PSP2.1 | Personal Software Process Stages | 預估耗時(分鐘) | 實際耗時(分鐘) |
Planning | 計劃 | 30 | 60 |
Estimate | 估計這個任務須要多少時間 | 10 | 10 |
Development | 開發 | 480 | 800 |
Analysis | 需求分析 (包括學習新技術) | 60 | 90 |
Design Spec | 生成設計文檔 | 20 | 30 |
Design Review | 設計複審 | 30 | 45 |
Coding Standard | 代碼規範(爲開發制定合適的規範) | 15 | 25 |
Design | 具體設計 | 100 | 110 |
Coding | 具體編碼 | 120 | 180 |
Code Review | 代碼複審 | 30 | 30 |
Test | 測試(自我測試,修改代碼,提交修改) | 150 | 200 |
Reporting | 報告 | 40 | 60 |
Test Repor | 測試報告 | 10 | 10 |
Size Measurement | 計算工做量 | 20 | 25 |
Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan | 過後總結, 並提出過程改進計劃 | 20 | 30 |
Total | 總計 | 1135 | 1705 |
def register(self): def register_(user, psw, num, numpsw): url = 'http://api.revth.com/auth/register2' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } data = { "username": user, "password": psw, "student_number": num, "student_password": numpsw } r = requests.post(url,headers=headers,data=json.dumps(data)) return r r =register_(self.user,self.psw,self.num,self.numpsw) status = r.json()['status'] if status == 0 and 'user_id' in r.json()['data']: self.user_id = r.json()['data']['user_id'] self.is_register = True print('register successful') print(r.text) else: print('register failed!') report(status) print(r.text)
def login(self): def login_(user, psw): url = "http://api.revth.com/auth/login" headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json' } data = { "username": user, "password": psw } r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) return r r = login_(self.user, self.psw) status = r.json()['status'] if status == 0 and 'user_id' in r.json()['data']: self.user_id = r.json()['data']['user_id'] self.token = r.json()['data']['token'] self.logged = True print('Login successful') print(r.text) else: print('login failed!') report(status) print(r.text)
def logout(self): def logout_(token): url = "http://api.revth.com/auth/logout" headers = { 'x-auth-token': token } r = requests.post(url, headers=headers) return r r = logout_(self.token) status = r.json()['status'] if status == 0: self.logged = False print('Logout successful') print(r.text) else: print('logout failed!') report(status) print(r.text)
def getCard(self): url = 'http://api.revth.com/game/open' headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.token} response = requests.post(url, headers=headers) response_dict = response.json() status = response_dict['status'] if (status == 0): self.roomid = response_dict['data']['id'] card = response_dict['data']['card'].split(' ') self.cards = card else: print('getCard Failed!') print(response.text) return card
def get_history(self, page, limit, play_id): def history(token, page, limit, play_id): url = "http://api.revth.com/history" querystring = { "page": page, "limit": limit, "player_id": play_id } headers = { 'x-auth-token': token } r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=querystring) return r data = [] r = history(self.token, page, limit, play_id) status = r.json()['status'] if status == 0: data = r.json()['data'] else: print('get_history failed!') report(status) print(r.text) print(data)
def get_rank(self): url = "http://api.revth.com/rank" r = requests.get(url) print(r.text)
