內核同步機制之Mutex Exclusion


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static int OwnADC = 0;

在wikipedia中式這麼定義Mutex Exclusion的:函數

In computer science, mutual exclusion refers to the requirement of ensuring that no two processes or threads (henceforth referred to only as processes) are in their critical section at the same time. Here, a critical section refers to a period of time when the process accesses a shared resource, such as shared memory.ui


A data structure for mutual exclusion, also known as a binary semaphore. A mutex is basically just a multitasking-aware binary flag that can be used to synchronize the activities of multiple tasks. As such, it can be used to protect critical sections of the code from interruption and shared resources from simultaneous use.code


##使用## Linux內核的同步機制裏面: 輔助宏:ci

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DECLARE_MUTEX(name); /*聲明一個互斥鎖,把名爲name的信號量變量初始化爲1 */
DECLARE_MUTEX_LOCKED(name); /* 聲明一個互斥鎖,把名爲name的信號量變量初始化爲0 */

在Linux世界中, P函數被稱爲down, 指的是該函數減少了信號量的值, 它也許會將調用者置於休眠狀態, 而後等待信號量變得可用, 以後再授予調用者對被保護資源的訪問權限.資源

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void down(struct semaphore *sem);

當一個線程成功調用down函數後, 就稱爲該線程擁有了該信號量, 能夠訪問被該信號量保護的臨界區. 當互斥操做完成後, 必須釋放該信號量. Linux的V函數是up:開發

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void up(struct semaphore *sem)

調用up以後, 調用者再也不擁有該信號量rem

##Reference## [1].Linux Device Drivers.Thirth Edition.P112-P114
