#1.使用admin.microsoft.com直接分配(這樣批量操做起來想多繁瑣),許可類型在Azure AD的許可中心顯示爲Direct
#2.使用portal.azure.com的group based licensing方法(自動根據組員將許可分配給用戶),相關文檔: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/users-groups-roles/licensing-groups-assign ,許可類型在Azure AD的許可中心顯示爲Inheritedide
#Office 365中會有部分用戶由於管理員使用了以上兩種方式分配許可證,致使用戶一樣的許可證被分配了兩次,許可類型在Azure AD的許可中心顯示爲Direct&Inherited。目前portal.azure.com沒有提供一鍵移除的方法,如下PowerShell腳本能夠達成一鍵移除的功能。ui
#In Office365, there are two ways to assign licenses:
#1. Use admin.microsoft.com to assign directly (so the batch operation is too cumbersome), the license type is displayed as Direct in the license center of Azure AD
#2. Use the group based licensing method of portal.azure.com (automatically assign licenses to users based on group members), related documents: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/users -groups-roles/licensing-groups-assign, the license type is displayed as Inherited in the license center of Azure ADcode
#There will be some users in #Office 365 because the administrator uses the above two methods to allocate licenses, resulting in the same license being allocated twice for users. The license type is displayed as Direct&Inherited in the license center of Azure AD. Currently portal.azure.com does not provide a one-click removal method. The following PowerShell script can achieve the one-click removal function.ip
#Script start function Users-LicenseType { Param( [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$cred ) Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred $Gplist= @{} $Group =Get-msolgroup $licenses = Get-MsolAccountSku #Get all groupname with group objectId foreach($gp in $Group) { $Gplist+=@{$gp.ObjectId.ToString() = $gp.DisplayName} } $users= Get-MsolUser -All $AllUser = @() Foreach($license in $licenses) { foreach($user in $users) { # Find Users License Type $UserList = "" | Select-Object "License","UserPrincipalName","LicenseType" $Assigneds=$user.Licenses $status = "" foreach($assigned in $assigneds) { If($license.accountskuid -eq $assigned.accountskuid) { $lic = $user.Licenses.GroupsAssigningLicense.Guid if($lic -ne $null) { $GpName = '' foreach($lc in $lic) { If($GpName) { if($Gplist.Item($lc.ToString()) -ne $null) { $GpName=$GpName + ";" + $Gplist.Item($lc.ToString()) } } Else { if($Gplist.Item($lc.ToString()) -ne $null) { $GpName=$Gplist.Item($lc.ToString()) } } } foreach($lc in $lic) { If(Get-MsolUser -objectid $lc -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $status = "Direct&Inherited("+$GpName+")" } } $UserList.UserPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName If($status) { $UserList.LicenseType = $status }else{ $UserList.LicenseType = "Inherited("+$GpName+")" } $UserList.License = $assigned.accountskuid $AllUser+= $UserList $UserList =$null }Else{ $UserList.UserPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName $UserList.LicenseType = "Direct" $UserList.License = $assigned.accountskuid $AllUser+= $UserList $UserList =$null } } If($status -like "*Direct&Inherited*") { Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $user.UserPrincipalName -RemoveLicenses $Assigned.accountskuid } } } } $AllUser | Sort-Object -Property License } $cred =Get-Credential $Listofusers = Users-LicenseType -cred $cred $Listofusers