socketServer = new SocketServer(config, metrics, kafkaMetricsTime) socketServer.startup()
private val endpoints = config.listeners private val numProcessorThreads = config.numNetworkThreads private val maxQueuedRequests = config.queuedMaxRequests private val totalProcessorThreads = numProcessorThreads * endpoints.siz private val maxConnectionsPerIp = config.maxConnectionsPerIp private val maxConnectionsPerIpOverrides config.maxConnectionsPerIpOverride this.logIdent = "[Socket Server on Broker " + config.brokerId + "], " val requestChannel = new RequestChannel(totalProcessorThreadsmaxQueuedRequests) private val processors = new Array[Processor](totalProcessorThreads) private[network] val acceptors = mutable.Map[EndPoint, Acceptor]() private var connectionQuotas: ConnectionQuotas = _
/** * Start the socket server */ def startup() { this.synchronized { //每一個ip的鏈接數限制 connectionQuotas = new ConnectionQuotas(maxConnectionsPerIp, maxConnectionsPerIpOverrides) val sendBufferSize = config.socketSendBufferBytes val recvBufferSize = config.socketReceiveBufferBytes val brokerId = config.brokerId //這裏根據每個endpoint(也就是配置的listener的協議與端口),生成處理的網絡線程Processor與Acceptor實例.並啓動endpoint對應的Acceptor實例.在生成Acceptor的實例時,會同時啓動此實例中對應的線程處理實例數組Processor. var processorBeginIndex = 0 endpoints.values.foreach { endpoint => val protocol = endpoint.protocolType val processorEndIndex = processorBeginIndex + numProcessorThreads for (i <- processorBeginIndex until processorEndIndex) processors(i) = newProcessor(i, connectionQuotas, protocol) val acceptor = new Acceptor(endpoint, sendBufferSize, recvBufferSize, brokerId, processors.slice(processorBeginIndex, processorEndIndex), connectionQuotas) acceptors.put(endpoint, acceptor) Utils.newThread("kafka-socket-acceptor-%s-%d".format(protocol.toString, endpoint.port), acceptor, false).start() acceptor.awaitStartup() processorBeginIndex = processorEndIndex } } newGauge("NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent", new Gauge[Double] { def value = metricName => metrics.metrics().get(metricName).value()).sum / totalProcessorThreads } ) info("Started " + acceptors.size + " acceptor threads") }
protected[network] def newProcessor(id: Int, connectionQuotas: ConnectionQuotas, protocol: SecurityProtocol): Processor = { new Processor(id, time, config.socketRequestMaxBytes, requestChannel, connectionQuotas, config.connectionsMaxIdleMs, protocol, config.values, metrics ) }
def run() { //將channel註冊到selector上 serverChannel.register(nioSelector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) startupComplete() try { var currentProcessor = 0 while (isRunning) { try { //這裏進行堵塞接收,最多等500ms,若是ready返回的值是0表示尚未準備好,不然表示準備就緒.表示有通道已經被註冊 val ready = if (ready > 0) { //這裏獲得已經準備好的網絡通道的key的集合 val keys = nioSelector.selectedKeys() val iter = keys.iterator() while (iter.hasNext && isRunning) { try { val key = iter.remove() //若是selectkey已經註冊到accept事件,經過accept函數與對應的線程Processor進行處理.這裏表示這個socket的通道包含有一個client端的鏈接請求. if (key.isAcceptable) accept(key, processors(currentProcessor)) else throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized key state for acceptor thread.") // round robin to the next processor thread //每次接收一個socket請求後,用於處理的線程進行輪詢到一個線程中處理. currentProcessor = (currentProcessor + 1) % processors.length } catch { case e: Throwable => error("Error while accepting connection", e) } } } } catch { // We catch all the throwables to prevent the acceptor thread from exiting on exceptions due // to a select operation on a specific channel or a bad request. We don't want the // the broker to stop responding to requests from other clients in these scenarios. case e: ControlThrowable => throw e case e: Throwable => error("Error occurred", e) } } } finally { debug("Closing server socket and selector.") swallowError(serverChannel.close()) swallowError(nioSelector.close()) shutdownComplete() } }
