回過頭來咱們在看下總體繼承關係圖,Throwable應該還有個Error錯誤。二者的區別在於後者是不可恢復的。這裏的是運行時異常。 還有一種區分是受檢查和非檢查的。好比數據庫鏈接關閉就是受檢查異常,數組越界異常是非檢查的。還有try{}catch{}finally{}這裏不展開了。在Spring框架中能夠受檢查的包裝成非受檢查的。並且可明確提出錯誤信息。chrome
public class BaseException extends RuntimeException { public BaseException(String message) { super(message,new Throwable(message)); } public BaseException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public BaseException(String message,Throwable cause) { super(message,cause); } }
/** * Created by guo on 3/2/2018. * 系統類異常 */ public class SystemException extends BaseException { //實現和BaseException同樣,構造方法名字換下。爲了空間就不展現了。 } --------------------------------------------------------- /** * 業務異常的自定義封裝類 */ public class BusinessException extends BaseException { //實現和BaseException同樣,爲了空間就不展現了。 } --------------------------------------------------------- /** * 數據庫異常 */ public class DBException extends BaseException { }
/** * 驗證異常,用於封裝 */ public class ValidationError { private String objectName; private String fieldName; private String defaultMessage; // Constructor 、Setter 、Getter 、ToString 略。爲了節約地方。 } ---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Created by guo on 3/2/2018. * 異常返回碼 */ public enum ResultCode { /** * 成功. ErrorCode : 0 */ SUCCESS("0", "成功"), /** * 未知異常. ErrorCode : 01 */ UnknownException("01", "未知異常"), /** * 系統異常. ErrorCode : 02 */ SystemException("02", "系統異常"), /** * 業務錯誤. ErrorCode : 03 */ BusinessException("03", "業務錯誤"), /** * 提示級錯誤. ErrorCode : 04 */ InfoException("04", "提示級錯誤"), /** * 數據庫操做異常. ErrorCode : 020001 */ DBException("020001", "數據庫操做異常"), /** * 參數驗證錯誤. ErrorCode : 040001 */ ParamException("040001", "參數驗證錯誤"), SystemMaintainException("11", "系統正在維護"); private String _code; private String _msg; // Constructor、Getter略 public static ResultCode getByCode(String code) { for (ResultCode ec : ResultCode.values()) { if (ec.getCode().equals(code)) { return ec; } } return null; } }
public class ActionConstants { /** * 默認值 - 執行時失敗時ReturnContext的ReturnMsg */ public static final String DEFAULT_FAILED_RETURNMSG = "執行失敗"; /** * 默認值key - 執行成功時ReturnContext的Returning */ public static final String DEFAULT_SUCCESS_RETURNMSG ="執行成功"; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 從SpringApplicationContext中設置的系統參數 */ public class SystemConfig { //系統默認的遊客用戶名 private static String guestUsername = ""; private SystemConfig() {} //注意這裏被私有化了。 public static void setGuestUsername(String guestUsername) { SystemConfig.guestUsername = guestUsername; } } ------------------- -------注意bean------------------------------------ <bean id="systemConfig" class="com.guo.core.common.constant.SystemConfig"> <property name="guestUsername"> <value>${shiro.guest.username}</value> </property> </bean>
/** * AJAX調用返回對象 */ public class AjaxResult implements Serializable { //請求結果是否爲成功 private String ErrorCode = ResultCode.SUCCESS.getCode(); //請求返回信息 private String Message = ActionConstants.DEFAULT_SUCCESS_RETURNMSG; //請求結果 private Object Date = null; //Setter、Getter、toString.... /** * 獲取正確結果模板 * //標準是這樣寫的 * @param message 請求返回信息 * @param obj 請求結果 * @return AjaxResult */ public static AjaxResult getOK(String message,Object obj) { AjaxResult result = new AjaxResult(); result.setMessage(message); result.setDate(obj); return result; } /** * 獲取正確結果模板 */ public static AjaxResult getOK(Object obj) { AjaxResult result = new AjaxResult(); result.setMessage(ActionConstants.DEFAULT_SUCCESS_RETURNMSG); result.setDate(obj); return result; } /** * 獲取正確結果模板 */ public static AjaxResult getOK() { return getOK(ActionConstants.DEFAULT_SUCCESS_RETURNMSG,null); } /** * 獲取錯誤結果模板 */ public static AjaxResult getError(ResultCode errorCode,String message,Object obj) { AjaxResult result = new AjaxResult(); result.setErrorCode(errorCode.getCode()); result.setMessage(message); result.setDate(obj); return result; } /** * 獲取錯誤結果模板 * * @return AjaxResult */ public static final AjaxResult getError(ResultCode resultCode) { AjaxResult result = new AjaxResult(); return getError(resultCode,resultCode.getMsg(),null); } }
(1)、首先咱們看到DateUtils繼承了ProperyEditorSuppert。爲何要這麼作?看名字叫屬性編輯支持。在Spring中咱們可使用屬性編輯器來將特定的字符串轉爲對象:String-->Object.在JDK中用於將XML文件中字符串轉爲特定的類型,同時提供了一個實現類,是他是他就是PropertEditorSuppert。在Spring注入式,遇到類型不一致,則回去調用相應的屬性編輯器進行轉換。如:setAsText(String str)、setValue().否則getValue()方法拿不處處理後的對象。
