objects to any other controller that needs them, and so on.

This is also called "dependecy injection"

7. change background color of cell: each table view cell have a "selectedBackgroundView" property

awakeFromNib() method is called after this cell object has been loaded from the nib but before the cell is added to the table view. You can use this method to do additional work to prepare the object for use. That's perfect for creating the view with selection color.

8: There are different types of crashes, such as SIGABRT, EXC_BAD_ACCESS, EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION

If your app crashes with EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION or SIGABRT, the Xcode debugger will often show you an error message and where in the code the crash happens

if Xcode thinks the crash happened on AppDelegate(not very useful!), enable the Exception Breakpoint to get more info

if the app crashes with a SIGABRT but there is no error message, then disable the Exception Breakpoint and make the app crash again.(Alternatively, click the "Continue program execution" button from the debugger toolbar a few times, that will also show the error message.)

An EXC_BAD_ACCESS error usually means something went wrong with your memory management. An object  may have been "released" one time too many or not "retained" enough. With Swift these problems are mostly a thing of the past because the compiler will usually make sure to do the right thing. However, it's still possible to mess up if you're talking to Objective-C code or low-level API's

EXC_BREAKPOINT is not an error, the app has stopped on a breakpoing, the blue arrow pointing at the line where the app is paused. You set breakpoints to pause your app at specific places in the code, So you can examine the state of the app inside the debugger. The "Continue program execution" button resumes the app.


searchResults.sort({ result1, result2 in 
    return == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending})

// easier way to implement using trailing closure, no longer return
searchResults.sort { $$ == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending }

Operator overloading: 

func < (lhs: SearchResult, rhs: SearchResult) -> Bool {
    return == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending }
// creating a function named < 

thus, above can be written as

searchResults.sort($0 < $1) 
// or even simpler

10: parameters in URLs are separated by & sign. space is represented by + sign or %20


ASCII and Unicode are the two most common encodings


11: Each process inturn is given a bit of CPU time to do its work. The process splits up that time among its threads. Each thread typically performs its own work and is as independent as possible from the other threads within that process.

An app can have multiple threads and the CPU switches between them

The main thread is the app's initial thread and from there all the other threads a re spawned. The main thread is responsible for handling user interface events and also drawing the UI. Most of app's activites take place on the main thread. Whenever the user taps a button in app, it is the main thread that performs action method.

If one action method takes more than a fraction of a second to run, then doing all these computations on the main thread is not a good idea for the reasons you saw earlier.


 12: Rather than making your own threads, IOS has several more conveniet ways to start background processes. such as queues and Grand Central Dispatch. GCD greatly simplifies tasks that require parallel programming.

GCD has a number of queues with different priorities. To perform a job in the background, you put it in a closure and then give that closure to a queue and forget about it. It's as simple as that. 

UIKit has a rule that all UI code should always be performed on the main thread. And This is important.

Accessing the samte data from multiple threads can create all sorts of misery, so the designers of UIKit decided that changing gthe UI from other threads would not be allowed. That means you cannot reaload the table view from within this closure because it runs on a queue that is backed by a thread other than the main thread.

As it happens, there is also a so-called "main queue" that is associated with the main thread. If you need to do anything on the main thread from a background queue, you can simply create a new closure and schedule that on the main queue

13: Review of closure

A closure does not get performed right away, it is stored in "closure object" and can be performed at a later point, even more tha nonce.

That's exactly what NSURLSession does: it keeps hold of the "completion handler" closure and only performs it when a response is received from the web server or when a network error occurs

a closure typically looks like this

let dataTask = session.dataTaskWithURL(url, completionHandler: {
    data, response, error in
        // source code

the form of closure is always:

    parameters in 
    your source code
// or without parameters
    your source code

Thanks to Swift's type inference you don't need to specify the data types of the parameters. However, you can still write them in full if you wanted to:

let dataTask = session.dataWithURL(url, completionHandler: {
    (data: NSData!, response: NSURLResponse!, error: NSError!) in
    // source code

if you don't care about ta particular parameter you can substitute it with _, the wildcard symbol:

let dataTask = session.dataTaskWithURL(url, completionHandler: {
    data, _, error in

if a closure is really simple, you can leave out the parameter list and use $0, $1, and so on as the parameter names.

let dataTask = session.dataTaskWithURL(url, completionHandler: {
    println("My parameters are \($0), \($1), \($2)")

if a closure is the last parameter of a method, you can use trailing syntax to simplify the code a little

let dataTask = session.dataTaskWithURL(url){
    data, response, error in

Closures are also useful for initializing objects and lazy loading:

lazy var dateFormatter: NSDateFormatter = {
    let formatter = NSDateFormatter()
    formatter.dateStyle = .MediumStyle
    formatter.timeStyle = .ShortStyle
    return formatter

This is a common trick for placing complex initialization code right next to the variable declaration.

