/* 定義在ssl.h頭文件中 */
struct ssl_ctx_st
SSL_METHOD *method;
unsigned long options;
unsigned long mode;
STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *cipher_list;
/* same as above but sorted for lookup */
STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *cipher_list_by_id;
struct x509_store_st /* X509_STORE */ *cert_store;
struct lhash_st /* LHASH */ *sessions; /* a set of SSL_SESSIONs */
/* Most session-ids that will be cached, default is
unsigned long session_cache_size;
struct ssl_session_st *session_cache_head;
struct ssl_session_st *session_cache_tail;
/* This can have one of 2 values, ored together,
* Default is SSL_SESSION_CACHE_SERVER, which means only
* SSL_accept which cache SSL_SESSIONS. */
int session_cache_mode;
/* If timeout is not 0, it is the default timeout value set
* when SSL_new() is called. This has been put in to make
* life easier to set things up */
long session_timeout;
/* If this callback is not null, it will be called each
* time a session id is added to the cache. If this function
* returns 1, it means that the callback will do a
* SSL_SESSION_free() when it has finished using it. Otherwise,
* on 0, it means the callback has finished with it.
* If remove_session_cb is not null, it will be called when
* a session-id is removed from the cache. After the call,
* OpenSSL will SSL_SESSION_free() it. */
int (*new_session_cb)(struct ssl_st *ssl,SSL_SESSION *sess);
void (*remove_session_cb)(struct ssl_ctx_st *ctx,SSL_SESSION *sess);
SSL_SESSION *(*get_session_cb)(struct ssl_st *ssl,
unsigned char *data,int len,int *copy);
int sess_connect; /* SSL new conn - started */
int sess_connect_renegotiate;/* SSL reneg - requested */
int sess_connect_good; /* SSL new conne/reneg - finished */
int sess_accept; /* SSL new accept - started */
int sess_accept_renegotiate;/* SSL reneg - requested */
int sess_accept_good; /* SSL accept/reneg - finished */
int sess_miss; /* session lookup misses */
int sess_timeout; /* reuse attempt on timeouted session */
int sess_cache_full; /* session removed due to full cache */
int sess_hit; /* session reuse actually done */
int sess_cb_hit; /* session-id that was not
* in the cache was
* passed back via the callback. This
* indicates that the application is
* supplying session-id's from other
* processes - spooky :-) */
} stats;
int references;
void (*info_callback)();
/* if defined, these override the X509_verify_cert() calls */
int (*app_verify_callback)();
char *app_verify_arg; /* never used; should be void * */
/* default values to use in SSL structures */
struct cert_st /* CERT */ *cert;
int read_ahead;
int verify_mode;
int verify_depth;
unsigned int sid_ctx_length;
unsigned char sid_ctx[SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH];
int (*default_verify_callback)(int ok,X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
int purpose; /* Purpose setting */
int trust; /* Trust setting */
/* Default password callback. */
pem_password_cb *default_passwd_callback;
/* Default password callback user data. */
void *default_passwd_callback_userdata;
/* get client cert callback */
int (*client_cert_cb)(/* SSL *ssl, X509 **x509, EVP_PKEY **pkey */);
/* what we put in client cert requests */
STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *client_CA;
int quiet_shutdown;
const EVP_MD *rsa_md5; /* For SSLv2 - name is 'ssl2-md5' */
const EVP_MD *md5; /* For SSLv3/TLSv1 'ssl3-md5' */
const EVP_MD *sha1; /* For SSLv3/TLSv1 'ssl3->sha1' */
STACK_OF(X509) *extra_certs;
STACK_OF(SSL_COMP) *comp_methods; /* stack of SSL_COMP, SSLv3/TLSv1 */