首先像在本博客docker-1-環境安裝及例子實踐處將環境安裝好,或者你能夠查看 Install Docker for Mac
Ensure your versions of docker
, docker-compose
, and docker-machine
are up-to-date and compatible with Docker.app
. Your output may differ if you are running different versions.前端
, docker-compose
userdeMBP:~ user$ docker --version Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40 userdeMBP:~ user$ docker-compose --version docker-compose version 1.21.1, build 5a3f1a3 userdeMBP:~ user$ docker-machine --version docker-machine version 0.14.0, build 89b8332
1.Open a command-line terminal and test that your installation works by running the simple Docker image,hello-world:git
userdeMBP:~ user$ docker run hello-world Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally latest: Pulling from library/hello-world d1725b59e92d: Pull complete Digest: sha256:0add3ace90ecb4adbf7777e9aacf18357296e799f81cabc9fde470971e499788 Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly. To generate this message, Docker took the following steps: 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon. 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub. (amd64) 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the executable that produces the output you are currently reading. 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it to your terminal. To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with: $ docker run -it ubuntu bash Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID: https://hub.docker.com/ For more examples and ideas, visit: https://docs.docker.com/get-started/
可見以前並無拉取該鏡像,因此在運行時,它會自動去拉取該鏡像,而後再運行,而後運行docker images就能夠看見該鏡像:web
userdeMBP:~ user$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE hello-world latest 4ab4c602aa5e 3 months ago 1.84kB
2.Start a Dockerized web server. Like the hello-world image above, if the image is not found locally, Docker pulls it from Docker Hub.docker
開啓一個docker化的web服務器。就想上面的hello-world鏡像,若是鏡像在本地沒有找到,Docker就會從Docker hub中拉取它:shell
-d, --detach Run container in background and print container ID在後臺運行容器並打印容器ID -p, --publish list Publish a container's port(s) to the host 發佈容器的端口給主機,例如:-p 80:80
userdeMBP:~ user$ docker run -d -p 80:80 --name webserver nginx Unable to find image 'nginx:latest' locally latest: Pulling from library/nginx a5a6f2f73cd8: Pull complete 1ba02017c4b2: Pull complete 33b176c904de: Pull complete Digest: sha256:5d32f60db294b5deb55d078cd4feb410ad88e6fe77500c87d3970eca97f54dba Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:latest 134014354a4e29e0ae9382f7c3b067246a1c1d5a1a4c242b21449f9213ae2f46
3.In a web browser, go to http://localhost/
to view the nginx homepage. Because we specified the default HTTP port, it isn’t necessary to append :80
at the end of the URL.ubuntu
Early beta releases used docker
as the hostname to build the URL. Now, ports are exposed on the private IP addresses of the VM and forwarded to localhost
with no other host name set.
4.View the details on the container while your web server is running (with docker container ls
or docker ps
當你的web服務器運行時,查看容器的詳情(使用docker container ls
或docker ps
userdeMBP:~ user$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 134014354a4e nginx "nginx -g 'daemon of…" 55 seconds ago Up 55 seconds>80/tcp webserver userdeMBP:~ user$ docker container ls CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 134014354a4e nginx "nginx -g 'daemon of…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes>80/tcp webserver
5.Stop and remove containers and images with the following commands. Use the 「all」 flag (--all
or -a
) to view stopped containers.
or -a
) 去查看中止的容器
$ docker container ls $ docker container stop webserver $ docker container ls -a $ docker container rm webserver $ docker image ls $ docker image rm nginx
userdeMBP:~ user$ docker container ls //查看如今有的容器 CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 134014354a4e nginx "nginx -g 'daemon of…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes>80/tcp webserver userdeMBP:~ user$ docker container stop webserver webserver userdeMBP:~ user$ docker container ls -a //能夠查看到中止的webserver CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 134014354a4e nginx "nginx -g 'daemon of…" 11 minutes ago Exited (0) 18 seconds ago webserver userdeMBP:~ user$ docker container rm webserver webserver userdeMBP:~ user$ docker container ls //而後這裏面就沒有webserver這個容器了 userdeMBP:~ user$ docker image ls //查看如今有的鏡像 REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE nginx latest 568c4670fa80 2 weeks ago 109MB hello-world latest 4ab4c602aa5e 3 months ago 1.84kB userdeMBP:~ user$ docker image rm nginx //而後刪除nginx這個鏡像 Untagged: nginx:latest Untagged: nginx@sha256:5d32f60db294b5deb55d078cd4feb410ad88e6fe77500c87d3970eca97f54dba Deleted: sha256:568c4670fa800978e08e4a51132b995a54f8d5ae83ca133ef5546d092b864acf Deleted: sha256:ac0442c0fafd48e24a96fa3099ea7ad20012c8759e1dd03dd387dbfbe382984c Deleted: sha256:6b9d35d8d75115937cd78da275f527cccef672cbd71f34062dffe2e930fd7e13 Deleted: sha256:ef68f6734aa485edf13a8509fe60e4272428deaf63f446a441b79d47fc5d17d3 userdeMBP:~ user$ docker image ls //而後再查看就看不見nginx這個鏡像了 REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE hello-world latest 4ab4c602aa5e 3 months ago 1.84kB
Choose → Preferences from the menu bar and configure the runtime options described below.