You can supply the name of a method or function when a closure is expected, as long as the parameters match:

let dataTask = session.dataTaskWithURL(url, completionHandler: myCompletionHandlerMethod)

func myCompletionHandlerMethod(data: NSData!, response!, error: NSError!){

One final thing to be aware of with closures is that they "capture any variables" used inside the closure, including self. This can create ownership cycle, often leading to memory leaks. To avoid this, you can supply a capture list:

let dataTask = session.dataTaskWithURL(url){
    [weak self] data, response, error in

 14: NSURLSession is a closure-based API, meaning that instead of making a delegate for it, you give it a closure containing the code that should be performed once the response from the server has been received. NSURLSession calls this closure the "completion handler"

15: since UI updating is always in main thread. so we need to wrap the reloding of the table view into dispatch_async() on the main queue

    self.isLoading = false

16: segmented control: is used to pick on option out of multiple choices.

17: an extension can be used to extend the functionality of an existing class without having to subclass it. This works even for classes from the system frameworks

UIImageView doesn't have built-in support for downloading images, but this is a very common thing to do in apps.

add a new file using swilf file template. and name it UIImageView+DownloadImage.swift

import UIKit

extension UIImageView {
    func loadImageWithURL(url: NSURL) -> NSURLSessionDownloadTask {
        let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
        // 1
        let downloadTask = session.downloadTaskWithURL(url, completionHandler: {[weak self] url, response, error in
            if error == nil && url != nil {
                // 3
                if let data = NSData(contentsOfURL: url) {
                    if let image = UIImage(data: data) {
                        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
                            if let strongSelf = self {
                                strongSelf.image = image
        return downloadTask

after obtaining a reference to the shared NSURLSession, you create a download task. This is similiar to data task but it saves the downloaded file to a temporary location on disk instead of keeping it in memory

Inside the completion handler for the download task you're given a URL where you can find the downloaded file(this URL points to a local file rather than an internet address). Of course you must also check the error is nil before you continue.

With this local URL you can load the file into an NSData object and then make an image from that. It's possible that construing the UIImage fails, when what you downloaded was not a valid image but a 404 page or something else unexpected. As you can tell, when dealing with networking code you need to check for errors every step of the way

Once you have the image you can put it into the UIImageView's image property. Because this is UI code you need to do this on the main thread.

18. After creating the download task you can resume() to start it, and then return the NSURLSessionDownloadTask object to the caller, why return it? That gives the app the opportunity to call cancel() on the download task.

19: Presentation controller API, to pop up detail screen. use Dynamic Type to change the fonts based on the user's preferences. draw gradients with Core Graphics, and make cool keyframe animateions.

it's called a presentation controller, but it is not a view controller. Only those with "view" in their name

a presentation controller is an object that "controls" the presentation of something

20: When you put background images on a button in Interface Builder, they always have to fit the button exactly. that works fine in many cases, but it's more flexible to use an image that can stretch to any size.

21: using === to compare the same object. == would check whether both variables refer to objects that are considered equal, even if they are not the same object.

22: Animation: Core Animation, UIView animation, and keyframe animation

23: trait collection: a collection of trats, where a trait can be:

  the horizontal size class

  the vertical size class

  the display scale(is this a Retina screen or not?)

  the user interface idiom(is this an iPhone or iPad?)

whenever one or more of these traits change, for whatever reason, UIKit calls willTransitionToTraitCollection(withTransitionCoordinator) to give the view controller a chance to adapt to the new traits.

the size class allows to design a single storyboard that can be used on both Iphone and IPad, but what exactly are size classes?

Well, there are two of them, a horizontal one and a vertical one, and each can have two values.: Compact and Regular.

24: controller containment, now view controllers are allowed to be part of other view controllers.

25: associatd value
