by Christoph Gohlke, Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine.php
This page provides 32- and 64-bit Windows binaries of many scientific open-source extension packages for the official CPython distribution of the Python programming language.html
The files are unofficial (meaning: informal, unrecognized, personal, unsupported) and made available for testing and evaluation purposes. Consider using the Python(x,y), ActiveState, orEnthought distributions if you are new to Python or need support.html5
If downloads fail: reload this page, enable JavaScript, disable download managers, disable proxies, and use Firefox. Please only download files as needed.python
Most binaries are built from source code found on PyPI or in the projects public revision control systems. Source code changes, if any, have been submitted to the project maintainers or are included in the packages.mysql
The binaries are built with Microsoft Visual Studio (2008 Pro, 2010 Pro, or .NET 2003), Intel Compiler Suite 11, Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK, MinGW, MinGW-w64, and the current official Python versions (with patch for issue 7833).ios
Many binaries depend on Numpy-MKL 1.6 and the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (64 bit, 32 bit) or Visual C++ 2010 (64 bit, 32 bit) redistributable packages, which may need to be installed separately.git
The files are provided "as is" without warranty or support of any kind. The entire risk as to the quality and performance is with you.github
- Index by date:
- pyephem
- pycifrw
- psychopy
- lmfit
- noise
- blist
- line_profiler
- regex
- blosc
- aspell_python
- ctypes
- cffi
- scipy
- pydbg
- psutil
- pyfits
- numpy
- basemap
- vlfd
- lxml
- nose
- imread
- django
- bitarray
- ndimage
- spyder
- matplotlib
- simplejson
- pysfml
- mercurial
- pandas
- distribute
- nipy
- pytables
- liblinear
- pygments
- vpython
- scikits-image
- mahotas
- pyglet
- faulthandler
- bsdiff4
- delny
- cx_freeze
- veusz
- pgmagick
- pyexiv2
- nltk
- networkx
- opencv
- pil
- pyreadline
- ilastik
- nipype
- statsmodels
- twainmodule
- tornado
- pyopengl
- pyopengl-accelerate
- pymvpa
- ipython
- scitools
- assimulo
- nibabel
- shapely
- pygame
- pyspharm
- vtk
- biopython
- casuarius
- pyodbc
- virtualenv
- greenlet
- nitime
- pycuda
- pyopencl
- base
- vigra
- pylibtiff
- python-igraph
- kivy
- sqlalchemy
- mmtk
- boost.python
- openexr
- mpi4py
- gmpy
- pyicu
- twisted
- pycairo
- pysqlite
- pyzmq
- bottleneck
- curses
- videocapture
- bazaar
- sfepy
- pyside
- nlopt
- zope.interface
- gdal
- pyproj
- ets
- scikits.audiolab
- jcc
- netcdf4
- slycot
- scikit-learn
- pymc
- mod_wsgi
- pymol
- scientificpython
- pylzma
- trfit
- mxbase
- visvis
- cython
- libsbml
- gevent
- libsvm
- pyamg
- oursql
- cvxopt
- psycopg
- fipy
- python-ldap
- quantlib
- sphinx
- cellprofiler
- pymssql
- orange
- theano
- libtfr
- py2exe
- pip
- pywin32
- simpleitk
- scikits.odes
- liblas
- meshpy
- cgal-python
- pymedia
- milk
- cellcognition
- h5py
- pycurl
- numexpr
- ffnet
- pywcs
- guiqwt
- pyfftw
- libxml-python
- pyfltk
- thrift
- pymex
- pymatlab
- zodb3
- mmlib
- pygtk
- pywavelets
- pyserial
- mdp
- sympy
- babel
- pyqwt
- qimage2ndarray
- pyqt
- scikits.scattpy
- cgkit
- pymix
- scikits.vectorplot
- scikits.ann
- scikits.delaunay
- natgrid
- numeric
- pulp
- nmoldyn
- pymutt
- pyminuit
- iocbio
- python-sundials
- pythonmagick
- smc.freeimage
- jpype
- wxpython
- pybox2d
- pyhdf
- scikits.umfpack
- dipy
- pycogent
- pyyaml
- pysparse
- mmseg
- pynifti
- scikits.samplerate
- scikits.timeseries
- vitables
- quickfix
- pyode
- numscons
- pyaudio
- mysql-python
- reportlab
- visionegg
- Aspell_python bindings for GNU Aspell (LyX fork).
- Assimulo is a package for solving ordinary differential equations. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- Babel, tools for internationalizing Python applications.
- Basemap is a matplotlib toolkit for plotting 2D data on maps based on GEOS.
- Bazaar is a version control system.
- Biopython is a set of tools for biological computation.
- Bitarray provides an object type which efficiently represents an array of booleans.