從菜單欄中選擇 → Preferences,像下面的描述同樣配置運行選項
General settings are:常規設置
Start Docker when you log in: Uncheck this option if you don’t want Docker to start when you open your session. 登陸時開啓Docker:若是你不想要Docker在你打開這個會話的時候打開,就不要選擇這個選項
Automatically check for updates notifies you when an update is available. Click OK to accept and install updates (or cancel to keep the current version). If you disable this option, you can still find out about updates manually by choosing → Check for Updates. 當更新可用時,自動檢查更新並通知你:點擊OK接收並安裝更新(或者取消去保持當前的狀態)。若是你不用這個選項,你仍能夠經過選擇
→ Check for Updates去手動查找有關更新信息
Include VM in Time Machine backups backs up the Docker for Mac virtual machine. (Disabled by default.) 實時機器備份:爲mac虛擬機備份Docker(默認不可用)
Securely store Docker logins in MacOS keychain stores your Docker login credentials. (Enabled by default.) 將Docker登陸安全地存儲在MacOS密鑰鏈中:存儲你的Docker登陸憑據(默承認用)
Send usage statistics — Send diagnostics, crash reports, and usage data to Docker. This information helps Docker improve the application and get more context for troubleshooting problems. (Enabled by default.) 發送使用統計-向Docker發送診斷、崩潰報告和使用數據。這些信息有助於Docker改進應用程序,併爲故障排除得到更多上下文。
Choose which local directories to share with your containers. File sharing is required for volume mounting if the project lives outside of the /Users
directory. In that case, share the drive where the Dockerfile and volume are located. Otherwise, you get file not found
or cannot start service errors at runtime
File share settings are:文件共享設置
Add a Directory: Click +
and navigate to the directory you want to add. 添加目錄
Apply & Restart makes the directory available to containers using Docker’s bind mount (-v
) feature. 應用並重啓
There are some limitations on the directories that can be shared:對於可以被共享的目錄有一些限制
For more information, see:更多信息可見
On the Advanced tab, you can limit resources available to Docker.
Advanced settings are:Advanced設定
CPUs: By default, Docker for Mac is set to use half the number of processors available on the host machine. To increase processing power, set this to a higher number; to decrease, lower the number. 默認,mac的Docker設置使用主機中一半數量的有效進程。爲了增長處理能力,可將其設置到更高的數量;反之,爲了下降,能夠設置到更低的數量
Memory: By default, Docker for Mac is set to use 2
GB runtime memory, allocated from the total available memory on your Mac. To increase RAM, set this to a higher number; to decrease it, lower the number. 默認Mac的Docker設置使用2
Swap: Configure swap file size as needed. The default is 1 GB. 配置swap文件到須要大小。默認爲1 GB
Specify the Disk image location of the Linux volume, where containers and images are stored.指定Linux卷的磁盤映像位置,容器和映像存儲在其中。
You can also move the disk image location. If you attempt to move the disk image to a location that already has one, you get a prompt asking if you want to use the existing image or replace it.
Docker for Mac detects HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Settings from macOS and automatically propagates these to Docker and to your containers. For example, if you set your proxy settings to http://proxy.example.com
, Docker uses this proxy when pulling containers.
