#!/bin/bash master_ip= slave_ip= mysqlc="mysql -uroot -paminglinux"linux check_ok() { if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "$1 出錯了。" exit 1 fi }sql f_exist() { d=`date +%F%T` if [ -f $1 ] then mv $1 $1_$d fi }docker ## 設置主mysql配置 if ! grep '^server-id' /etc/my.cnf then sed -i '/^\[mysqld\]$/a\server-id = 1001' /etc/my.cnf fibash if ! grep '^log-bin.*=.*' /etc/my.cnf then sed -i '/^\[mysqld\]$/a\log-bin = aminglinux' /etc/my.cnf fissh sed -i '/^log-bin.*/a\binlog-ignore-db = mysql ' /etc/my.cnfide /etc/init.d/mysqld restart check_ok "主上重啓mysql"spa ## 登陸mysql,受權用戶、鎖表以及show master status。 $mysqlc <<EOF grant replication slave on *.* to 'repl'@$slave_ip identified by 'yourpassword'; flush tables with read lock; EOF $mysqlc -e "show master status" > /tmp/master.log file=`tail -1 /tmp/master.log|awk '{print $1}'` pos=`tail -1 /tmp/master.log|awk '{print $2}'`rest ## 建立在從上配置和操做的腳本 f_exist /tmp/slave.shserver cat > /tmp/slave.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash if ! grep '^server-id' /etc/my.cnf then sed -i '/^\[mysqld\]$/a\server-id = 1002' /etc/my.cnf fi /etc/init.d/mysqld restart check_ok "從上重啓mysql" $mysqlc <<EOF stop slave; change master to master_host="$master_ip", master_user="repl", master_password="yourpassword", master_log_file="$file", master_log_pos=$pos; start slave; EOF EOF ## 建立傳輸slave.sh的expect腳本 f_exist /tmp/rs_slave.expect cat > /tmp/rs_slave.expect <<EOF #!/usr/bin/expect set passwd "aminglinux" spawn rsync -a /tmp/slave.sh root@$slave_ip:/tmp/slave.sh expect { "yes/no" { send "yes\r"} "password:" { send "\$passwd\r" } } expect eof EOF ## 執行expect腳本 chmod +x /tmp/rs_slave.expect /tmp/rs_slave.expect check_ok "傳輸slave.sh" ## 建立遠程執行命令的expect腳本 f_exist /tmp/exe.expect cat > /tmp/exe.expect <<EOF #!/usr/bin/expect set passwd "aminglinux" spawn ssh root@$slave_ip expect { "yes/no" { send "yes\r"} "password:" { send "\$passwd\r" } } expect "]*" send "/bin/bash /tmp/slave.sh\r" expect "]*" send "exit\r" EOF ## 執行expect腳本 chmod +x /tmp/exe.expect /tmp/exe.expect check_ok "遠程執行slave.sh" ## 主上解鎖表 $mysqlc -e "unlock tables" |