- [283 KB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Apr 04, 2012]
- [282 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Apr 04, 2012]
- [282 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Apr 04, 2012]
- [284 KB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Apr 04, 2012]
- [280 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- bitarray-0.8.0.win32-py2.5.exe [118 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Apr 04, 2012]
- bitarray-0.8.0.win32-py2.6.exe [254 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Apr 04, 2012]
- bitarray-0.8.0.win32-py2.7.exe [254 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Apr 04, 2012]
- bitarray-0.8.0.win32-py3.2.exe [254 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Apr 04, 2012]
- bitarray-0.8.0.win32-py3.3.exe [249 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- Blist is a list-like type with better performance for large lists.
- [288 KB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- [279 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- [279 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- [279 KB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- [277 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- blist-1.3.4.win32-py2.5.exe [106 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- blist-1.3.4.win32-py2.6.exe [242 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- blist-1.3.4.win32-py2.7.exe [242 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- blist-1.3.4.win32-py3.2.exe [240 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- blist-1.3.4.win32-py3.3.exe [237 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- Blosc is a high performance compressor optimized for binary data.
- Boost.Python enables seamless interoperability between C++ and Python.
- Bottleneck provides fast NumPy array functions written in Cython.
- Bsdiff4, binary diff and patch using the BSDIFF4-format.
- Casuarius, bindings for the Cassowary Constraint Solving Toolkit.
- CellCognition is an image analysis framework for fluorescence time-lapse microscopy in the field of bioimage informatics.
- CellProfiler is software for quantitative analysis of biological images. Run from the Python scripts directory.
- Cffi is a Foreign Function Interface for calling C code.
- CGAL-Python are bindings for the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library.
- Cgkit, the Computer Graphics Kit, is useful for dealing with 3D data of any kind.
- Ctypes allows to create and manipulate C data types.
- Curses is an extension based on the PDCurses library.
- CVXOPT is a package for convex optimization. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts into executables.
- [568 KB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Jul 13, 2012]
- [590 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Jul 13, 2012]
- [604 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Jul 13, 2012]
- [916 KB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Jul 13, 2012]
- [995 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Jul 13, 2012]
- cx_Freeze-4.3.win32-py2.5.exe [403 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Jul 13, 2012]
- cx_Freeze-4.3.win32-py2.6.exe [560 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Jul 13, 2012]
- cx_Freeze-4.3.win32-py2.7.exe [574 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Jul 13, 2012]
- cx_Freeze-4.3.win32-py3.2.exe [886 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Jul 13, 2012]
- cx_Freeze-4.3.win32-py3.3.exe [965 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Jul 13, 2012]
- Cython is a language for writing Python C extensions.
- Delny creates N-dimensional Delaunay triangulations using libqhull.
- Dipy is a toolbox for analysis of MR diffusion imaging.
- Distribute (a replacement for setuptools) downloads, builds, installs, upgrades, and uninstalls Python packages.
- [723 KB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Jul 22, 2012]
- [723 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Jul 22, 2012]
- [723 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Jul 22, 2012]
- [726 KB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Jul 22, 2012]
- [723 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Jul 22, 2012]
- distribute-0.6.28.win32-py2.5.exe [559 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Jul 22, 2012]
- distribute-0.6.28.win32-py2.6.exe [693 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Jul 22, 2012]
- distribute-0.6.28.win32-py2.7.exe [693 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Jul 22, 2012]
- distribute-0.6.28.win32-py3.2.exe [695 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Jul 22, 2012]
- distribute-0.6.28.win32-py3.3.exe [690 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Jul 22, 2012]
- Django is a high-level Web framework.
- ETS, the Enthought Tool Suite, is a collection of components for building scientific applications. Includes Mayavi2, which requires VTK 5.8.0.
- Faulthandler displays the Python traceback on a crash.
- Ffnet is a feed-forward neural network.
- FiPy is a finite volume PDE solver. Requires pysparse.
- GDAL, the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library, is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats.
- Gevent is a coroutine-based networking library based on greenlet and libevent.
- GMPY wraps MPIR, the Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals library.
- Greenlet allows lightweight in-process concurrent programming.
- GuiQwt is an efficient 2D plotting library based on PyQwt.
- H5py is a general-purpose interface to the HDF5 library.
- Ilastik is an interactive learning and segmentation toolkit.
- Imread reads images into numpy arrays.
- IOCBio, open-source software from the Laboratory of Systems Biology. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- IPython is an interactive computing environment. Some functions require distribute, pyzmq, tornado, pyreadline, pygments, matplotlib, pyqt or pyside.
- JCC is a C++ code generator that produces a C++ object interface wrapping a Java library via Java's Native Interface (JNI).
- JPype allows full access to Java class libraries.
- Kivy is a library for developing multi-touch applications.
- LibLAS reads and writes the LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) format.
- LIBLINEAR is a library for large linear classification. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- libSBML is a library to read, write, manipulate, translate, and validate SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language) files and data streams.
- LIBSVM is a library for Support Vector Machines.
- Libtfr calculates multi-taper windowed and time-frequency reassignment spectrograms. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- Libxml-python are bindings for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries.
- Line_profiler is a line-by-line profiler.
- Lmfit is a least-squares minimization with constraints.
- Lxml is a binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries.
- Mahotas is a set of functions for image processing.