Mac的Docker檢測來自macOS的HTTP/HTTPS代理設置,並自動將這些設置傳播到Docker和容器。例如,若是你將代理設置設置爲http://proxyy.example.com, Docker在提取容器時將使用此代理。
When you start a container, your proxy settings propagate into the containers. For example:
userdeMBP:~ user$ docker run -it alpine env Unable to find image 'alpine:latest' locally latest: Pulling from library/alpine 4fe2ade4980c: Pull complete Digest: sha256:621c2f39f8133acb8e64023a94dbdf0d5ca81896102b9e57c0dc184cadaf5528 Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine:latest PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin HOSTNAME=b9606b2017da TERM=xterm HOME=/root
而後點擊應用,以後再運行docker run -it alpine env,應該變成:
$ docker run -it alpine env PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin HOSTNAME=b7edf988b2b5 TERM=xterm HOME=/root HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.example.com:3128 http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128 no_proxy=*.local, 169.254/16
You can see from the above output that the HTTP_PROXY
, http_proxy
, and no_proxy
environment variables are set. When your proxy configuration changes, Docker restarts automatically to pick up the new settings. If you have containers that you wish to keep running across restarts, you should consider using restart policies.
你能夠從上面的輸出中看到設置了HTTP_PROXY、HTTP_PROXY和no_proxy環境變量。當你的代理配置發生更改時,Docker將自動重啓以獲取新的設置。 若是你但願跨重啓運行容器,則應該考慮使用重啓策略。
You can configure options on the Docker daemon that determine how your containers run.你能夠在Docker守護進程上配置決定容器如何運行的選項。
Select Basic to configure the daemon with interactive settings, or select Advanced to edit the JSON directly.選擇Basic來配置具備交互設置的守護進程,或者選擇Advanced來直接編輯JSON。
Both Docker for Mac Stable and Edge releases have experimental features enabled on Docker Engine, as described Docker Experimental Features README. If you uncheck experimental mode, Docker for Mac uses the current generally available release of Docker Engine.
Mac穩定版和Edge版本的Docker都在Docker引擎上啓用了實驗特性,如描述的Docker實驗特性README所述。若是你不檢查實驗模式,Docker for Mac將使用Docker引擎當前一般可用的版本。
⚠️Don’t enable experimental features in production不要在生產中啓用實驗特性
Experimental features are not appropriate for production environments or workloads. They are meant to be sandbox experiments for new ideas. Some experimental features may become incorporated into upcoming stable releases, but others may be modified or pulled from subsequent Edge releases, and never released on Stable.
You can see whether you are running experimental mode at the command line. If Experimental
is true
, then Docker is running in experimental mode, as shown here. (If false
, Experimental mode is off.)你能夠查看是否在命令行上運行實驗模式。若是Experimental爲真,那麼Docker運行在Experimental mode下,如圖所示。(若爲假,實驗模式關閉。)
userdeMacBook-Pro:~ user$ docker version -f {{.Server.Experimental}} true
-f, --format string Format the output using the given Go template 格式字符串 使用給定的Go模板格式化輸出
You can set up a custom and insecure registry to store your public or private images (instead of using Docker Hub orDocker Trusted Registry). Add URLs for your insecure registries and registry mirrors on which to host your images.你能夠設置一個自定義且不安全的註冊表來存儲你的公共或私有映像(而不是使用Docker Hub或Docker受信任註冊表)。爲不安全的註冊中心添加url,註冊中心鏡像用於承載映像。
See also:
Click the Advanced tab to configure the daemon from the JSON file. For a full list of options, see the Docker Engine dockerd commandline reference.
Click Apply & Restart to save your settings and reboot Docker. Or, to cancel changes, click another preference tab, then choose to discard or not apply changes when asked.單擊Apply & Restart保存設置並從新啓動Docker。或者,若要取消更改,請單擊另外一個首選項選項卡,而後在詢問時選擇放棄或不該用更改。
$ kubectl create -f single-config-file.yaml
kubectl是和Kubernetes API交互的命令行程序。
userdeMacBook-Pro:~ user$ docker --version Docker version 18.09.0, build 4d60db4 userdeMacBook-Pro:~ user$ docker-compose --version docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad01 userdeMacBook-Pro:~ user$ docker-machine --version docker-machine version 0.16.0, build 702c267f
In Docker for Mac 17.12 Edge (mac45) and higher, and 18.06 Stable (mac70) and higher, a standalone Kubernetes server is included that runs on your Mac, so that you can test deploying your Docker workloads on Kubernetes.
