(1)、鏈接插件connection plugins:負責和被監控端實現通訊;
(2)、host inventory:指定操做的主機,是一個配置文件裏面定義監控的主機;
1 2 [root@php ~]# yum info ansible 3 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security 4 Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile 5 base | 4.0 kB 00:00 ... 6 epel | 4.3 kB 00:00 7 epel/primary_db | 5.7 MB 00:00 8 Available Packages 9 Name : ansible 10 Arch : noarch 11 Version : 1.9.2 12 Release : 1.el6 13 Size : 1.7 M 14 Repo : epel 15 Summary : SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution system 16 URL : http://ansible.com 17 License : GPLv3 18 Description : 19 : Ansible is a radically simple model-driven configuration management, 20 : multi-node deployment, and remote task execution system. Ansible works 21 : over SSH and does not require any software or daemons to be installed 22 : on remote nodes. Extension modules can be written in any language and 23 : are transferred to managed machines automatically. 24 [root@php ~]# yum install ansible
1 /etc/ansible 2 /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg #配置文件 3 /etc/ansible/hosts #主機庫(host inventory) 4 /usr/bin/ansible #主程序 5 /usr/bin/ansible-doc #文檔 6 /usr/bin/ansible-playbook #劇本
ansible <host-pattern> [-f forks] [-m module_name] [-a args]
host-pattern:host inventory文件的一個組名,能夠爲all
-f forks:並行處理的個數,默認爲5
-m module_name:模塊名,默認爲command
-a args:參數
1 [21:20 root@centos6.8/var/ftp/pub/files]# ansible-doc -l 2 less 436 3 Copyright (C) 1984-2009 Mark Nudelman 4 less comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. 5 For information about the terms of redistribution, 6 see the file named README in the less distribution. 7 Homepage: http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less 8 a10_server Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices 9 a10_service_group Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices 10 a10_virtual_server Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices 11 acl Sets and retrieves file ACL information. 12 add_host add a host (and alternatively a group) to the ansible-playbook in-memory inventory 13 airbrake_deployment Notify airbrake about app deployments 14 alternatives Manages alternative programs for common commands 15 apache2_module enables/disables a module of the Apache2 webserver 16 apt Manages apt-packages 17 apt_key Add or remove an apt key 18 apt_repository Add and remove APT repositories 19 apt_rpm apt_rpm package manager 20 assemble Assembles a configuration file from fragments 21 assert Fail with custom message 22 at Schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command. 23 authorized_key Adds or removes an SSH authorized key 24 azure create or terminate a virtual machine in azure 25 bigip_facts Collect facts from F5 BIG-IP devices 26 bigip_monitor_http Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM http monitors 27 bigip_monitor_tcp Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp monitors 28 bigip_node Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM nodes 29 bigip_pool Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pools 30 bigip_pool_member Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pool members 31 bigpanda Notify BigPanda about deployments 32 boundary_meter Manage boundary meters 33
注意:使用ansible-doc -s查看幫助是,通常有=號的參數都是必要的參數
