opencv 2.0裏面的變化還很多,採用lapack數學庫應該是一個巨大的進步。LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) 是Oak Ridge 國家實驗室、加州大學Davis 分校和Illinois 大學等聯合開發的線性代數函數庫,用fortan語言編寫,有f2c的c接口,用於在不一樣高性能計算環境上高效求解數值線性代數問題。使用lapack應該能大大提升OpenCV的算法效率。這其實也是MATLAB曾經走過的路。算法
CXCORE now uses Lapack (CLapack in OpenCV 2.0) in its various linear algebra functions
(such as solve, invert, SVD, determinant, eigen etc.) and the corresponding old-style functions
(cvSolve, cvInvert etc.)函數
clapack- - F2C translation of the Linear Algebra PACKage (LAPACK),
Copyright (c) 1992-2008 The University of Tennessee. All rights reserved.性能
Note, that only a subset of package is used in OpenCV.
It can be extended and/or replaced with future upstream releases
in the