在Mac 17.12 Edge (mac45)及以上版本、18.06 Stable (mac70)及以上版本的Docker中,包含了一個在Mac上運行的獨立Kubernetes服務器,這樣你就能夠測試在Kubernetes上部署Docker工做負載的狀況。
The Kubernetes client command, kubectl
, is included and configured to connect to the local Kubernetes server. If you have kubectl
already installed and pointing to some other environment, such as minikube
or a GKE cluster, be sure to change context so that kubectl
is pointing to docker-for-desktop
userdeMacBook-Pro:~ user$ kubectl kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager. Find more information at: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/ Basic Commands (Beginner): create Create a res
可見已經安裝了kubectl,Kubectl 是向 Kubernetes API 服務器發送請求的客戶端。
If you installed kubectl
with Homebrew, or by some other method, and experience conflicts, remove /usr/local/bin/kubectl
To enable Kubernetes support and install a standalone instance of Kubernetes running as a Docker container, select Enable Kubernetes, choose the default orchestrator and click the Apply button.要啓用Kubernetes支持並安裝做爲Docker容器運行的獨立Kubernetes實例,請選擇enable Kubernetes,選擇默認的協調器並單擊Apply按鈕。
而後從阿里雲Docker鏡像服務下載 Kubernetes 所須要的鏡像:
git clone https://github.com/maguowei/k8s-docker-for-mac.git
cd k8s-docker-for-mac/
wanghuideMBP:k8s-docker-for-mac wanghui$ ./load_images.sh images found. v1.10.3: Pulling from google_containers/kube-proxy-amd64 Digest: sha256:27648ef94bebda5414d2bcb3fb77261420f8a4dcc0a9a0b9c83a96fae6e6d367 Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-proxy-amd64:v1.10.3 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-proxy-amd64:v1.10.3 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-proxy-amd64@sha256:27648ef94bebda5414d2bcb3fb77261420f8a4dcc0a9a0b9c83a96fae6e6d367 v1.10.3: Pulling from google_containers/kube-controller-manager-amd64 Digest: sha256:7dd9bda76d35971701a879132247fd25b91fbb9df42eb9c69ff9509e9ea6b0c0 Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-controller-manager-amd64:v1.10.3 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-controller-manager-amd64:v1.10.3 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-controller-manager-amd64@sha256:7dd9bda76d35971701a879132247fd25b91fbb9df42eb9c69ff9509e9ea6b0c0 v1.10.3: Pulling from google_containers/kube-scheduler-amd64 Digest: sha256:9169d3ec1d8afad74bd9b75e6165094191fef52b47767e7879da5044972464d8 Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-scheduler-amd64:v1.10.3 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-scheduler-amd64:v1.10.3 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-scheduler-amd64@sha256:9169d3ec1d8afad74bd9b75e6165094191fef52b47767e7879da5044972464d8 v1.10.3: Pulling from google_containers/kube-apiserver-amd64 032c9e83eacf: Already exists 6957897068dc: Pull complete Digest: sha256:93d43868b5fdae9d5f6839b483562e8d4522293685636b309a25c0fbfad7e8cd Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-apiserver-amd64:v1.10.3 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-apiserver-amd64:v1.10.3 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kube-apiserver-amd64@sha256:93d43868b5fdae9d5f6839b483562e8d4522293685636b309a25c0fbfad7e8cd 1.14.8: Pulling from google_containers/k8s-dns-dnsmasq-nanny-amd64 935c89b81420: Pull complete a7b547e960f0: Pull complete 643ab861079c: Pull complete 954e9ec699a2: Pull complete 0acbc5bb3ce1: Pull complete Digest: sha256:195d7a05078d84c9b796d0db268e8ef45401ac0ed8aa7c275dd0613d301d5ac0 Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/k8s-dns-dnsmasq-nanny-amd64:1.14.8 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/k8s-dns-dnsmasq-nanny-amd64:1.14.8 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/k8s-dns-dnsmasq-nanny-amd64@sha256:195d7a05078d84c9b796d0db268e8ef45401ac0ed8aa7c275dd0613d301d5ac0 1.14.8: Pulling from google_containers/k8s-dns-sidecar-amd64 fcff032aa481: Pull complete 32f866d07026: Pull complete Digest: sha256:8b88b6489862d7fce6ec004b865ec4019e94e688ed7b4be50d7f2191587a4547 Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/k8s-dns-sidecar-amd64:1.14.8 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/k8s-dns-sidecar-amd64:1.14.8 