for index_hou in range(len(list_2)): #print("looping again") #print(list_2[index]) list_2 = list(itertools.combinations(list_1,5)) score = 0 get_score(index_hou) #print("score:%d" %score) #print("score_max:%d" %score_max) if(score > score_max): score_max = score ##print("score_max:%d" %score_max) #這個能夠優先取消註釋 list_output[0] = list_qian[0] list_output[1] = list_qian[1] list_output[2] = list_qian[2] list_output[3] = list_zhong[0] list_output[4] = list_zhong[1] list_output[5] = list_zhong[2] list_output[6] = list_zhong[3] list_output[7] = list_zhong[4] list_output[8] = list_hou[0] list_output[9] = list_hou[1] list_output[10] = list_hou[2] list_output[11] = list_hou[3] list_output[12] = list_hou[4]
def get_score(i): score_max_private = 0 global score global list_2 global list_2_backup list_zhong_private = ['','','','',''] weight_hou = get_weight(i,0) #print("後墩權重:%d" %weight_hou) list_hou[0] = list_2[i][0] list_hou[1] = list_2[i][1] list_hou[2] = list_2[i][2] list_hou[3] = list_2[i][3] list_hou[4] = list_2[i][4] #print("後墩牌:",end = "") ##print(list_hou) #print("firstscore:%d" %score) #print(list_input) #list_copyright = copy.copy(list_hou) list_copyright = list(set(list_input).difference(set(list_hou))) list_copyright.sort(key=func_1) #print(list_copyright) #os.system("pause") list_2 = list(itertools.combinations(list_copyright,5)) score_copyright = score for index_zhong in range(len(list_2)): score = score_copyright list_2 = list(itertools.combinations(list_copyright,5)) #print(len(list_2)) weight_zhong = get_weight(index_zhong,weight_hou) #print("中墩權重:%d" %weight_zhong) #print("secondscore:%d" %score) if(weight_zhong>weight_hou): score = 0 continue list_zhong_private[0] = list_2[index_zhong][0] list_zhong_private[1] = list_2[index_zhong][1] list_zhong_private[2] = list_2[index_zhong][2] list_zhong_private[3] = list_2[index_zhong][3] list_zhong_private[4] = list_2[index_zhong][4] #print("中墩牌private:",end = "") #print(list_zhong_private) list_copyright_backup = copy.copy(list_copyright) list_copyright_backup = list(set(list_copyright).difference(set(list_zhong_private))) list_copyright_backup.sort(key=func_1) list_2_backup = list_copyright_backup weight_qian = get_weight_qian() #print("前墩權重:%d" %weight_qian) #print(score) if(weight_qian>weight_zhong): continue if(score>score_max_private): score_max_private = score #print("中墩權重:%d" %weight_zhong) list_zhong[0] = list_zhong_private[0] list_zhong[1] = list_zhong_private[1] list_zhong[2] = list_zhong_private[2] list_zhong[3] = list_zhong_private[3] list_zhong[4] = list_zhong_private[4] #print("中墩牌:",end = "") #print(list_zhong) #print("score_max_zhong:%d" %score_max_private) list_qian[0] = list_2_backup[0] list_qian[1] = list_2_backup[1] list_qian[2] = list_2_backup[2] #print("前墩牌:",end = "") #print(list_qian) #print("lastscore:%d" %score) #print("_______________________") score = score_max_private
問題描述 | 作過哪些嘗試 | 是否解決 | 有何收穫 |
怎麼設計出最優良的算法 | 貪心算法和權值矩陣 | 未徹底解決 | 在算法這一塊確實不如別人機靈,寫出來的基本都是套用和平庸的做品 |
防止相公的狀況出現 | 添加了weight值,讓中墩的weight不能超事後墩,前墩不能超過中墩 | 基本解決 | 在服務器上跑了幾百次基本沒有出現相公的狀況了 |
問題描述 | 作過哪些嘗試 | 是否解決 | 有何收穫 |
剛開始不會調用api | 網絡搜索加問詢同窗 | 解決 | 學會了api的調用,有助於之後軟件設計 |
pygame初學,不少概念不懂 | 學些了網絡的教程 | 基本解決 | 學習了pygame一些前端知識,掌握了一些基本技能 |
第N周 | 新增代碼(行) | 累計代碼(行) | 本週學習耗時(小時) | 累計學習耗時(小時) | 重要成長 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 13 | 學習了axcure RP的使用。 |
2 | 300 | 300 | 8 | 18 | 肯定了基本的後端算法,如何分牌型,如何組牌 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 38 | 推翻了本來的貪心算法,重構了代碼並進行了測試和調錯,代碼量沒有本質增長,可是作的活很多 |