import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' Vue.use(Vuex) const state = { count: 0 } const mutations = { increment (state) { state.count++ }, decrement (state) { state.count-- } } const actions = { increment: ({ commit }) => commit('increment'), decrement: ({ commit }) => commit('decrement'), incrementIfOdd ({ commit, state }) { if ((state.count + 1) % 2 === 0) { commit('increment') } }, incrementAsync ({ commit }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { commit('increment') resolve() }, 1000) }) } } const getters = { evenOrOdd: state => state.count % 2 === 0 ? 'even' : 'odd' } actions, export default new Vuex.Store({ state, getters, actions, mutations })
在代碼中咱們實例化了Vuex.Store,每個 Vuex 應用的核心就是 store(倉庫)。「store」基本上就是一個容器,它包含着你的應用中大部分的狀態 。在源碼中咱們來看看Store是怎樣的一個構造函數(由於代碼太多,我把一些判斷進行省略,讓你們看的更清楚)vue-router
export class Store { constructor (options = {}) { if (!Vue && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) { install(window.Vue) } const { plugins = [], strict = false } = options // store internal state this._committing = false this._actions = Object.create(null) this._actionSubscribers = [] this._mutations = Object.create(null) this._wrappedGetters = Object.create(null) this._modules = new ModuleCollection(options) this._modulesNamespaceMap = Object.create(null) this._subscribers = [] this._watcherVM = new Vue() // bind commit and dispatch to self const store = this const { dispatch, commit } = this this.dispatch = function boundDispatch (type, payload) { return dispatch.call(store, type, payload) } this.commit = function boundCommit (type, payload, options) { return commit.call(store, type, payload, options) } // strict mode this.strict = strict const state = this._modules.root.state installModule(this, state, [], this._modules.root) resetStoreVM(this, state) plugins.forEach(plugin => plugin(this)) if (Vue.config.devtools) { devtoolPlugin(this) } } get state () { return this._vm._data.$$state } set state (v) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { assert(false, `Use store.replaceState() to explicit replace store state.`) } } commit (_type, _payload, _options) { // check object-style commit const { type, payload, options } = unifyObjectStyle(_type, _payload, _options) const mutation = { type, payload } const entry = this._mutations[type] if (!entry) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.error(`[vuex] unknown mutation type: ${type}`) } return } this._withCommit(() => { entry.forEach(function commitIterator (handler) { handler(payload) }) }) this._subscribers.forEach(sub => sub(mutation, this.state)) if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && options && options.silent ) { console.warn( `[vuex] mutation type: ${type}. Silent option has been removed. ` + 'Use the filter functionality in the vue-devtools' ) } } dispatch (_type, _payload) { const { type, payload } = unifyObjectStyle(_type, _payload) const action = { type, payload } const entry = this._actions[type] if (!entry) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.error(`[vuex] unknown action type: ${type}`) } return } this._actionSubscribers.forEach(sub => sub(action, this.state)) return entry.length > 1 ? Promise.all(entry.map(handler => handler(payload))) : entry[0](payload) } subscribe (fn) { return genericSubscribe(fn, this._subscribers) } subscribeAction (fn) { return genericSubscribe(fn, this._actionSubscribers) } watch (getter, cb, options) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { assert(typeof getter === 'function', `store.watch only accepts a function.`) } return this._watcherVM.$watch(() => getter(this.state, this.getters), cb, options) } replaceState (state) { this._withCommit(() => { this._vm._data.$$state = state }) } registerModule (path, rawModule, options = {}) { if (typeof path === 'string') path = [path] if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { assert(Array.isArray(path), `module path must be a string or an Array.`) assert(path.length > 0, 'cannot register the root module by using registerModule.') } this._modules.register(path, rawModule) installModule(this, this.state, path, this._modules.get(path), options.preserveState) resetStoreVM(this, this.state) } hotUpdate (newOptions) { this._modules.update(newOptions) resetStore(this, true) } _withCommit (fn) { const committing = this._committing this._committing = true fn() this._committing = committing } }
首先判斷window.Vue是否存在,若是不存在就安裝Vue, 而後初始化定義,plugins表示應用的插件,strict表示是否爲嚴格模式。而後對store