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/k8s-dns-sidecar-amd64@sha256:8b88b6489862d7fce6ec004b865ec4019e94e688ed7b4be50d7f2191587a4547 1.14.8: Pulling from google_containers/k8s-dns-kube-dns-amd64 fcff032aa481: Already exists 52289fe1eac2: Pull complete Digest: sha256:30a881d597e3f234e5f4264b7bf45ca3c7eb120a789c911f2c5ad9f86263322c Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/k8s-dns-kube-dns-amd64:1.14.8 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/k8s-dns-kube-dns-amd64:1.14.8 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/k8s-dns-kube-dns-amd64@sha256:30a881d597e3f234e5f4264b7bf45ca3c7eb120a789c911f2c5ad9f86263322c 3.1: Pulling from google_containers/pause-amd64 Digest: sha256:759c3f0f6493093a9043cc813092290af69029699ade0e3dbe024e968fcb7cca Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.1 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.1 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/pause-amd64@sha256:759c3f0f6493093a9043cc813092290af69029699ade0e3dbe024e968fcb7cca v1.10.1: Pulling from google_containers/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64 9518d8afb433: Pull complete Digest: sha256:0ae6b69432e78069c5ce2bcde0fe409c5c4d6f0f4d9cd50a17974fea38898747 Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:v1.10.1 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:v1.10.1 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64@sha256:0ae6b69432e78069c5ce2bcde0fe409c5c4d6f0f4d9cd50a17974fea38898747 3.1.12: Pulling from google_containers/etcd-amd64 17ab9c1ae71e: Pull complete 234f38785762: Pull complete a12f76be3e63: Pull complete Digest: sha256:a873afd0244c0029295899e3ab7ab7f474d097c42679a6d80c37f4017bc65598 Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/etcd-amd64:3.1.12 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/etcd-amd64:3.1.12 Untagged: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/etcd-amd64@sha256:a873afd0244c0029295899e3ab7ab7f474d097c42679a6d80c37f4017bc65598
userdeMBP:k8s-docker-for-mac user$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE k8s.gcr.io/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64 v1.10.1 f9aed6605b81 2 weeks ago 122MB k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy-amd64 v1.10.3 4261d315109d 7 months ago 97.1MB k8s.gcr.io/kube-scheduler-amd64 v1.10.3 353b8f1d102e 7 months ago 50.4MB k8s.gcr.io/kube-controller-manager-amd64 v1.10.3 40c8d10b2d11 7 months ago 148MB k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver-amd64 v1.10.3 e03746fe22c3 7 months ago 225MB k8s.gcr.io/etcd-amd64 3.1.12 52920ad46f5b 10 months ago 193MB k8s.gcr.io/k8s-dns-dnsmasq-nanny-amd64 1.14.8 c2ce1ffb51ed 12 months ago 41MB k8s.gcr.io/k8s-dns-sidecar-amd64 1.14.8 6f7f2dc7fab5 12 months ago 42.2MB k8s.gcr.io/k8s-dns-kube-dns-amd64 1.14.8 80cc5ea4b547 12 months ago 50.5MB k8s.gcr.io/pause-amd64 3.1 da86e6ba6ca1 12 months ago 742kB
An Internet connection is required. Images required to run the Kubernetes server are downloaded and instantiated as containers, and the/usr/local/bin/kubectl
command is installed on your Mac.須要網絡鏈接。運行Kubernetes服務器所需的鏡像被下載並實例化爲容器,而且在Mac上安裝了/usr/local/bin/kubectl命令。
When Kubernetes is enabled and running, an additional status bar item displays at the bottom right of the Docker for Mac Preferences dialog.
當Kubernetes啓用並運行時,在Mac Preferences對話框的Docker的右下角會顯示一個額外的狀態欄項。
The status of Kubernetes shows in the Docker menu and the context points to docker-for-desktop
By default, Kubernetes containers are hidden from commands like docker service ls
, because managing them manually is not supported. To make them visible, select Show system containers (advanced) and click Apply and restart. Most users do not need this option.默認狀況下,Kubernetes容器對docker service ls之類的命令是隱藏的,由於不支持手動管理它們。要使它們可見,選擇Show system containers (advanced)並單擊Apply和restart。大多數用戶不須要這個選項。
To disable Kubernetes support at any time, deselect Enable Kubernetes. The Kubernetes containers are stopped and removed, and the/usr/local/bin/kubectl
command is removed.若要在任什麼時候候禁用Kubernetes支持,請取消選擇啓用Kubernetes。中止和刪除Kubernetes容器,並刪除/usr/local/bin/kubectl命令。
For more about using the Kubernetes integration with Docker for Mac, see Deploy on Kubernetes.
