Event.currentTarget: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/…html
Event.target: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/…node
Event.srcElement: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/…git
CustomEvent Constructor 用來建立自定義事件的API(標準推薦):developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/…瀏覽器
如何利用document.createEvent()來實現CustomEvent Constructor 的兼容: github.com/tuxsudo/pol…dom
IE8不支持document.createEvent()和CustomEvent Constructor,建立自定義能夠利用 propertychange 類型事件 來兼容,張鑫旭老師在js-dom自定義事件一文中有介紹這種技巧,重點能夠閱讀【4、僞DOM自定義事件】一節: www.zhangxinxu.com/wordpress/2…ide
Property | Defined in | Purpose |
event.target | DOM Event Interface | The DOM element on the lefthand side of the call that triggered this event, eg:ui <pre class="eval line-numbers language-html"><code class=" language-html">element.dispatchEvent(event)<span class="line-numbers-rows" aria-hidden="true"><span></span></span></code></pre>
複製代碼 |
event.currentTarget | DOM Event Interface | The EventTarget whose EventListeners are currently being processed. As the event capturing and bubbling occurs this value changes. |
event.relatedTarget | DOM MouseEvent Interface | Identifies a secondary target for the event. |
event.explicitOriginalTarget | nsIDOMNSEvent.idl | If the event was retargeted for some reason other than an anonymous boundary crossing, this will be set to the target before the retargeting occurs. For example, mouse events are retargeted to their parent node when they happen over text nodes (bug 185889), and in that case .target will show the parent and .explicitOriginalTarget will show the text node.Unlike .originalTarget , .explicitOriginalTarget will never contain anonymous content. |
event.originalTarget | nsIDOMNSEvent.idl | The original target of the event, before any retargetings. See Anonymous Content#Event_Flow_and_Targeting for details. |
The MouseEvent.relatedTarget read-only property is the secondary target for the event, if there is one. That is:
Event name | target |
relatedTarget |
focusin | The EventTarget receiving focus |
The EventTarget losing focus |
focusout | The EventTarget losing focus |
The EventTarget receiving focus |
mouseenter | The EventTarget the pointing device entered to |
The EventTarget the pointing device exited from |
mouseleave | The EventTarget the pointing device exited from |
The EventTarget the pointing device entered to |
mouseout | The EventTarget the pointing device exited from |
The EventTarget the pointing device entered to |
mouseover | The EventTarget the pointing device entered to |
The EventTarget the pointing device exited from |
dragenter | The EventTarget the pointing device entered to |
The EventTarget the pointing device exited from |
dragexit | The EventTarget the pointing device exited from |
The EventTarget the pointing device entered to |
關於MouseEvent.relatedTarget用法的演示: jsfiddle.net/uTe99
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional EventInit eventInitDict),
interface Event {
readonly attribute DOMString type;
readonly attribute EventTarget? target;
readonly attribute EventTarget? srcElement; // historical
readonly attribute EventTarget? currentTarget;
sequence<EventTarget> composedPath();
const unsigned short NONE = 0;
const unsigned short CAPTURING_PHASE = 1;
const unsigned short AT_TARGET = 2;
const unsigned short BUBBLING_PHASE = 3;
readonly attribute unsigned short eventPhase;
void stopPropagation();
attribute boolean cancelBubble; // historical alias of .stopPropagation
void stopImmediatePropagation();
readonly attribute boolean bubbles;
readonly attribute boolean cancelable;
attribute boolean returnValue; // historical
void preventDefault();
readonly attribute boolean defaultPrevented;
readonly attribute boolean composed;
[Unforgeable] readonly attribute boolean isTrusted;
readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp timeStamp;
void initEvent(DOMString type, optional boolean bubbles = false, optional boolean cancelable = false); // historical
dictionary EventInit {
boolean bubbles = false;
boolean cancelable = false;
boolean composed = false;