- Matplotlib is a 2D plotting library.
- [4.4 MB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Jul 23, 2012]
- [4.4 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Jul 23, 2012]
- [4.4 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Jul 23, 2012]
- matplotlib-1.1.1.win32-py2.5.exe [4.1 MB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Jul 23, 2012]
- matplotlib-1.1.1.win32-py2.6.exe [4.2 MB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Jul 23, 2012]
- matplotlib-1.1.1.win32-py2.7.exe [4.2 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Jul 23, 2012]
- [4.4 MB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Jun 29, 2012]
- [4.4 MB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- matplotlib-1.2.x.win32-py3.2.exe [4.2 MB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Jun 29, 2012]
- matplotlib-1.2.x.win32-py3.3.exe [4.2 MB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- [15.1 MB] [Related Files] [Aug 17, 2011]
- MDP, the Modular toolkit for Data Processing.
- Mercurial is a fast scalable distributed SCM (revision control, version control) system.
- MeshPy offers quality triangular and tetrahedral mesh generation.
- Milk is a machine learning toolkit.
- mmLib, the Python Macromolecular Library.
- MMseg, Chinese word segmentation.
- MMTK, the Molecular Modelling Toolkit, is a library for molecular simulation applications.
- Mod_wsgi is a WSGI adapter module for the Apache HTTP Server 2.2. Linked against httpd-2.2.22-win32-VC9 and httpd-2.2.19-win64.
- Mpi4py provides bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard. Requires OpenMPI 1.6.
- mxBase contains packages such as mxDateTime, mxTextTools, mxTools, etc.
- MySQL-python is a Python database API 2.0 interface for the MySQL 5.1 database. Python 3 port.
- Natgrid is an interface to the natgrid C library for gridding irregularly spaced data.
- Ndimage is a package for any-dimensional image processing. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- [348 KB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- [348 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- [353 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- [349 KB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- [344 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- ndimage-0.11.win32-py2.5.exe [175 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- ndimage-0.11.win32-py2.6.exe [313 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- ndimage-0.11.win32-py2.7.exe [318 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- ndimage-0.11.win32-py3.2.exe [313 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- ndimage-0.11.win32-py3.3.exe [307 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Jul 29, 2012]
- NetCDF4 reads and writes NetCDF and HDF files.
- NetworkX is a package for complex networks.
- NiBabel, access a cacophony of neuro-imaging file formats.
- NIPY is for analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- Nipype, workflows and interfaces for neuroimaging packages.
- NiTime is a library for time-series analysis of data from neuroscience experiments.
- NLopt is a library for nonlinear optimization.
- NLTK, the Natural Language Toolkit.
- nMOLDYN is an interactive analysis program for Molecular Dynamics simulations.
- Noise generates Perlin noise.
- Nose extends unittest to make testing easier.
- [456 KB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [May 07, 2012]
- [456 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [May 07, 2012]
- [456 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [May 07, 2012]
- [457 KB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [May 07, 2012]
- [454 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Jul 30, 2012]
- [291 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [May 07, 2012]
- [426 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [May 07, 2012]
- [426 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [May 07, 2012]
- [426 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [May 07, 2012]
- [421 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Jul 30, 2012]
- Numeric is deprecated, superseded by Numpy.
- Numexpr is a fast numerical array expression evaluator. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- NumPy is a fundamental package needed for scientific computing with Python.
Note: these builds are not completely compatible with the official SciPy binaries.
Note: the MKL builds are linked to Intel's high performance Math Kernel Library.
Note: you may not redistribute the MKL builds unless you own an appropriate license from Intel.
- [8.7 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Aug 06, 2012]
- [8.7 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Aug 06, 2012]
- [8.7 MB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Aug 06, 2012]
- [8.7 MB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Aug 06, 2012]
- numpy-MKL-1.6.2.win32-py2.6.exe [7.0 MB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Aug 06, 2012]
- numpy-MKL-1.6.2.win32-py2.7.exe [7.0 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Aug 06, 2012]
- numpy-MKL-1.6.2.win32-py3.2.exe [7.0 MB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Aug 06, 2012]
- numpy-MKL-1.6.2.win32-py3.3.exe [7.0 MB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Aug 06, 2012]
- [2.6 MB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [May 20, 2012]
- [2.6 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [May 20, 2012]
- [2.6 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [May 20, 2012]
- [2.6 MB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [May 20, 2012]
- [2.6 MB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Aug 03, 2012]
- numpy-unoptimized-1.6.2.win32-py2.5.exe [2.2 MB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [May 20, 2012]
- numpy-unoptimized-1.6.2.win32-py2.6.exe [2.4 MB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [May 20, 2012]
- numpy-unoptimized-1.6.2.win32-py2.7.exe [2.4 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [May 20, 2012]
- numpy-unoptimized-1.6.2.win32-py3.2.exe [2.4 MB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [May 20, 2012]
- numpy-unoptimized-1.6.2.win32-py3.3.exe [2.4 MB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Aug 03, 2012]
- Numscons provides an alternative build system for numpy.
