如何在 純node環境下(即不使用瀏覽器或無頭瀏覽器、phantomjs)使用highcharts 生成html文件
const Highcharts = require(「highcharts」)(window)
因此在bing上搜索highcharts server side (在服務端渲染highcharts)第一篇就是官網的文章Render charts on the server,主要內容爲要在服務器上渲染圖表 官方推薦使用 PhantomJS, 無頭瀏覽器,可是除了PhantomJS也可使用Batik and Rhino + env.js 或者 jsdom。node
由於咱們的目標就是不使用瀏覽器因此變成了Batik and Rhino + env.js 或者 jsdom 2選1,介於第一種貌似很麻煩就選擇了使用jsdom來解決沒有dom的問題,可是官方還提到若是使用jsdom的話他並無的getBBox方法。git
const jsdom = require("jsdom"); const { JSDOM } = jsdom; const { window } = (new JSDOM(``)).window; const { document } = window; const Highcharts = require("highcharts")(window); // Convince Highcharts that our window supports SVG's window.SVGAngle = true; // jsdom doesn't yet support createElementNS, so just fake it up window.document.createElementNS = function (ns, tagName) { var elem = window.document.createElement(tagName); elem.getBBox = function () { return { x: elem.offsetLeft, y: elem.offsetTop, width: elem.offsetWidth, height: elem.offsetHeight }; }; return elem; }; require('highcharts/modules/exporting')(Highcharts); function getChart(option) { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.width="1000px"; div.style.height="1000px"; const chart = Highcharts.chart(div, option); return div.outerHTML; } const mock = { chart: { renderer: "SVG", // animation: false, }, title: { text: '123' }, yAxis: { title: { text: '就業人數' } }, series: [{ name: '安裝實施人員', data: [43934, 52503, 57177, 69658, 97031, 119931, 137133, 154175] }, { name: '工人', data: [24916, 24064, 29742, 29851, 32490, 30282, 38121, 40434] }], } // 調用 // let chart = getChart(mock).replace(/\"\;/g, `'`); let chart = getChart(mock); let tpl = `<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <div style="width:100%;height:100%" id="root"> ${chart} </div> </body> </html>`; console.log(tpl);
首先,折線圖出不來,再者是上面代碼我自定義了div的高寬各位1000 生成的html中div的高寬無變化,最後爲生成的legend位置重疊。瀏覽器
所以在圖表數據列中都加入animation: false
接下去是legend位置錯誤的問題 以及爲何div大小不是我設置的值。
對於legend位置錯位的問題,其實最簡單的解決方法爲使用legend的屬性itemDistance 去設置一個圖標之間的距離,可是這樣的話每一個圖表都要單獨去設置一個itemDistance 十分麻煩,因此仍是須要找出它什麼會錯位的問題,本着沒有難度也要製造難度原則,讀highcharts源碼;
由上圖大概能夠看出highcharts生成圖表的步驟大體爲生成容器、而後根據屬性設置容器大小 內外邊距,間距,根據屬性獲取排列折線圖數據,建立座標軸屬性列表,linkSeries主要是跟linkedTo屬性有關,最後是開始渲染圖表。
Object.defineProperty(div, "offsetWidth", { configurable: true, writable: true, }); Object.defineProperty(div, "offsetHeight", { configurable: true, writable: true, }); Object.defineProperty(div, "scrollWidth", { configurable: true, writable: true, }); Object.defineProperty(div, "scrollHeight", { configurable: true, writable: true, }); div.offsetWidth = 1000; div.offsetHeight = 1000; div.scrollWidth = 1000; div.scrollHeight = 1000; div.style.paddingLeft = 0; div.style.paddingRight = 0; div.style["padding-top"] = 0; div.style["padding-bottom"] = 0;
繼續debugger在 legend中找到了生成legend中每一項的 renderItem方法
在沒有設置itemWidth 以及並無legendItemWidth,的狀況下每一個圖例的寬度爲,生成的文字element的寬度加上設置的額外每一個圖例項之間的寬度。
根本緣由是下圖 獲取element的off各屬性均返回0
固然咱們並不建議修改源碼,所以你能夠整個重寫 Highcharts.Legend.prototype.renderItem方法將內容所有抄過來 加上我上面那段代碼,legend錯位問題解決。重寫代碼以下:
//hack-highcharts.js module.exports = function hackHighcharts(Highcharts) { // 修復legend的itemDistance不能自動計算的問題 Highcharts.Legend.prototype.renderItem = function (item) { /***修改源碼開始***/ //自定義須要用到的參數名 var H = Highcharts, merge = H.merge, pick = H.pick; /***修改源碼結束***/ var legend = this, chart = legend.chart, renderer = chart.renderer, options = legend.options, horizontal = options.layout === 'horizontal', symbolWidth = legend.symbolWidth, symbolPadding = options.symbolPadding, itemStyle = legend.itemStyle, itemHiddenStyle = legend.itemHiddenStyle, itemDistance = horizontal ? pick(options.itemDistance, 20) : 0, ltr = !options.rtl, bBox, li = item.legendItem, isSeries = !item.series, series = !isSeries && item.series.drawLegendSymbol ? item.series : item, seriesOptions = series.options, showCheckbox = legend.createCheckboxForItem && seriesOptions && seriesOptions.showCheckbox, // full width minus text width itemExtraWidth = symbolWidth + symbolPadding + itemDistance + (showCheckbox ? 