400 Bad request(錯誤請求)
401.1 Logon failed(登陸失敗)
401.2 Logon failed due to server configuration(因爲服務器配置,登陸失敗)
401.3 Unauthorized due to ACL on resource(因爲資源上的 ACL,未受權)
401.4 Authorization failed by filter(因爲篩選器,受權失敗)
401.5 Authorization failed by ISAPI/CGI application (因爲 ISAPI/CGI 應用程序,受權失敗)
403.1 Execute access forbidden(執行訪問被禁止)
403.2 Read access forbidden(讀取訪問被禁止)
403.3 Write access forbidden(寫入訪問被禁止)
403.4 SSL required(要求 SSL )
403.5 SSL 128 required(要求 SSL 128)
403.6 IP address rejected (IP 地址被拒絕)
403.7 Client certificate required(要求客戶證書)
403.8 Site access denied(站點訪問被拒絕)
403.9 Too many users(用戶太多)
403.10 Invalid configuration(無效的配置)
403.11 Password change(密碼更改)
403.12 Mapper denied access(映射程序拒絕訪問)
403.13 Client certificate revoked(客戶證書被取消)
403.14 Directory listing denied(目錄列表被拒絕)
403.15 Client Access Licenses exceeded(超出客戶訪問許可證)
403.16 Client certificate untrusted or invalid(客戶證書不受信任或無效)
403.17 Client certificate has expired or is not yet valid(客戶證書已過時或無效)
404 Not found(沒有找到)
404.1 Site not found(站點沒有找到)
405 Method not allowed(不容許使用該方法)
406 Not acceptable(不接受)
407 Proxy authentication required(要求代理身份驗證)
412 Precondition Failed(前提條件不正確)
414 Request-URL too long(請求的 URL 太長)
500 Internal server error(內部服務器錯誤)
500.12 Application restarting(應用程序從新啓動)
500.13 Server too busy(服務器太忙)
500.15 Requests for Global.asa not allowed(不容許請求 Global.asa)
500-100.asp ASP 錯誤
501 Not implemented(沒有實施)
502 Bad gateway(錯誤網關)服務器