- OpenCV is a real time computer vision library.
- OpenEXR are bindings for ILM's OpenEXR image file format.
- Orange is a machine learning and interactive data mining toolbox.
- Oursql is a set of bindings for the MySQL 5.1 database.
- Pandas is a cross-section and time series data analysis toolkit.
- Pgmagick is yet another wrapper for GraphicsMagick.
- PIL, the Python Image Library, provides image processing functionality and supports many file formats.
Note: on Python 3 use `from PIL import Image` instead of `import Image`.
- [987 KB] [Source Code] [Jul 04, 2012]
- [1.0 MB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Jul 03, 2012]
- [1.1 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Jul 03, 2012]
- [1.1 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Jul 03, 2012]
- [1.1 MB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Jul 03, 2012]
- [1.1 MB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Jul 03, 2012]
- PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.5.exe [727 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Jul 03, 2012]
- PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.6.exe [992 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Jul 03, 2012]
- PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.7.exe [992 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Jul 03, 2012]
- PIL-1.1.7.win32-py3.2.exe [994 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Jul 03, 2012]
- PIL-1.1.7.win32-py3.3.exe [988 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Jul 03, 2012]
- Pip installs packages. An easy_install replacement.
- Psutil provides information on running processes and system utilization.
- PsychoPy, software for psychology and neuroscience.
- Psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter. Requires PostgreSQL 9.1.
- PuLP is an LP modeler using the CoinMP library.
- Py2exe converts Python scripts into executable Windows programs.
- PyAMG is a library of Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) solvers.
- PyAudio provides bindings for the PortAudio library. Excludes ASIO support.
- PyBox2D is a 2D physics library based on Box2D.
- Pycairo is a set of bindings for the cairo graphics library. These builds are not compatible with PyGTK.
- PyCifRW provides support for reading and writing CIF files.
- PyCogent is a software library for genomic biology.
- PyCUDA gives access to Nvidia's parallel computing API. Requires the CUDA 4.2.9 Toolkit and compatible drivers.
- PycURL is a interface to the libcurl library.
- PyDbg is a Win32 debugger interface. Includes the pydasm disassembly library.
- PyEphem provides scientific-grade astronomical computations.
- [1.0 MB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Aug 15, 2012]
- [1.0 MB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Aug 15, 2012]
- ephem- [959 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Aug 15, 2012]
- ephem- [954 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Aug 15, 2012]
- [1.0 MB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Aug 15, 2012]
- [997 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Aug 15, 2012]
- [997 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Aug 15, 2012]
- pyephem- [808 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Aug 15, 2012]
- pyephem- [949 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Aug 15, 2012]
- pyephem- [949 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Aug 15, 2012]
- Pyexiv2 provides bindings to the exiv2 library for image metadata.
- PyFFTW are bindings to the FFTW C library.
- PyFITS provides an interface to FITS formatted files.
- [796 KB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Aug 08, 2012]
- [793 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Aug 08, 2012]
- [793 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Aug 08, 2012]
- [796 KB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Aug 08, 2012]
- [792 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Aug 08, 2012]
- pyfits-3.1.win32-py2.5.exe [619 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Aug 08, 2012]
- pyfits-3.1.win32-py2.6.exe [755 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Aug 08, 2012]
- pyfits-3.1.win32-py2.7.exe [755 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Aug 08, 2012]
- pyfits-3.1.win32-py3.2.exe [756 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Aug 08, 2012]
- pyfits-3.1.win32-py3.3.exe [751 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Aug 08, 2012]
- pyFLTK is a wrapper for the Fast Light Tool Kit cross-platform graphical user-interface library.
- Pygame is a library for writing games based on the SDL library.
- Pyglet is a cross-platform windowing and multimedia library using AVbin.
- Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter.
- PyGTK is a wrapper for the GTK+ library. Requires the GTK+ 2.22 runtime.
- [252 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Nov 09, 2011]
- [252 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Nov 09, 2011]
- py2cairo-1.10.0.win32-py2.6.exe [221 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Nov 09, 2011]
- py2cairo-1.10.0.win32-py2.7.exe [221 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Nov 09, 2011]
- [753 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Oct 13, 2011]
- [753 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Oct 13, 2011]
- pygobject-2.28.6.win32-py2.6.exe [699 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Oct 13, 2011]
- pygobject-2.28.6.win32-py2.7.exe [699 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Oct 13, 2011]
- [1.2 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Oct 13, 2011]
- [1.2 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Oct 13, 2011]
- pygtk-2.22.0.win32-py2.6.exe [951 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Oct 13, 2011]
- pygtk-2.22.0.win32-py2.7.exe [951 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Oct 13, 2011]
- PyHDF is an interface to the NCSA HDF4 library.
- PyICU wraps the ICU (International Components for Unicode) library.
- PyLibTiff is a package for reading and writing TIFF and LSM files.
- PyLZMA, bindings for the LZMA compression library.
- Pymatlab provides an interface to MATLAB(tm) 2011b.