20 : 0), useHTML = options.useHTML, fontSize = 12, itemClassName = item.options.className; if (!li) { // generate it once, later move it // Generate the group box, a group to hold the symbol and text. Text // is to be appended in Legend class. item.legendGroup = renderer.g('legend-item') .addClass( 'highcharts-' + series.type + '-series ' + 'highcharts-color-' + item.colorIndex + (itemClassName ? ' ' + itemClassName : '') + (isSeries ? ' highcharts-series-' + item.index : '') ) .attr({ zIndex: 1 }) .add(legend.scrollGroup); // Generate the list item text and add it to the group item.legendItem = li = renderer.text( '', ltr ? symbolWidth + symbolPadding : -symbolPadding, legend.baseline || 0, useHTML ) // merge to prevent modifying original (#1021) .css(merge(item.visible ? itemStyle : itemHiddenStyle)) .attr({ align: ltr ? 'left' : 'right', zIndex: 2 }) .add(item.legendGroup); // Get the baseline for the first item - the font size is equal for // all if (!legend.baseline) { fontSize = itemStyle.fontSize; legend.fontMetrics = renderer.fontMetrics( fontSize, li ); legend.baseline = legend.fontMetrics.f + 3 + legend.itemMarginTop; li.attr('y', legend.baseline); } // Draw the legend symbol inside the group box legend.symbolHeight = options.symbolHeight || legend.fontMetrics.f; series.drawLegendSymbol(legend, item); if (legend.setItemEvents) { legend.setItemEvents(item, li, useHTML); } // add the HTML checkbox on top if (showCheckbox) { legend.createCheckboxForItem(item); } } // Colorize the items legend.colorizeItem(item, item.visible); // Take care of max width and text overflow (#6659) if (!itemStyle.width) { li.css({ width: ( options.itemWidth || options.width || chart.spacingBox.width ) - itemExtraWidth }); } // Always update the text legend.setText(item); // calculate the positions for the next line bBox = li.getBBox(); /***修改源碼開始***/ //由於存在可能 text的長度沒法取到 現加上判斷若是text有內容 可是計算出的寬度爲0 //則本身根據字數以及字體大小計算寬度確保 排版正常 if (li.textStr.length > 0 && bBox.width === 0) { const len = li.textStr.length; const fontSize = li.styles.fontSize ? parseInt(li.styles.fontSize.replace("px", "")) : 12; bBox.width = len * fontSize; } /***修改源碼結束***/ item.itemWidth = item.checkboxOffset = options.itemWidth || item.legendItemWidth || bBox.width + itemExtraWidth; legend.maxItemWidth = Math.max(legend.maxItemWidth, item.itemWidth); legend.totalItemWidth += item.itemWidth; legend.itemHeight = item.itemHeight = Math.round( item.legendItemHeight || bBox.height || legend.symbolHeight ); } }
const jsdom = require("jsdom");const { JSDOM } = jsdom; const { window } = (new JSDOM(``)).window; const { document } = window; const Highcharts = require("highcharts")(window); //將修改renderItem的js引入並傳入Highcharts修改其中的renderItem方法 const hackHigcharts = require("./hack-highcharts"); //hack try{ hackHighcharts(Highcharts); }catch(error){ console.error(error); } // Convince Highcharts that our window supports SVG's window.SVGAngle = true; // jsdom doesn't yet support createElementNS, so just fake it up window.document.createElementNS = function (ns, tagName) { var elem = window.document.createElement(tagName); elem.getBBox = function () { return { x: elem.offsetLeft, y: elem.offsetTop, width: elem.offsetWidth, height: elem.offsetHeight }; }; return elem; }; require('highcharts/modules/exporting')(Highcharts); function getChart(option) { const div = document.createElement("div"); Object.defineProperty(div, "offsetWidth", { configurable: true, writable: true, }); Object.defineProperty(div, "offsetHeight", { configurable: true, writable: true, }); Object.defineProperty(div, "scrollWidth", { configurable: true, writable: true, }); Object.defineProperty(div, "scrollHeight", { configurable: true, writable: true, }); div.offsetWidth = 1000; div.offsetHeight = 1000; div.scrollWidth = 1000; div.scrollHeight = 1000; div.style.paddingLeft = 0; div.style.paddingRight = 0; div.style["padding-top"] = 0; div.style["padding-bottom"] = 0; const chart = Highcharts.chart(div, option); return div.outerHTML; } const mock = { chart:{ renderer: "SVG", // animation: false, }, title:{ text: '123' }, yAxis:{ title: { text: '就業人數' } }, series: [{ name: '安裝實施人員', animation: false, data: [43934, 52503, 57177, 69658, 97031, 119931, 137133, 154175] }, { name: '工人', animation: false, data: [24916, 24064, 29742, 29851, 32490, 30282, 38121, 40434] }], } // 調用// let chart = getChart(mock).replace(/\"\;/g, `'`); let chart = getChart(mock); let tpl = `<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Document</title></head> <body> <div style="width:100%;height:100%" id="root"> ${chart} </div></body> </html>`; console.log(tpl);