userdeMBP:k8s-docker-for-mac user$ kubectl kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager. Find more information at: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/ Basic Commands (Beginner): create Create a resource from a file or from stdin. expose 使用 replication controller, service, deployment 或者 pod 並暴露它做爲一個 新的 Kubernetes Service run 在集羣中運行一個指定的鏡像 set 爲 objects 設置一個指定的特徵 run-container 在集羣中運行一個指定的鏡像. This command is deprecated, use "run" instead
Select -> Preferences from the menu bar, then click Reset to reset factory defaults, restart the Docker daemon, or uninstall.
從菜單欄中選擇 -> Preferences,而後點擊Reset去重置工廠默認值、重啓Docker守護進程或卸載。
Reset settings are:
Restart - Select to restart the Docker daemon.重啓Docker守護進程
Remove all data - This option removes/resets all Docker data without a reset to factory defaults (which would cause you to lose settings).此選項刪除/重置全部Docker數據而不重置爲出廠默認值(這會致使你丟失設置)。
Reset to factory defaults - Choose this option to reset all options on Docker for Mac to its initial state, the same as when it was first installed.選擇此選項可將Mac Docker上的全部選項重置爲其初始狀態,與首次安裝時相同。
⚠️Uninstall Docker for Mac from the commandline 從命令行卸載mac上的Docker
To uninstall Docker from Mac from a terminal, run: <DockerforMacPath> --uninstall
. If your instance is installed in the default location, this command provides a clean uninstall:
從終端卸載Mac的Docker,運行<DockerforMacPath> --uninstall
$ /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/Docker --uninstall Docker is running, exiting... Docker uninstalled successfully. You can move the Docker application to the trash.
You might want to use the command-line uninstall if, for example, you find that the app is non-functional, and you cannot uninstall it from the menu.
You can add trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) (used to verify registry server certificates) and client certificates (used to authenticate to registries) to your Docker daemon.你能夠向Docker守護進程添加受信任證書頒發機構(CAs)(用於驗證註冊中心服務器證書)和客戶端證書(用於對註冊中心進行身份驗證)。
All trusted CAs (root or intermediate) are supported. Docker for Mac creates a certificate bundle of all user-trusted CAs based on the Mac Keychain, and appends it to Moby trusted certificates. So if an enterprise SSL certificate is trusted by the user on the host, it is trusted by Docker for Mac.
支持全部受信任CAs(根或中間)。Docker for Mac基於Mac密鑰鏈建立一個包含全部用戶信任CAs的證書包,並將其追加到Moby信任證書。所以,若是主機上的用戶信任某企業的SSL證書,那麼Docker就會信任它。
To manually add a custom, self-signed certificate, start by adding the certificate to the macOS keychain, which is picked up by Docker for Mac. Here is an example.
userdeMBP:~ user$ sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ca.crt Password: ***Error reading file ca.crt Error reading file ca.crt
Or, if you prefer to add the certificate to your own local keychain only (rather than for all users), run this command instead:
$ security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain ca.crt
See also, Directory structures for certificates.
⚠️Note: You need to restart Docker for Mac after making any changes to the keychain or to the ~/.docker/certs.d
directory in order for the changes to take effect.
For a complete explanation of how to do this, see the blog post Adding Self-signed Registry Certs to Docker & Docker for Mac.
有關如何作到這一點的完整解釋,請參閱Adding Self-signed Registry Certs to Docker & Docker for Mac博客文章。
You can put your client certificates in~/.docker/certs.d/<MyRegistry>:<Port>/client.cert
and ~/.docker/certs.d/<MyRegistry>:<Port>/client.key
When the Docker for Mac application starts up, it copies the ~/.docker/certs.d
folder on your Mac to the /etc/docker/certs.d
directory on Moby (the Docker for Mac xhyve
virtual machine).