/* * Accept a new connection */ def accept(key: SelectionKey, processor: Processor) { val serverSocketChannel =[ServerSocketChannel] //獲得請求的socket通道 val socketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept() try { //這裏檢查當前的IP的鏈接數是否已經達到了最大的鏈接數,若是是,直接throw too many connect. socketChannel.configureBlocking(false) socketChannel.socket().setTcpNoDelay(true) socketChannel.socket().setKeepAlive(true) socketChannel.socket().setSendBufferSize(sendBufferSize) debug("Accepted connection from %s on %s and assigned it to processor %d, sendBufferSize [actual|requested]: [%d|%d] recvBufferSize [actual|requested]: [%d|%d]" .format(socketChannel.socket.getRemoteSocketAddress, socketChannel.socket.getLocalSocketAddress,, socketChannel.socket.getSendBufferSize, sendBufferSize, socketChannel.socket.getReceiveBufferSize, recvBufferSize)) //對應的processor處理socket通道 processor.accept(socketChannel) } catch { case e: TooManyConnectionsException => info("Rejected connection from %s, address already has the configured maximum of %d connections.".format(e.ip, e.count)) close(socketChannel) } }
/** * Queue up a new connection for reading */ def accept(socketChannel: SocketChannel) { newConnections.add(socketChannel) wakeup() }
override def run() { startupComplete() while (isRunning) { try { // setup any new connections that have been queued up configureNewConnections() // register any new responses for writing processNewResponses() poll() processCompletedReceives() processCompletedSends() processDisconnected() } catch { // We catch all the throwables here to prevent the processor thread from exiting. We do this because // letting a processor exit might cause a bigger impact on the broker. Usually the exceptions thrown would // be either associated with a specific socket channel or a bad request. We just ignore the bad socket channel // or request. This behavior might need to be reviewed if we see an exception that need the entire broker to stop. case e: ControlThrowable => throw e case e: Throwable => error("Processor got uncaught exception.", e) } } debug("Closing selector - processor " + id) swallowError(closeAll()) shutdownComplete() }
/** * Register any new connections that have been queued up */ private def configureNewConnections() { while (!newConnections.isEmpty) { val channel = newConnections.poll() try { debug(s"Processor $id listening to new connection from ${channel.socket.getRemoteSocketAddress}") val localHost = channel.socket().getLocalAddress.getHostAddress val localPort = channel.socket().getLocalPort val remoteHost = channel.socket().getInetAddress.getHostAddress val remotePort = channel.socket().getPort val connectionId = ConnectionId(localHost, localPort, remoteHost, remotePort).toString selector.register(connectionId, channel) } catch { // We explicitly catch all non fatal exceptions and close the socket to avoid a socket leak. The other // throwables will be caught in processor and logged as uncaught exceptions. case NonFatal(e) => // need to close the channel here to avoid a socket leak. close(channel) error(s"Processor $id closed connection from ${channel.getRemoteAddress}", e) } } }
private def processNewResponses() { var curr = requestChannel.receiveResponse(id) while (curr != null) { try { curr.responseAction match { case RequestChannel.NoOpAction => // There is no response to send to the client, we need to read more pipelined requests // that are sitting in the server's socket buffer curr.request.updateRequestMetrics trace("Socket server received empty response to send, registering for read: " + curr) selector.unmute(curr.request.connectionId) case RequestChannel.SendAction => sendResponse(curr) case RequestChannel.CloseConnectionAction => curr.request.updateRequestMetrics trace("Closing socket connection actively according to the response code.") close(selector, curr.request.connectionId) } } finally { curr = requestChannel.receiveResponse(id) } } }
private def poll() { try selector.poll(300) catch { case e @ (_: IllegalStateException | _: IOException) => error(s"Closing processor $id due to illegal state or IO exception") swallow(closeAll()) shutdownComplete() throw e } }