- PyMC is a Markov chain Monte Carlo. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- PyMedia is a module for media files manipulations.
- Pymex embedds Python in a MATLAB(tm) 2011b extension module.
- PyMinuit provides an interface to Minuit for minimizing general N-dimensional functions.
- PyMix implements algorithms and data structures for data mining applications. Using GSL sources from B. Gladman.
- PyMOL (tm) is a molecular visualization product for rendering and animating 3D molecular structures.
PyMOL is a user-sponsored project. Consider supporting Incentive PyMOL, which includes additional features and support.
PyMOL is a trademark of Schrodinger, LLC.
- Pymssql is a simple MS SQL Python extension module based on FreeTDS.
- Pymutt implements a multi-taper Fourier spectral estimator. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- PyMVPA performs multivariate pattern analysis.
- [2.6 MB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [May 08, 2012]
- [2.6 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [May 08, 2012]
- [2.6 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [May 08, 2012]
- pymvpa-0.4.8.win32-py2.5.exe [2.4 MB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [May 08, 2012]
- pymvpa-0.4.8.win32-py2.6.exe [2.5 MB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [May 08, 2012]
- pymvpa-0.4.8.win32-py2.7.exe [2.5 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [May 08, 2012]
- [2.8 MB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Jun 30, 2012]
- [2.8 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Jun 30, 2012]
- [2.8 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Jun 30, 2012]
- pymvpa2-2.1.0.win32-py2.5.exe [2.6 MB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Jun 30, 2012]
- pymvpa2-2.1.0.win32-py2.6.exe [2.7 MB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Jun 30, 2012]
- pymvpa2-2.1.0.win32-py2.7.exe [2.7 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Jun 30, 2012]
- PyNIfTI provides access to NIfTI and ANALYZE files.
- PyODBC is an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) adapter.
- [269 KB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Jun 25, 2012]
- [268 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Jun 25, 2012]
- [268 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Jun 25, 2012]
- [269 KB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Jun 25, 2012]
- [267 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Jun 25, 2012]
- pyodbc-3.0.6.win32-py2.5.exe [101 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Jun 25, 2012]
- pyodbc-3.0.6.win32-py2.6.exe [236 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Jun 25, 2012]
- pyodbc-3.0.6.win32-py2.7.exe [236 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Jun 25, 2012]
- pyodbc-3.0.6.win32-py3.2.exe [236 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Jun 25, 2012]
- pyodbc-3.0.6.win32-py3.3.exe [231 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Jun 25, 2012]
- PyODE is a set of bindings for the Open Dynamics Engine.
- PyOpenCL gives access to the OpenCL parallel computing API.
- PyOpenGL provides bindings to OpenGL, GLUT, and GLE.
- [1.4 MB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Jan 19, 2011]
- [1.4 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Jan 19, 2011]
- [1.4 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Jan 19, 2011]
- PyOpenGL-3.0.1.win32-py2.5.exe [1.2 MB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Jan 19, 2011]
- PyOpenGL-3.0.1.win32-py2.6.exe [1.3 MB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Jan 19, 2011]
- PyOpenGL-3.0.1.win32-py2.7.exe [1.3 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Jan 19, 2011]
- [1.3 MB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Jul 01, 2012]
- [1.3 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Jul 01, 2012]
- [1.3 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Jul 01, 2012]
- [1.3 MB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Jul 01, 2012]
- [1.3 MB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Jul 01, 2012]
- PyOpenGL-3.0.2a6.win32-py2.5.exe [1.2 MB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Jul 01, 2012]
- PyOpenGL-3.0.2a6.win32-py2.6.exe [1.3 MB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Jul 01, 2012]
- PyOpenGL-3.0.2a6.win32-py2.7.exe [1.3 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Jul 01, 2012]
- PyOpenGL-3.0.2a6.win32-py3.2.exe [1.3 MB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Jul 01, 2012]
- PyOpenGL-3.0.2a6.win32-py3.3.exe [1.3 MB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Jul 01, 2012]
- PyOpenGL-accelerate provides acceleration of common operations for slow points in PyOpenGL.
- Pyproj is an interface to the PROJ.4 library.
- PyQt is a set of bindings for the Qt application framework.
- PyQwt plots data with Numpy and PyQt.
- PyReadline is a ctypes-based readline for Windows.
- PySerial encapsulates the access for the serial port.
- PySFML provides bindings for SFML 2, the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library.
- PySide provides bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework.
- PySparse is a fast sparse matrix library. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- Pyspharm is a spherical harmonic transform module based on SPHEREPACK. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- Pysqlite is a DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases.
- PyTables is a package for managing hierarchical datasets based on the HDF library.
- Python-igraph is an interface to the igraph high performance graph library.
- Python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory servers via OpenLDAP.
- Python-sundials is a Cython wrapper for the SUNDIALS solver suite.
- PythonMagick provides an object-oriented interface to ImageMagick. Supports WebP.
- PyWavelets is a package for discrete wavelet transforms.
- PyWCS is a wrapper for the FITS World Coordinate Systems library.