You need to restart Docker for Mac after making any changes to the keychain or to the ~/.docker/certs.d
directory in order for the changes to take effect.在對密鑰鏈或~/.docker/certs.d
The registry cannot be listed as an insecure registry (see Docker Daemon). Docker for Mac ignores certificates listed under insecure registries, and does not send client certificates. Commands like docker run
that attempt to pull from the registry produce error messages on the command line, as well as on the registry.不能將註冊表列爲不安全註冊表(請參閱Docker守護進程)。Mac的Docker忽略不安全註冊中心下列出的證書,而且不發送客戶端證書。docker run
If you have this directory structure, you do not need to manually add the CA certificate to your Mac OS system login:
若是你有這個目錄結構,你不須要手動添加CA證書到你的Mac OS系統登陸(我也有,可是certs.d目錄中什麼都沒有):
/Users/<user>/.docker/certs.d/ └── <MyRegistry>:<Port> ├── ca.crt ├── client.cert └── client.key
The following further illustrates and explains a configuration with custom certificates:
/etc/docker/certs.d/ <-- Certificate directory 證書目錄 └── localhost:5000 <-- Hostname:port 主機名:端口 ├── client.cert <-- Client certificate 客戶端證書 ├── client.key <-- Client key 客戶端密鑰 └── ca.crt <-- Certificate authority that signed the registry certificate在註冊表上簽名的證書頒發機構
You can also have this directory structure, as long as the CA certificate is also in your keychain.
/Users/<user>/.docker/certs.d/ └── <MyRegistry>:<Port> ├── client.cert └── client.key
To learn more about how to install a CA root certificate for the registry and how to set the client TLS certificate for verification, see Verify repository client with certificates in the Docker Engine topics.
有關如何爲註冊中心安裝CA根證書以及如何設置用於驗證的客戶端TLS證書的更多信息,請參見Docker引擎主題中的Verify repository client with certificates。
Docker for Mac comes with scripts to enable completion for the docker
, docker-machine
, and docker-compose
commands. The completion scripts may be found inside Docker.app
, in the Contents/Resources/etc/
directory and can be installed both in Bash and Zsh.
Bash has built-in support for completion To activate completion for Docker commands, these files need to be copied or symlinked to your bash_completion.d/
directory. For example, if you installed bash via Homebrew:
etc=/Applications/Docker.app/Contents/Resources/etc ln -s $etc/docker.bash-completion $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/docker ln -s $etc/docker-machine.bash-completion $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/docker-machine ln -s $etc/docker-compose.bash-completion $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/docker-compose
In Zsh, the completion system takes care of things. To activate completion for Docker commands, these files need to be copied or symlinked to your Zsh site-functions/
directory. For example, if you installed Zsh via Homebrew:
etc=/Applications/Docker.app/Contents/Resources/etc ln -s $etc/docker.zsh-completion /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_docker ln -s $etc/docker-machine.zsh-completion /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_docker-machine ln -s $etc/docker-compose.zsh-completion /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_docker-compose
To get help from the community, review current user topics, join or start a discussion, log on to our Docker for Mac forum.要得到社區的幫助,查看當前的用戶主題,加入或開始討論,登陸到咱們的Docker for Mac論壇。
To report bugs or problems, log on to Docker for Mac issues on GitHub, where you can review community reported issues, and file new ones. See Logs and Troubleshooting for more details.要報告bug或問題,請登陸Docker查看GitHub上的Mac問題,在那裏你能夠查看社區報告的問題,並提交新的問題。有關詳細信息,請參見日誌和故障排除。
To give us feedback on the documentation or update it yourself, use the Feedback options at the bottom of each docs page.要對文檔進行反饋或本身進行更新,請使用文檔頁面底部的反饋選項。
Choose Docker Store from the Docker for Mac menu to get to the Docker app downloads site. Docker store is a component of the next-generation Docker Hub, and the best place to find compliant, trusted commercial and free software distributed as Docker Images.
從 Mac的Docker菜單中選擇Docker Store進入Docker app下載站點。Docker store是下一代Docker Hub的一個組件,是找到兼容、可信的商業和免費軟件的最佳場所,這些軟件以Docker鏡像的形式發佈。
You can access your Docker Cloud account from within Docker for Mac.
From the Docker for Mac menu, sign in to Docker Cloud with your Docker ID, or create one.
從Docker for Mac菜單,用Docker ID登陸到Docker Cloud,或者建立一個。
Then use the Docker for Mac menu to create, view, or navigate directly to your Cloud resources, including organizations, repositories, and swarms.
Check out these Docker Cloud topics to learn more:更多學習請看
Need a direct link to Cloud? Take me to Docker Cloud.
Try out the walkthrough at Get Started.
Dig in deeper with Docker Labs example walkthroughs and source code.
For a summary of Docker command line interface (CLI) commands, see Docker CLI Reference Guide.
Check out the blog post, What’s New in Docker 17.06 Community Edition (CE).