leetcode184 部門工資最高的員工 Department Highest Salary

Employee表有全部員工。每一個員工有 Id,salary department Id 信息。算法






drop table Employee
table If Not Exists Employee (Idint, Name varchar(255), Salary int, DepartmentId int);
drop table Department
Create table If Not Exists Department (Idint, Name varchar(255)); Truncate table Employee; insert into Employee (Id, Name, Salary,DepartmentId) values ('1', 'Joe', '70000', '1'); insert into Employee (Id, Name, Salary,DepartmentId) values ('2', 'Henry', '80000', '2'); insert into Employee (Id, Name, Salary,DepartmentId) values ('3', 'Sam', '60000', '2'); insert into Employee (Id, Name, Salary,DepartmentId) values ('4', 'Max', '90000', '1'); Truncate table Department; insert into Department (Id, Name) values('1', 'IT'); insert into Department (Id, Name) values('2', 'Sales');




鏈接員工表和部門表,group by對部門分組,再求每組的最高薪水。用子查詢得出臨時表F(id,name,m)。table

    select D.id,D.name,max(E1.salary) as m
    from Department as D
    join Employee as E1 
        on (D.id = E1.departmentid)
    group by D.id,D.name
   ) as F




select F.name as Department,E.name as Employee,E.Salary
from Employee as E
join (
    select D.id,D.name,max(E1.salary) as m
    from Department as D
    join Employee as E1 
        on (D.id = E1.departmentid)
    group by D.id,D.name
) as F
    on (E.departmentid = F.id and F.m = E.salary);


select D.name as Department,E.name as Employee,E.Salary
from Employee as E
join (
    select E1.departmentid,max(E1.salary) as m
    from Employee as E1
    group by E1.departmentid
) as F
    on (E.departmentid = F.departmentid and F.m = E.salary)
join Department as D
    on (F.departmentid = D.id)


select D.name as Department,E.name as Employee,E.Salary
from Employee as E
join Department as D
    on (E.departmentid = D.id)
where E.salary = (
    select max(E1.salary) 
    from Employee as E1
    where E1.departmentid = E.departmentid


select D.name as Department,E.name as Employee,E.Salary
from Employee as E
join Department as D
    on (E.departmentid = D.id)
where (E.departmentid,E.salary) in (
    select E1.departmentid,max(E1.salary) 
    from Employee as E1
    where E1.departmentid
    group by E1.departmentid