- PyWin32 provides extensions for Windows.
- PyYAML is a YAML parser and emitter.
- PyZMQ is a binding to the ZeroMQ messaging library.
- Qimage2ndarray converts quickly between QImages and numpy.ndarrays. Requires PyQt.
- QuantLib is a library for quantitative finance.
- QuickFIX is a Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol engine.
- Regex is an alternative regular expression module, to replace re.
- [442 KB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- [435 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- [435 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- [436 KB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- [432 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- regex-0.1.20120803.win32-py2.5.exe [256 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- regex-0.1.20120803.win32-py2.6.exe [392 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- regex-0.1.20120803.win32-py2.7.exe [392 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- regex-0.1.20120803.win32-py3.2.exe [392 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- regex-0.1.20120803.win32-py3.3.exe [390 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Aug 14, 2012]
- ReportLab is a PDF generation toolkit.
- ScientificPython is a collection of modules for scientific computing.
- Scikit-learn integrates classic machine learning algorithms. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- Scikits-image provides image processing routines for SciPy.
- Scikits.ann is a wrapper for the Approximate Nearest Neighbor ANN library.
- Scikits.audiolab is a package for audio file IO using numpy arrays. Linked against libsndfile-1.0.25.
- Scikits.delaunay is a triangulation and interpolation tool.
- Scikits.odes adds ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers to SciPy.
- Scikits.samplerate is a module for high quality audio resampling.
- Scikits.scattpy performs light scattering simulations. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- Scikits.timeseries provides classes and functions for manipulating, reporting, and plotting time series of various frequencies.
- Scikits.umfpack is an interface to the UMFPACK unsymmetric sparse linear system solver. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- Scikits.vectorplot implements the line integral convolution algorithm to plot vector fields.
- SciPy is software for mathematics, science, and engineering. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- [35.2 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Feb 28, 2012]
- [35.4 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Feb 28, 2012]
- [35.2 MB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Feb 28, 2012]
- scipy-0.10.1.win32-py2.6.exe [20.1 MB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Feb 28, 2012]
- scipy-0.10.1.win32-py2.7.exe [20.3 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Feb 28, 2012]
- scipy-0.10.1.win32-py3.2.exe [20.1 MB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Feb 28, 2012]
- [35.2 MB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Aug 13, 2012]
- [35.3 MB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Aug 13, 2012]
- [35.1 MB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Aug 13, 2012]
- scipy-0.11.0rc2.win32-py2.6.exe [20.3 MB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Aug 13, 2012]
- scipy-0.11.0rc2.win32-py2.7.exe [20.5 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Aug 13, 2012]
- scipy-0.11.0rc2.win32-py3.2.exe [20.3 MB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Aug 13, 2012]
- SciTools are useful tools for scientific computing.
- SfePy, simple finite elements in Python.
- Shapely is a package for creation, manipulation, and analysis of planar geometry objects based on GEOS.
- SimpleITK provides an easy-access layer to the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit.
- Simplejson is a simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder.
- Slycot is a wrapper for selected SLICOT routines. Requires Numpy-MKL.
- SMC.FreeImage is a wrapper for the FreeImage library.
- Sphinx is a documentation generator.
- Spyder is a scientific Python development environment.
- SQLAlchemy is a SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper.
- StatsModels provides classes and functions for the estimation of statistical models.
- Sympy is a library for symbolic mathematics.
- Theano is an optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions.
- Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services development.
- Tornado is a scalable, non-blocking web server.
- Trfit fits time-resolved fluorescence decays.
- TWAINmodule provides an interface to TWAIN image acquisition devices.
- [2.8 MB] [Source Code] [Jan 02, 2011]
- [263 KB] [Python 2.5] [64 bit] [Jan 02, 2011]
- [264 KB] [Python 2.6] [64 bit] [Jul 02, 2012]
- [264 KB] [Python 2.7] [64 bit] [Jul 02, 2012]
- [265 KB] [Python 3.2] [64 bit] [Jul 02, 2012]
- [262 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [64 bit] [Jul 02, 2012]
- twain-1.0.4.win32-py2.5.exe [96 KB] [Python 2.5] [32 bit] [Jan 02, 2011]
- twain-1.0.4.win32-py2.6.exe [232 KB] [Python 2.6] [32 bit] [Jul 02, 2012]
- twain-1.0.4.win32-py2.7.exe [232 KB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit] [Jul 02, 2012]
- twain-1.0.4.win32-py3.2.exe [232 KB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit] [Jul 02, 2012]
- twain-1.0.4.win32-py3.3.exe [227 KB] [Python 3.3b1] [32 bit] [Jul 02, 2012]
- Twisted is an event-driven networking engine.
- Veusz is a GUI scientific plotting and graphing package.
- VideoCapture is an extension for accessing video devices.
- VIGRA, Vision with Generic Algorithms, is a computer vision library.
- Virtualenv is a virtual Python environment builder.
- VisionEgg produces stimuli for vision research experiments.
- Visvis is a library for visualization of 1D to 4D data in an object oriented way.
