安裝庫:pip install python-docxhtml
from docx import Document from docx.shared import Inches document = Document() document.add_heading('Document Title', 0) p = document.add_paragraph('A plain paragraph having some ') p.add_run('bold').bold = True p.add_run(' and some ') p.add_run('italic.').italic = True document.add_heading('Heading, level 1', level=1) document.add_paragraph('Intense quote', style='Intense Quote') document.add_paragraph( 'first item in unordered list', style='List Bullet' ) document.add_paragraph( 'first item in ordered list', style='List Number' ) document.add_picture('monty-truth.png', width=Inches(1.25)) records = ( (3, '101', 'Spam'), (7, '422', 'Eggs'), (4, '631', 'Spam, spam, eggs, and spam') ) table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=3) hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells hdr_cells[0].text = 'Qty' hdr_cells[1].text = 'Id' hdr_cells[2].text = 'Desc' for qty, id, desc in records: row_cells = table.add_row().cells row_cells[0].text = str(qty) row_cells[1].text = id row_cells[2].text = desc document.add_page_break() document.save('demo.docx')
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # ====#====#====#====#====#====#====#====#==== # @Time : 2020/4/2 10:58 # @Author : Alex_Dong # @Email : 1220274707@qq.com # @HomePage:https://www.cnblogs.com/xied/ # @File : 東湖日報腳本.py # @Software: PyCharm # ====#====#====#====#====#====#====#====#==== from docx import Document from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH,WD_LINE_SPACING from docx.shared import Pt,Inches from docx import section from docx.enum.section import WD_SECTION,WD_ORIENT from docx.shared import RGBColor import time import docx from docx.oxml.ns import qn # 實例化一個document對象 donghu_document = Document() # 調取sections對象 sections = donghu_document.sections for section in sections: pass # 方法二 對下一也新增 # section = donghu_document.add_section() # 對屬性的修改 #方法容許在文檔末尾啓動一個新節。調用此方法後添加的段落和表將出如今新的部分:(增長一頁) # current_section = donghu_document.sections[-1] # last section in document # new_section = donghu_document.add_section(WD_SECTION.ODD_PAGE) # 長寬高 section.orientation = WD_ORIENT.LANDSCAPE # 尺寸像素點 # section.page_width = 15544800 # section.page_hwidth = 15544800 section.page_width = Inches(16) section.page_height = Inches(12) # 設置分欄爲2 section._sectPr.xpath('./w:cols')[0].set(qn('w:num'),'2') #設置頁邊距 section.left_margin = Inches(0.5) section.right_margin = Inches(0.5) section.top_margin= Inches(0.5) section.bottom_margin= Inches(0.5) # 時間模塊 Data_now1 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) Data_now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time())) print('如今時間:',Data_now1) # 大標題一 head = donghu_document.add_heading(level=0)#添加一級標題 head_run = head.add_run('東湖水環境提高工程設計、施工總承包(EPC)\n') head_run = head.add_run('工 程 日 報\n') head_run = head.add_run(Data_now1) head_run.font.size = Pt(24) head.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER#居中 # 段落一 p = donghu_document.add_paragraph('1、本日工做進展') p.add_run('bold').bold = True p.add_run(' and some ') p.add_run('italic.').italic = True #插入圖片 # 添加圖片,設置圖片大小 donghu_document.add_picture(r".\pic\mabu1.jpg", height=Inches(2.25)) donghu_document.add_picture(r'.\pic\mabu2.jpg',height=Inches(2.25)) # width=Inches(2.25)--2.25英寸 # 換頁和換行--若是是換行的話就不須要使用docx.enum.text.WD_BREAK.PAGE參數 # donghu_document.paragraphs[0].runs[0].add_break(docx.enum.text.WD_BREAK.PAGE) # 段落二 p = donghu_document.add_paragraph('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n') p = donghu_document.add_paragraph('2、本日完成狀況對比:') p = donghu_document.add_paragraph('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n') p.add_run('bold').bold = True p.add_run(' and some ') p.add_run('italic.').italic = True # 段落三 p = donghu_document.add_paragraph('3、明日施工計劃') p.add_run('bold').bold = True p.add_run(' and some ') p.add_run('italic.').italic = True # A添加表格,填入表格內容 table = donghu_document.add_table(rows=2, cols=2) table.cell(0, 0).text = "cell_00" table.cell(0, 1).text = "cell_01" table.cell(1, 0).text = "cell_10" table.cell(1, 1).text = "cell_11" # B##############################建立表格########## table = donghu_document.add_table(rows=1, cols=9, style='Table