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; //注意包名,大佬的付出 public class DateUtils extends PropertyEditorSupport { public static final DateTimeFormatter standard = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); public static final DateTimeFormatter yy_MM_dd = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd"); public static final DateTimeFormatter date_sdf_wz = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy年MM月dd日"); //還有須要轉換格式 ...................................經常使用的,其實有不少............................................. /** * 字符串轉爲日期 */ public static Date str2Date(String str,DateTimeFormatter sdf) { if (str == null || "".equals(str)) { return null; } DateTime date; try { date = sdf.parseDateTime(str); return date.toDate(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { String errorMessage = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; if (sdf.equals(yy_MM_dd)) { errorMessage = "yyyy-MM-dd"; } throw new BusinessException("輸入的日期格式有誤,由於'" + errorMessage + "'格式"); //異常直接給自定義的。 } } /** * 指定日期的默認顯示,具體格式爲:年-月-日 * @param date 指定的日期 * @return 指定日期按「年-月-日」顯示 */ public static String formatDate(Date date) { return standard.print(date.getTime()); } /** * 返回UNIX時間戳-1970年至今的秒數(注意單位-不是毫秒) * @param str the str * @param format the format * @return the long */ public static long getUnixTimestamp(String str, DateTimeFormatter format) { DateTime dateTime = format.parseDateTime(str); return dateTime.getMillis() / 1000; } /** * 獲取給定日期之間的日期 */ public static List<String> getRangeDates(Long startTime, Long endTime) { List<String> dateList = new ArrayList<>(); DateTime startDt = new DateTime(startTime * 1000); DateTime endDt = new DateTime(endTime * 1000); endDt = endDt.withTimeAtStartOfDay(); //由於查詢結束時間不包含邊界,特殊處理一下 if (endTime * 1000 == endDt.getMillis()) { endDt = endDt.minusDays(1); } dateList.add(getTime(startTime, date_sdf_wz)); while (endDt.isAfter(startDt)) { startDt = startDt.plusDays(1); dateList.add(getTime(startDt.getMillis() / 1000, date_sdf_wz)); } return dateList; } /** * 返回時間間隔天數 */ public static int getDateDiff(Long beginTime, Long endTime) { DateTime dateTime1 = new DateTime(beginTime * 1000); DateTime dateTime2 = new DateTime(endTime * 1000); return Days.daysBetween(dateTime1, dateTime2).getDays(); } }
/** * ID生成策略 */ public class IDGenerator { private static final DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS"); private static final Random r = new Random(); private static char[] A2Z = null; static { int j = 0; A2Z = new char[26]; for (int i = 65; i < 91; i++) { A2Z[j] = (char)i; j++; } } public static String getTargetId() { char[] temp = new char[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { temp[i] = A2Z[r.nextInt(26)]; } String string = new String(temp); Integer max = 999999; Integer min = 10000; int s = r.nextInt(max) % (max - min + 1) + min; return string + s; } public static String getTranSid() { Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); lock.lock(); String temp = null; AtomicInteger atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(); try { String currDate = format.format(new Date()); Integer max = 999; Integer min = 100; int s = r.nextInt(max) % (max - min + 1) + min; temp = currDate + String.valueOf(s); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return temp; } public static String getIcbcTimeStamp() { DateFormat dateFormatStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); lock.lock(); String temp = null; AtomicInteger atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(); try { String currDate = dateFormatStamp.format(new Date()); Integer max = 999999; Integer min = 100000; int s = r.nextInt(max) % (max - min + 1) + min; temp = currDate + "." + String.valueOf(s); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return temp; } }
/** * Properties文件加載工具 */ public class PropertiedsUtil { public static Properties properties = new Properties(); public static List<String> configFile = Arrays.asList( "", ""); static { try { for (String fileName : configFile) { InputStream in = PropertiedsUtil.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName); properties.load(in); } }catch (IOException e) { throw new BusinessException("讀取配置文件錯誤"); } } public static String getValue(String key) { return properties.getProperty(key, ""); } }
在 MyBatis 中,使用 SqlSessionFactoryBuilder建立SqlSessionFactory ,進而來建立 SqlSession。一旦你得到一個 session 以後,你可使用它來執行映射語句,提交或回滾鏈接,最後,當再也不須要它的時候, 你能夠關閉 session。
/** * Created by guo on 3/2/2018. * SqlSession工廠bean */ public class SqlSessionFactoryBeanUtil extends SqlSessionFactoryBean { //這裏使用了日誌記錄,方便查看。 private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlSessionFactoryBeanUtil.class); @Override protected SqlSessionFactory buildSqlSessionFactory() throws IOException { try { return super.buildSqlSessionFactory(); //調用父類 }catch (NestedIOException e) { logger.error("ex:{}",e.getMessage()); throw new NestedIOException("Faild to parse mapping resource: " + e); }finally { ErrorContext.instance().reset(); } } }
