英語寫做裏會遇到須要列舉的時候,經常使用的方式和使用的表達有such as,for example,etc.等等。在這裏,我想介紹的是如何正確使用這些表達。express
1、」例如」 與 」等等」 區別:dom
- such as…和for example…都表示「例如」的意思,即提示下面將會舉例子,可是這兩個詞組表示下面所列的僅爲所有例子中的一部分,不會列舉完。
- …, etc.和…, and so on.都表示「等等」的意思,即提示所列的項沒有列完,可是全部其餘項都被這兩個表達包括進來了。
所以上面兩組表達是對立的(The two expressions are at loggerheads),不能在一個句子同時使用。ui
- 舉例:
- a. These institutes are located in various parts of Italy such as Pisa, Turin and Rome.
- b. The collection includes precious gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, and emeralds.或The collection includes precious gemstones: diamonds, rubies, emeralds, etc.
1. etc是拉丁語et cetera的書面簡寫:spa
- 它自己表明的意思是「and other things」,所以不能夠寫「and etc.」
- 也不能夠與表示只列舉一部分的引導詞如「such as」、「for example」、「including」連用。使用etc時需在前面用逗號隔開(, etc.)
- 另外美式英語中使用etc必須加句號(. period),即」etc.」,而且在句中出現時必須加逗號(, comma),例如Letters, packages, etc., should go here. 在句末時,其後的句號則省去不用
- 另外etc以前必須至少有兩個舉例(there should be at least two items listed)。
- 在列舉人的時候,不能夠用etc。例如All our favorite characters, Jimmy, Slick Sam, Annie from Miami, etc.et al., were at the party.
2. i.e. 是拉丁語id est的簡寫,可等同於「that is」,「namely」,「in other words」。three
- 例句:The cough may last for a short period of time—i.e., three to five days.
3. e.g.是拉丁語exempli gratia的簡寫,可等同於「for example」。ci
- e.g.和i.e.的區別在於,e.g.用於給出一個或多個例子,具備不肯定性,而i.e.是對以前的描述作進一步補充和強調。
- 比較下面兩個例句的區別:
- 1. After work, I’ll walk over to that new sports arena, i.e., Thunderdome.
- 2. After work, I’ll walk over to a sports arena, e.g., Thunderdome or Victory Court. 其實只要記住一個表明that is,一個表明for example就很好區分了。
- e.g. 和 etc. 不能出如今同一句話中,
1. The evaluation noted that the employee had frequently exhibited irresponsible behavior (i.e., coming to work late, failing to complete projects).event
2. Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e.g., organization, clear expression, logical thinking, etc.)
3. The general rule is that if a number can be expressed in three words or fewer, it should be written out (e.g., two hundred seventy).
4. Use a comma to enclose (i.e., both before and after) the year in a month-day-year sequence.
第一句中,應該用「e.g.」而不是用「i.e.」,因為插入句是對「irresponsible behavior 」的舉例。