Grid') # 建立帶邊框的表格 hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells # 獲取第0行全部全部單元格 hdr_cells[0].text = '序號' hdr_cells[1].text = '部位名稱' hdr_cells[2].text = '單位' hdr_cells[3].text = '設計總量' hdr_cells[4].text = '本日計劃' hdr_cells[5].text = '本日完成' hdr_cells[6].text = '累計完成比例' hdr_cells[7].text = '累計完成' hdr_cells[8].text = '累計總佔比' # 添加三行數據 data_lines = 5 for i in range(data_lines): cells = table.add_row().cells cells[0].text = '這是第%s行' % i #序號 cells[1].text = '部位數據%s' % i #部位 cells[2].text = '單位%s' % i #單位 cells[4].text = '單位%s' % i #'本日計劃' cells[5].text = '單位%s' % i #'本日完成' cells[6].text = '單位%s' % i #'累計完成比例' cells[7].text = '單位%s' % i #'累計完成' cells[8].text = '單位%s' % i #'累計總佔比' #插入無框表格 p = donghu_document.add_paragraph('\n\n<這是無框表格>') rows = 2 cols = 4 table = donghu_document.add_table(rows=rows, cols=cols) val = 1 for i in range(rows): cells = table.rows[i].cells for j in range(cols): cells[j].text = str(val * 10) val += 1 # 最後簽名 p = donghu_document.add_paragraph('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n編制:馬梅 審覈:舒飛超') donghu_fileName = '【%s】東湖水環境提高日報'%Data_now+'.docx' donghu_fileName = str(donghu_fileName) print(donghu_fileName,'已經成功生成!!!') #存儲文檔 donghu_document.save('.\word\%s' %donghu_fileName)
from docx import Documentapi
document = Document('existing-document-file.docx') #能夠docx=Noneapp
f = open('foobar.docx', 'rb')post
document = Document(f)this
objects 文檔設置對象Word支持section的概念,即文檔的一個部分,具備相同的頁面佈局設置,如頁邊距和頁面方向。例如,這就是文檔在縱向佈局中包含某些頁面而在橫向佈局中包含其餘頁面的方式。大多數Word文檔只有一個默認的部分,並且大多數文檔沒有理由改變默認的頁邊距或其餘頁面佈局。可是,當您確實須要更改頁面佈局時,您須要瞭解各個部分才能完成。
current_section = document.sections[-1] # last section in document
new_section = document.add_section(WD_SECTION.ODD_PAGE)
section.start_type起始類型new_page(2),而後 section.start_type = WD_SECTION.ODD_PAGE
ODD_PAGE (4)>>>>>>>start_type的值是WD_SECTION_START枚舉的成員。
>>> section.orientation, section.page_width, section.page_height (PORTRAIT (0), 7772400, 10058400) # (Inches(8.5), Inches(11)) >>> new_width, new_height = section.page_height, section.page_width >>> section.orientation = WD_ORIENT.LANDSCAPE >>> section.page_width = new_width >>> section.page_height = new_height >>> section.orientation, section.page_width, section.page_height (LANDSCAPE (1), 10058400, 7772400)
#section.left_margin, section.right_margin
#section.top_margin, section.bottom_margin
#section.header_distance, section.footer_distance
1 from docx.shared import Inches 2 #section.left_margin, section.right_margin 3 #section.top_margin, section.bottom_margin 4 #section.gutter 5 #section.header_distance, section.footer_distance 6 7 section.left_margin = Inches(1.5) 8 section.right_margin = Inches(1) 9 section.left_margin, section.right_margin
paragraph = header.paragraphs[0]
paragraph.text = "Title of my document"
header.is_linked_to_previous = True
The Styles
object is also iterable. By using the identification properties on BaseStyle
, various subsets of the defined styles can be generated. For example, this code will produce a list of the defined paragraph styles:Styles對象也是可迭代的。經過使用BaseStyle上的標識屬性,能夠生成定義的樣式的各類子集。例如,這段代碼將生成定義的段落樣式列表:
>>> from docx.enum.style import WD_STYLE_TYPE >>> styles = document.styles >>> paragraph_styles = [ ... s for s in styles if s.type == WD_STYLE_TYPE.PARAGRAPH ... ] >>> for style in paragraph_styles: ... print(style.name) ... Normal Body Text List Bullet
>>> document = Document() >>> paragraph = document.add_paragraph() >>> paragraph.style <docx.styles.style._ParagraphStyle object at <0x11a7c4c50> >>> paragraph.style.name 'Normal' >>> paragraph.style = document.styles['Heading 1'] >>> paragraph.style.name 'Heading 1'
#經過指定一個惟一的名稱和樣式類型,能夠將一個新樣式添加到文檔中: >>> from docx.enum.style import WD_STYLE_TYPE >>> styles = document.styles >>> style = styles.add_style('Citation', WD_STYLE_TYPE.PARAGRAPH) >>> style.name 'Citation' >>> style.type PARAGRAPH (1) #使用base_style屬性指定新樣式應該繼承的格式設置: >>> style.base_style None >>> style.base_style = styles['Normal'] >>> style.base_style <docx.styles.style._ParagraphStyle object at 0x10a7a9550> >>> style.base_style.name 'Normal' #一個樣式能夠從文檔中刪除,只需調用它的delete()方法: >>> styles = document.styles >>> len(styles) 10 >>> styles['Citation'].delete() >>> len(styles) 9