- ViTables is a GUI for browsing and editing files in PyTables and HDF5 formats.
- vLFD contains modules developed at the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics.
- VPython, 3D programming for ordinary mortals. Includes the TTFQuery, FontTools, and Polygon modules.
- VTK, the Visualization Toolkit, is a software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.
- wxPython provides bindings to the wxWidgets cross-platform toolkit. The wxPython-common package is required.
- ZODB3, the Zope Object Database, provides an object-oriented database.
- Zope.interface provides an implementation of object interfaces for Python.
- Base distribution of many smaller basic or pure Python packages and tools, created with The installers may contain (if package is compatible with Python version):
active_directory-0.7.1, algopy-0.3.1, altgraph-0.9, argparse-1.2.1, asciitable-0.8.0, aspell_python-1.12, ATpy-, autopy-0.51, Beaker-1.6.3, BeautifulSoup-3.2.0, BicycleParameters-0.1.3, bitstring-3.0.2, BitVector-3.1.1, blist-1.3.4, blosc-1.0.3, bottle-0.10.9, brian-1.3.1, bsdiff4-1.1.1, carray-0.4, celery-2.5.3, ceODBC-2.0.1, cffi-0.1, Chameleon-2.9.2, Cheetah-2.4.4, CherryPy-3.2.2, Chiplotle-0.4.1, circuits-1.6, cloud-2.5.2, Clyther-0.4-beta, codepy-2012.1.2, colorama-0.2.4, colormath-1.0.8, comtypes-0.6.2, configobj-4.7.2, ConfigObject-1.2.2, console-1.1a2, contextdecorator-0.10.0, control-0.5b, coverage-3.5.2, crc16-0.1.1, csvkit-0.4.4, ctypes-1.0.2, cvxmod-0.4.6, d2to1-0.2.7, dbfpy-2.2.5, decorator-3.3.3, Delny-0.4.1, dnslib-0.4.2, docutils-0.9.1, easygui-0.96, Elixir-0.7.1, epydoc-3.0.1, errorhandler-1.1.1, eventlet-0.9.16, Fabric-1.4.2, faulthandler-2.1, feedparser-5.1.2, Flask-0.8, fonttools-2.3, foolscap-0.6.4, FormEncode-1.2.4, formlayout-1.0.9, fpconst-0.7.2, ftputil-2.6, fudge-1.0.3, futures-2.1.2, fwrap-0.1.1, gdata-2.0.17, Genshi-0.6, geojson-1.0.1, geopy-0.94.2, gletools-0.1.0, glumpy-0.2.1, Gnosis_Utils-1.2.2, gnuplot-py-1.8, golem-1.0.1, googlemaps-1.0.2, grabscreen-1.0-20010426, grapefruit-0.1a3, grin-1.2.1, hachoir-core-1.3.3, hachoir-metadata-1.3.3, hachoir-parser-1.3.4, hachoir-regex-1.0.5, hachoir-subfile-0.5.3, hachoir-urwid-1.1, hachoir-wx-0.3, hgdistver-0.16, html5lib-0.95, httplib2-0.7.4, IMAPClient-0.8.1, ipaddr-2.1.7, isapi_wsgi-0.4.2, Jinja-1.2, Jinja2-2.6, joblib-0.6.4, jsonlib-1.6.1, jsonpickle-0.4.0, keyring-0.9.1, la-0.6.0, line_profiler-1.0b3, lmfit-0.5, logilab-astng-0.23.1, logilab-common-0.57.1, logilab-database-1.8.1, lzw-0.01.11, macholib-1.4.3, Mako-0.7.0, Markdown-2.1.1, MarkupSafe-0.15, mechanize-0.2.5, modulegraph-0.9.1, mpdecimal-2.2, mplh5canvas-0.6, mpmath-0.17, msgpack-python-0.1.12, mutagen-1.20, myhdl-0.7, netaddr-0.7.7, noise-1.0b3, nuageux-0.1, numdifftools-0.3.5, odict-1.4.4, openpyxl-1.5.8, ordereddict-1.1, pad-0.2.1, passlib-1.6, Paste-, PasteDeploy-1.5.0, PasteScript-1.7.5, Paver-1.0.5, pefile-1.2.10-114, pep8-1.3.1, periodictable-1.3.0,, planar-0.4, ply-3.4, Pmw-1.3.2, Polygon-2.0.4, pp-1.6.2, psyco-1.6, py-1.4.9, py4j-0.7, pyADtools-0.1.2, PyAMF-0.6.1, PyBluez-0.18, PyCifRW-3.3, Pycluster-1.50, pycmd-1.0, PyDAQmx-1.2.2, pydaqtools-0.2.0, pydbg-1.2, pydicom-0.9.7, PyDispatch-1.0.3, PyDispatcher-2.0.3, pydns-2.3.6, pydot-1.0.28, pyemf-2.0.0, pyeuclid-0.01, PyFileMaker-2.6, pyflakes-0.5.0, pyftpdlib-0.7.0, pygarrayimage-1.0, Pygments-1.5, PyGUI-2.5.3, pyHook-1.5.1, pylint-0.25.1, Pylons-1.0, pylsm-0.1-r34, pymeshio-2.6.5, pymongo-2.2, pymorph-0.96, PyMySQL-0.5, pyparsing-1.5.6, pyPdf-1.13, PyProtocols-0.9.3, pyreport-0.3.4c, Pyrex-0.9.9, Pyro-3.16, Pyro4-4.14, PyRTF-0.46, pyRXP-1.13, pysandbox-1.5, pyspeckit-0.1.7, pyteomics-1.2.1, pytest-2.2.4, python-brisa-0.10.3, python-cjson-1.0.6b1-effbot, python-constraint-1.1, python-dateutil-1.5, python