commit (_type, _payload, _options) { // check object-style commit const { type, payload, options } = unifyObjectStyle(_type, _payload, _options) const mutation = { type, payload } const entry = this._mutations[type] if (!entry) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.error(`[vuex] unknown mutation type: ${type}`) } return } this._withCommit(() => { entry.forEach(function commitIterator (handler) { handler(payload) }) }) this._subscribers.forEach(sub => sub(mutation, this.state)) }
_withCommit (fn) { const committing = this._committing this._committing = true fn() this._committing = committing }
dispatch (_type, _payload) { const action = { type, payload } const entry = this._actions[type] this._actionSubscribers.forEach(sub => sub(action, this.state)) return entry.length > 1 ? Promise.all(entry.map(handler => handler(payload))) : entry[0](payload) } }
function installModule (store, rootState, path, module, hot) { const isRoot = !path.length const namespace = store._modules.getNamespace(path) // register in namespace map if (module.namespaced) { store._modulesNamespaceMap[namespace] = module } // set state if (!isRoot && !hot) { const parentState = getNestedState(rootState, path.slice(0, -1)) const moduleName = path[path.length - 1] store._withCommit(() => { Vue.set(parentState, moduleName, module.state) }) } const local = module.context = makeLocalContext(store, namespace, path) module.forEachMutation((mutation, key) => { const namespacedType = namespace + key registerMutation(store, namespacedType, mutation, local) }) module.forEachChild((child, key) => { installModule(store, rootState, path.concat(key), child, hot) }) }
installModule()包括5個參數store表示當前store實例,rootState表示根組件狀態,path表示組件路徑數組,module表示當前安裝的模塊,hot 當動態改變 modules 或者熱更新的時候爲 true
Vue.set(parentState, moduleName, module.state)
const local = module.context = makeLocalContext(store, namespace, path)
function makeLocalContext (store, namespace, path) { const noNamespace = namespace === '' const local = { dispatch: noNamespace ? store.dispatch : ... commit: noNamespace ? store.commit : ... } Object.defineProperties(local, { getters: { get: noNamespace ? () => store.getters : () => makeLocalGetters(store, namespace) }, state: { get: () => getNestedState(store.state, path) } }) return local }
傳入的三個參數store, namspace, path,store表示Vuex.Store的實例,namspace表示命名空間,path組件路徑。總體的意思就是本地化dispatch,commit,getter和state,意思就是新建一個對象上面有dispatch,commit,getter 和 state方法
那麼installModule的那段代碼就是綁定方法在module.context和local上。繼續看後面的首先遍歷module的mutation,經過mutation 和 key 首先獲取namespacedType,而後調用registerMutation()方法,咱們來看看
function registerMutation (store, type, handler, local) { const entry = store._mutations[type] || (store._mutations[type] = []) entry.push(function wrappedMutationHandler (payload) { handler.call(store, local.state, payload) }) }
const mutations = { increment (state) { state.count++ } ...
module.forEachChild((child, key) => { installModule(store, rootState, path.concat(key), child, hot) })
function resetStoreVM (store, state, hot) { const oldVm = store._vm store.getters = {} const wrappedGetters = store._wrappedGetters const computed = {} forEachValue(wrappedGetters, (fn, key) => { computed[key] = () => fn(store) Object.defineProperty(store.getters, key, { get: () => store._vm[key], enumerable: true // for local getters }) }) const silent = Vue.config.silent Vue.config.silent = true store._vm = new Vue({ data: { $$state: state }, computed }) Vue.config.silent = silent if (oldVm) { if (hot) { store._withCommit(() => { oldVm._data.$$state = null }) } Vue.nextTick(() => oldVm.$destroy()) } }
resetStoreVM這個方法主要是重置一個私有的 _vm對象,它是一個 Vue 的實例。傳入的有store表示當前Store實例,state表示狀態,hot就不用再說了。對store.getters進行初始化,獲取store._wrappedGetters而且用計算屬性的方法存儲了store.getters,因此store.getters是Vue的計算屬性。使用defineProperty方法給store.getters添加屬性,當咱們使用store.getters[key]實際上獲取的是store._vm[key]。而後用一個Vue的實例data來存儲state 樹,這裏使用slient=true,是爲了取消提醒和警告,在這裏將一下slient的做用,silent表示靜默模式(網上找的定義),就是若是開啓就沒有提醒和警告。後面的代碼表示若是oldVm存在而且hot爲true時,經過_witchCommit修改$$state的值,而且摧毀oldVm對象
get state () { return this._vm._data.$$state }
watch (getter, cb, options) { return this._watcherVM.$watch(() => getter(this.state, this.getters), cb, options) }
在wacher函數中,咱們先前提到的this._watcherVM就起到了做用,在這裏咱們利用了this._watcherVM中$watch方法進行了數據的檢測。watch 做用是響應式的監測一個 getter 方法的返回值,當值改變時調用回調。getter必須是一個函數,若是返回的值發生了變化,那麼就調用cb回調函數。
registerModule (path, rawModule, options = {}) { if (typeof path === 'string') path = [path] this._modules.register(path, rawModule) installModule(this, this.state, path, this._modules.get(path), options.preserveState) resetStoreVM(this, this.state) }