



 * A {@link CircuitBreakerConfig} configures a {@link CircuitBreaker}
public class CircuitBreakerConfig {

    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_FAILURE_THRESHOLD = 50; // Percentage
    public static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_DURATION_IN_OPEN_STATE = 60; // Seconds
    public static final int DEFAULT_RING_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_HALF_OPEN_STATE = 10;
    public static final int DEFAULT_RING_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_CLOSED_STATE = 100;
    public static final Predicate<Throwable> DEFAULT_RECORD_FAILURE_PREDICATE = (throwable) -> true;

    private float failureRateThreshold = DEFAULT_MAX_FAILURE_THRESHOLD;
    private int ringBufferSizeInHalfOpenState = DEFAULT_RING_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_HALF_OPEN_STATE;
    private int ringBufferSizeInClosedState = DEFAULT_RING_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_CLOSED_STATE;
    private Duration waitDurationInOpenState = Duration.ofSeconds(DEFAULT_WAIT_DURATION_IN_OPEN_STATE);
    // The default exception predicate counts all exceptions as failures.
    private Predicate<Throwable> recordFailurePredicate = DEFAULT_RECORD_FAILURE_PREDICATE;
    private boolean automaticTransitionFromOpenToHalfOpenEnabled = false;

  • failureRateThreshold,默認爲50,即失敗率閾值爲50%
  • ringBufferSizeInHalfOpenState,設置當斷路器處於HALF_OPEN狀態下的ring buffer的大小,它存儲了最近一段時間請求的成功失敗狀態,默認爲10
  • ringBufferSizeInClosedState,設置當斷路器處於CLOSED狀態下的ring buffer的大小,它存儲了最近一段時間請求的成功失敗狀態,默認爲100
  • waitDurationInOpenState,用來指定斷路器從OPEN到HALF_OPEN狀態等待的時長,默認是60秒
  • recordFailurePredicate,用於判斷哪些異常應該算做失敗歸入斷路器統計,默認是Throwable類型
  • automaticTransitionFromOpenToHalfOpenEnabled,當waitDurationInOpenState時間一過,是否自動從OPEN切換到HALF_OPEN,默認爲true



class CircuitBreakerMetrics implements CircuitBreaker.Metrics {

    private final int ringBufferSize;
    private final RingBitSet ringBitSet;
    private final LongAdder numberOfNotPermittedCalls;

    CircuitBreakerMetrics(int ringBufferSize) {
        this(ringBufferSize, null);

    CircuitBreakerMetrics(int ringBufferSize, RingBitSet sourceSet) {
        this.ringBufferSize = ringBufferSize;
        if(sourceSet != null) {
            this.ringBitSet = new RingBitSet(this.ringBufferSize, sourceSet);
            this.ringBitSet = new RingBitSet(this.ringBufferSize);
        this.numberOfNotPermittedCalls = new LongAdder();

     * Creates a new CircuitBreakerMetrics instance and copies the content of the current RingBitSet
     * into the new RingBitSet.
     * @param targetRingBufferSize the ringBufferSize of the new CircuitBreakerMetrics instances
     * @return a CircuitBreakerMetrics
    public CircuitBreakerMetrics copy(int targetRingBufferSize) {
        return new CircuitBreakerMetrics(targetRingBufferSize, this.ringBitSet);

     * Records a failed call and returns the current failure rate in percentage.
     * @return the current failure rate  in percentage.
    float onError() {
        int currentNumberOfFailedCalls = ringBitSet.setNextBit(true);
        return getFailureRate(currentNumberOfFailedCalls);

     * Records a successful call and returns the current failure rate in percentage.
     * @return the current failure rate in percentage.
    float onSuccess() {
        int currentNumberOfFailedCalls = ringBitSet.setNextBit(false);
        return getFailureRate(currentNumberOfFailedCalls);

     * Records a call which was not permitted, because the CircuitBreaker state is OPEN.
    void onCallNotPermitted() {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public float getFailureRate() {
        return getFailureRate(getNumberOfFailedCalls());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getMaxNumberOfBufferedCalls() {
        return ringBufferSize;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getNumberOfSuccessfulCalls() {
        return getNumberOfBufferedCalls() - getNumberOfFailedCalls();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getNumberOfBufferedCalls() {
        return this.ringBitSet.length();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public long getNumberOfNotPermittedCalls() {
        return this.numberOfNotPermittedCalls.sum();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getNumberOfFailedCalls() {
        return this.ringBitSet.cardinality();

    private float getFailureRate(int numberOfFailedCalls) {
        if (getNumberOfBufferedCalls() < ringBufferSize) {
            return -1.0f;
        return numberOfFailedCalls * 100.0f / ringBufferSize;
  • ringBitSet.setNextBit方法返回的是這個ringBitSet中被設置爲true的個數,這裏就是numberOfFailedCalls
  • getFailureRate裏頭先判斷,若是ringBitSet中的個數沒有達到ringBufferSize指定的大小,則返回-1.0f,則不計算失敗率
  • 失敗率的計算就是numberOfFailedCalls * 100.0f / ringBufferSize



 * A ring bit set which stores bits up to a maximum size of bits.
class RingBitSet {

    private final int size;
    private final BitSetMod bitSet;

    private boolean notFull;
    private int index = -1;

    private volatile int length;
    private volatile int cardinality = 0;