/** * Created by guo on 3/2/2018. * 字符串處理及轉換工具類 */ public class StringUtil { private static Pattern numericPattern = Pattern.compile("^[0-9\\-]+$"); private static Pattern numericStringPattern = Pattern.compile("^[0-9\\-\\-]+$"); private static Pattern floatNumericPattern = Pattern.compile("^[0-9\\-\\.]+$"); private static Pattern abcPattern = Pattern.compile("^[a-z|A-Z]+$"); public static final String splitStrPattern = ",|,|;|;|、|\\.|。|-|_|\\(|\\)|\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}|\\\\|/| | |\""; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StringUtil.class); /** * 判斷是否數字表示 * @param src 源字符串 * @return 是否數字的標誌 */ public static boolean isNumeric(String src) { boolean return_value = false; if (src != null && src.length() > 0) { Matcher m = numericPattern.matcher(src); if (m.find()) { return_value = true; } } return return_value; } /** * 判斷是否純字母組合 * @param src 源字符串 * @return 是否純字母組合的標誌 */ public static boolean isABC(String src) { boolean return_value = false; if (src != null && src.length() > 0) { Matcher m = abcPattern.matcher(src); if (m.find()) { return_value = true; } } return return_value; } /** * 判斷是否浮點數字表示 */ public static boolean isFloatNumeric(String src) {} -------------------------------截取------------------------------------------------------------ /** * 把string array or list用給定的符號symbol鏈接成一個字符串 */ public static String joinString(List array, String symbol) { String result = ""; if (array != null) { for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { String temp = array.get(i).toString(); if (temp != null && temp.trim().length() > 0) result += (temp + symbol); } if (result.length() > 1) result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1); } return result; } /** * 截取字符,不轉碼 */ public static String subStrNotEncode(String subject, int size) { if (subject.length() > size) { subject = subject.substring(0, size); } return subject; } /** * 取得字符串的實際長度(考慮了漢字的狀況) */ public static int getStringLen(String SrcStr) { int return_value = 0; if (SrcStr != null) { char[] theChars = SrcStr.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < theChars.length; i++) { return_value += (theChars[i] <= 255) ? 1 : 2; } } return return_value; } ---------------------------------分割、替換和轉換------------------------------------------- /** * 根據指定的字符把源字符串分割成一個數組 */ public static List<String> parseString2ListByCustomerPattern(String pattern, String src) { if (src == null) return null; List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] result = src.split(pattern); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { list.add(result[i]); } return list; } /** * 字符串替換 */ public static String stringReplace(String str, String sr, String sd) { String regEx = sr; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regEx, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(str); str = m.replaceAll(sd); return str; } /** * 格式化一個float */ public static String formatFloat(float f, String format) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(format); return df.format(f); } /** * 把 名=值 參數錶轉換成字符串 (a=1,b=2 =>a=1&b=2) */ public static String linkedHashMapToString(LinkedHashMap<String, String> map) { if (map != null && map.size() > 0) { String result = ""; Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = (String); String value = (String) map.get(name); result += (result.equals("")) ? "" : "&"; result += String.format("%s=%s", name, value); } return result; } return null; } /** * 轉換編碼 */ public static String changCoding(String s, String fencode, String bencode) { String str; try { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(s)) { str = new String(s.getBytes(fencode), bencode); } else { str = ""; } return str; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return s; } }
/** * 將字符串轉換成十六進制編碼 */ public static String toHexString(String str) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { // 根據默認編碼獲取字節數組 String hexString = "0123456789ABCDEF"; byte[] bytes = str.getBytes("GB2312"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 2); // 將字節數組中每一個字節拆解成2位16進制整數 for (byte b : bytes) { sb.append(Integer.toHexString(b + 0x800).substring(1)); } return sb.toString(); } /** * unicode 轉字符串 */ public static String unicode2String(String unicode) { StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer(); String[] hex = unicode.split("\\\\u"); for (int i = 1; i < hex.length; i++) { // 轉換出每個代碼點 int data = Integer.parseInt(hex[i], 16); // 追加成string string.append((char) data); } return string.toString(); }