@Override public void poll(long timeout) throws IOException { if (timeout < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout should be >= 0"); clear(); if (hasStagedReceives() || !immediatelyConnectedKeys.isEmpty()) timeout = 0; /* check ready keys */ long startSelect = time.nanoseconds(); int readyKeys = select(timeout); long endSelect = time.nanoseconds(); currentTimeNanos = endSelect; this.sensors.selectTime.record(endSelect - startSelect, time.milliseconds()); if (readyKeys > 0 || !immediatelyConnectedKeys.isEmpty()) { pollSelectionKeys(this.nioSelector.selectedKeys(), false); pollSelectionKeys(immediatelyConnectedKeys, true); } addToCompletedReceives(); long endIo = time.nanoseconds(); this.sensors.ioTime.record(endIo - endSelect, time.milliseconds()); maybeCloseOldestConnection(); }
private void pollSelectionKeys(Iterable<SelectionKey> selectionKeys, boolean isImmediatelyConnected) { Iterator<SelectionKey> iterator = selectionKeys.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key =; iterator.remove(); KafkaChannel channel = channel(key); // register all per-connection metrics at once sensors.maybeRegisterConnectionMetrics(; lruConnections.put(, currentTimeNanos); try { /* complete any connections that have finished their handshake (either normally or immediately) */ if (isImmediatelyConnected || key.isConnectable()) { if (channel.finishConnect()) { this.connected.add(; this.sensors.connectionCreated.record(); } else continue; } /* if channel is not ready finish prepare */ if (channel.isConnected() && !channel.ready()) channel.prepare(); /* if channel is ready read from any connections that have readable data */ if (channel.ready() && key.isReadable() && !hasStagedReceive(channel)) { NetworkReceive networkReceive; while ((networkReceive = != null) addToStagedReceives(channel, networkReceive); } /* if channel is ready write to any sockets that have space in their buffer and for which we have data */ if (channel.ready() && key.isWritable()) { Send send = channel.write(); if (send != null) { this.completedSends.add(send); this.sensors.recordBytesSent(, send.size()); } } /* cancel any defunct sockets */ if (!key.isValid()) { close(channel); this.disconnected.add(; } } catch (Exception e) { String desc = channel.socketDescription(); if (e instanceof IOException) log.debug("Connection with {} disconnected", desc, e); else log.warn("Unexpected error from {}; closing connection", desc, e); close(channel); this.disconnected.add(; } } }
private def processCompletedReceives() { selector.completedReceives.asScala.foreach { receive => try { val channel = val session = RequestChannel.Session(new KafkaPrincipal(KafkaPrincipal.USER_TYPE, channel.principal.getName), channel.socketAddress) val req = RequestChannel.Request(processor = id, connectionId = receive.source, session = session, buffer = receive.payload, startTimeMs = time.milliseconds, securityProtocol = protocol) //這是重點!!!能夠看下KafkaApis對消息的處理,後續會分析到 requestChannel.sendRequest(req) selector.mute(receive.source) } catch { case e @ (_: InvalidRequestException | _: SchemaException) => // note that even though we got an exception, we can assume that receive.source is valid. Issues with constructing a valid receive object were handled earlier error(s"Closing socket for ${receive.source} because of error", e) close(selector, receive.source) } } }
private def processCompletedSends() { selector.completedSends.asScala.foreach { send => val resp = inflightResponses.remove(send.destination).getOrElse { throw new IllegalStateException(s"Send for ${send.destination} completed, but not in `inflightResponses`") } resp.request.updateRequestMetrics() selector.unmute(send.destination) } }
若是socket server中包含有已經關閉的鏈接,減小這個quotas中對此ip的鏈接數的值. 這個狀況包含connect處理超時或者說有connect的消息處理錯誤被髮起了close的請求後的處理成功的消息.
private def processDisconnected() { selector.disconnected.asScala.foreach { connectionId => val remoteHost = ConnectionId.fromString(connectionId).getOrElse { throw new IllegalStateException(s"connectionId has unexpected format: $connectionId") }.remoteHost inflightResponses.remove(connectionId).foreach(_.request.updateRequestMetrics()) // the channel has been closed by the selector but the quotas still need to be updated connectionQuotas.dec(InetAddress.getByName(remoteHost)) } }