1 [defaults] 2 # some basic default values... 3 hostfile = /etc/ansible/hosts \\指定默認hosts配置的位置 4 # library_path = /usr/share/my_modules/ 5 remote_tmp = $HOME/.ansible/tmp 6 pattern = * 7 forks = 5 8 poll_interval = 15 9 sudo_user = root \\遠程sudo用戶 10 #ask_sudo_pass = True \\每次執行ansible命令是否詢問ssh密碼 11 #ask_pass = True \\每次執行ansible命令時是否詢問sudo密碼 12 transport = smart 13 remote_port = 22 14 module_lang = C 15 gathering = implicit 16 host_key_checking = False \\關閉第一次使用ansible鏈接客戶端是輸入命令提示 17 log_path = /var/log/ansible.log \\須要時能夠自行添加。chown -R root:root ansible.log 18 system_warnings = False \\關閉運行ansible時系統的提示信息,通常爲提示升級 19 # set plugin path directories here, separate with colons 20 action_plugins = /usr/share/ansible_plugins/action_plugins 21 callback_plugins = /usr/share/ansible_plugins/callback_plugins 22 connection_plugins = /usr/share/ansible_plugins/connection_plugins 23 lookup_plugins = /usr/share/ansible_plugins/lookup_plugins 24 vars_plugins = /usr/share/ansible_plugins/vars_plugins 25 filter_plugins = /usr/share/ansible_plugins/filter_plugins 26 fact_caching = memory 27 [accelerate] 28 accelerate_port = 5099 29 accelerate_timeout = 30 30 accelerate_connect_timeout = 5.0 31 # The daemon timeout is measured in minutes. This time is measured 32 # from the last activity to the accelerate daemon. 33 accelerate_daemon_timeout = 30
1 ansible users1 -m command -a 'ls /etc/rc.local' 2 # | | | | | | 3 # | | | | | |_________________要執行的命令 4 # | | | | | 5 # | | | | |____________________________接命令 6 # | | | | 7 # | | | |__________________________________模塊 8 # | | | 9 # | | |_______________________________________接模塊 10 # | | 11 # | |____________________________________________組/IP 12 # | 13 # |_____________________________________________________ansible
1 # 在/tmp/1.txt寫入hello 2 ansible users1 -m shell -a 'echo "hello" > /tmp/1.txt'
1 # 查看/tmp/1.txt文件內容 2 ansible users1 -m shell -a 'cat /tmp/1.txt'
1 ansible users1 -m command -a 'ls /etc/rc.local'
1 ansible users1 -m copy -a 'src=/root/passwd dest=/tmp/passwd mode=0777 ownes=user group=youboy'
備註:src本地文件;dest客戶端目錄;修改權限mode=0777 ;用戶ownes=user ;用戶組group=youboy
// 指定內容寫入到文件
1 ansible users1 -m copy -a 'content="hello word" dest=/tmp/test.txt mode=0777'
1 ansible users1 -m fetch -a 'src=/etc/passwd dest=/tmp/passwd'
1 //刪除文件 2 ansible users1 -m file -a 'past=/tmp/passwd state=adsent' 3 //建立軟鏈接 4 ansible users1 -m file -a 'src=/etc/passwd path=/tmp/passwd.link state=link' 5 //修改用戶權限 6 ansible users1 -m file -a 'path=/tmp/passwd mode=0777 ownes=user group=youboy'
1 ansible users1 -m copy -a 'path=/etc/passwd dest=/tmp/passwd'
1 ansible users1 -m cron -a 'minute=10 hour=02 day=15 moneth=12 weekday=7 name="test" job="date > /tmp/date.txt"' 2 //使用shell模塊驗證計劃任務 3 ansible users1 -m shell -a 'crontab -l' 4 //清除計劃任務(使用ansible users1 -m cron -a name="test" state=absent''可能無效,使用全命令清除便可) 5 ansible users1 -m cron -a 'minute=10 hour=02 day=15 moneth=12 weekday=7 name="test" job="date > /tmp/date.txt" state=absent' 6 //使用shell模塊驗證清除的計劃任務
1 ansible -m hostname -a 'name=jiahui.com'
1 ansible users1 -m yum -a 'name=httpd state=installed'
present 查看安裝
installed 安裝
latest 升級安裝
absent 卸載
1 //啓動服務 2 ansible users1 -m service -a 'name=httpd state=started'
started 啓動服務
stopped 關閉服務
1 /開機自啓 2 ansible users1 -m service -a 'name=httpd enabled=yes runlevel=2345'
備註:runlevel 運行級別(0123456 7個級別,以下)
1 chkconfig --list | grep httpd 2 httpd 0:關閉 1:關閉 2:關閉 3:關閉 4:關閉 5:關閉 6:關閉