     * Sets the bit at the next index to the specified value.
     * @param value a boolean value to set
     * @return the number of bits set to {@code true}
    public synchronized int setNextBit(boolean value) {
        index = (index + 1) % size;

        int previous = bitSet.set(index, value);
        int current = value ? 1 : 0;
        cardinality = cardinality - previous + current;
        return cardinality;

    private void increaseLength() {
        if (notFull) {
            int nextLength = length + 1;
            if (nextLength < size) {
                length = nextLength;
            } else {
                length = size;
                notFull = false;
  • 重點看setNextBit方法,這裏的cardinality就是ringbuffer中設置爲true的個數
  • increaseLength方法,若是length不超過size則遞增,超過則重置爲size大小,即最大爲size大小,而後用notFull標記是否滿



final class HalfOpenState extends CircuitBreakerState {

    private CircuitBreakerMetrics circuitBreakerMetrics;
    private final float failureRateThreshold;

    HalfOpenState(CircuitBreakerStateMachine stateMachine) {
        CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreakerConfig = stateMachine.getCircuitBreakerConfig();
        this.circuitBreakerMetrics = new CircuitBreakerMetrics(
        this.failureRateThreshold = stateMachine.getCircuitBreakerConfig().getFailureRateThreshold();

     * Returns always true, because the CircuitBreaker is half open.
     * @return always true, because the CircuitBreaker is half open.
    boolean isCallPermitted() {
        return true;

    void onError(Throwable throwable) {
        // CircuitBreakerMetrics is thread-safe

    void onSuccess() {
        // CircuitBreakerMetrics is thread-safe

     * Checks if the current failure rate is above or below the threshold.
     * If the failure rate is above the threshold, transition the state machine to OPEN state.
     * If the failure rate is below the threshold, transition the state machine to CLOSED state.
     * @param currentFailureRate the current failure rate
    private void checkFailureRate(float currentFailureRate) {
        if(currentFailureRate != -1){
            if(currentFailureRate >= failureRateThreshold) {

     * Get the state of the CircuitBreaker
    CircuitBreaker.State getState() {
        return CircuitBreaker.State.HALF_OPEN;

    CircuitBreakerMetrics getMetrics() {
        return circuitBreakerMetrics;
  • 這裏的ringBufferSize爲getRingBufferSizeInHalfOpenState
  • 這裏onError以及onSuccess都會觸發checkFailureRate,檢查失敗率是否達到閾值
  • checkFailureRate判斷的時候首先排除掉-1.0f,而後若是達到閾值,則將狀態切換到OPEN,不達到閾值則切換到CLOSED狀態



final class ClosedState extends CircuitBreakerState {

    private final CircuitBreakerMetrics circuitBreakerMetrics;
    private final float failureRateThreshold;

    ClosedState(CircuitBreakerStateMachine stateMachine) {
        this(stateMachine, null);

    ClosedState(CircuitBreakerStateMachine stateMachine, CircuitBreakerMetrics circuitBreakerMetrics) {
        CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreakerConfig = stateMachine.getCircuitBreakerConfig();
        if(circuitBreakerMetrics == null){
            this.circuitBreakerMetrics = new CircuitBreakerMetrics(
            this.circuitBreakerMetrics = circuitBreakerMetrics.copy(circuitBreakerConfig.getRingBufferSizeInClosedState());
        this.failureRateThreshold = stateMachine.getCircuitBreakerConfig().getFailureRateThreshold();

     * Returns always true, because the CircuitBreaker is closed.
     * @return always true, because the CircuitBreaker is closed.
    boolean isCallPermitted() {
        return true;

    void onError(Throwable throwable) {
        // CircuitBreakerMetrics is thread-safe

    void onSuccess() {
        // CircuitBreakerMetrics is thread-safe

     * Checks if the current failure rate is above the threshold.
     * If the failure rate is above the threshold, transitions the state machine to OPEN state.
     * @param currentFailureRate the current failure rate
    private void checkFailureRate(float currentFailureRate) {
        if (currentFailureRate >= failureRateThreshold) {
            // Transition the state machine to OPEN state, because the failure rate is above the threshold

     * Get the state of the CircuitBreaker
    CircuitBreaker.State getState() {
        return CircuitBreaker.State.CLOSED;
     * Get metrics of the CircuitBreaker
    CircuitBreakerMetrics getMetrics() {
        return circuitBreakerMetrics;
  • 這裏的ringBufferSize爲getRingBufferSizeInClosedState
  • 這裏onError以及onSuccess都會觸發checkFailureRate,檢查失敗率是否達到閾值
  • checkFailureRate判斷若是大於設定的閾值,則把狀態變爲OPEN


  • resilience4j的CircuitBreakerConfig主要設置了failureRateThreshold、ringBufferSizeInHalfOpenState、ringBufferSizeInClosedState、waitDurationInOpenState、recordFailurePredicate、automaticTransitionFromOpenToHalfOpenEnabled這幾個配置。
  • ringBufferSizeInHalfOpenState、ringBufferSizeInClosedState設置的是在ringbuffer的大小,同時也影響failureRate的計算,即若是ringbuffer中的長度小於這個大小,則不會計算失敗率。
  • ringbuffer中的length會遞增,可是不會超過指定的大小,最大爲指定的size