-gettext-1.1.1, python-lzo-1.08, PythonCard-0.8.2, pythonselect-1.3, pythonutils-0.4.0, pytools-2011.5, pytst-1.18, pyutil-1.9.3, PyVISA-1.4, PyVTK-0.4.74, pywebsocket-0.7.4, pywinauto-0.4.0, pywinusb-0.3.0, PyX-0.11.1, quantities-0.10.1, rarfile-2.5, ref_index-1.0, regex-0.1.20120613, rfoo-1.3.0, rope-0.9.4, rpncalc-2.7, rpyc-3.2.2, rst2pdf-0.91, rst2xaml-0.1.1, RunSnakeRun-2.0.2a1, scapy-2.2.0, scons-2.1.0, SendKeys-0.3, SilverCity-0.9.7, SimpleCV-1.2, simplejson-2.5.2, SimpleParse-2.1.1, SimPy-2.3.1, six-1.1.0, spectral-0.7, speech-0.5.2, SQLObject-1.3.1, SquareMap-1.0.1, squirtle-0.2.4, tablib-0.9.11, testoob-1.15, testtools-0.9.15, textile-2.1.5, transaction-1.3.0, trfit-1.1, TTFQuery-1.0.5, ujson-1.18, umysql-2.3, uncertainties-1.8, unittest2-0.5.1, unum-4.1.1, urllib3-1.4, urwid-1.0.1, venusian-1.0a6, w3lib-1.2,, WebHelpers-1.3, WebOb-1.2, Werkzeug-0.8.3, Whoosh-2.4.1, WhooshDoc-1.0, winpdb-1.4.8, winsys-0.5.2git, WMI-1.4.9, WTForms-1.0.1, xlrd-0.7.8, xlutils-1.5.2, xlwt-0.7.4, xmldiff-0.6.10, yeadon-0.95, ZConfig-2.9.2, ZSI-2.1-a1
Notes: uninstall any of these packages before running the installer. These installers are valid ZIP files, which allow to manually extract single module files or package directories of interest.
- Uncategorized Files
Packages not currently available on this page for legal or technical reasons
- Alglib is a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library.
- BALLView is a molecular modeling and visualization application.
- Bento is a pythonic packaging solution for Python software.
- BioImageXD is software for analysis and visualization of multidimensional biomedical images.
- CasADi implements automatic differentiation in forward and adjoint modes.
- CGAL-bindings are bindings for the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library.
- GHMM, the General Hidden Markov Model library.
- ITK, the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit, is a software system for image analysis.
- M2Crypto is a complete wrapper for OpenSSL. Requires OpenSSL binaries.
- Mantid is a framework that supports high-performance computing and visualisation of scientific data.
- MathGL is a library for scientific data visualization.
- Ncrypt is yet another OpenSSL wrapper.
- OpenGLContext is a testing and learning environment for PyOpenGL.
- OpenImageIO is a library for reading and writing images.
- OpenKinect provides access to the Xbox Kinect device. Requires LibUSB 1.2.6.
- Panda3D is a framework for 3D rendering and game development.
- Py-bcrypt is a wrapper of OpenBSD's Blowfish password hashing code.
- PyAudiere is a high-level audio interface using the Audiere sound library.
- PyCrypto is a package containing various cryptographic modules.
- PyDSTool is a dynamical systems modeling, simulation and analysis environment.
- Pyffmpeg is a wrapper for FFmpeg, a solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
- PyGreSQL interfaces to a PostgreSQL database.
- Pygrib is a module for reading GRIB meterological files.
- PyGSL provides an interface for the GNU Scientific Library (gsl).
- PyGst, bindings for the GStreamer multimedia framework.
- pyOpenSSL is an interface to the OpenSSL library. Requires OpenSSL binaries.
- Pysam is a module for reading and manipulating SAM nucleotide sequence alignment files.
- PySUNDIALS provides bindings for the SUNDIALS suite of solvers.
- PySVN interfaces the Subversion version control system.
- Python-Ogre is an interface to the Ogre 3D graphics library.
- PythonOCC is a 3D CAD/CAE/PLM development framework.
- Rpy2 provides simple and efficient access to R.
- STScI_python provides a general astronomical data analysis infrastructure.
Christoph Gohlke, Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamicsweb